Chapter 21
AN: Do you guys like the new cover? It was made by @ashtonscute.
So... how about that Wattpad update, huh?
Plus, my break lines went from six hyphens to one, because of the stupid Wattpad update.
There might be a bunch of errors in this chapter (not talking about grammar. I already have a bunch of those), because I was jumping around from paragraph to paragraph to rewrite stuff. I apologize for those and any confusions.
Dedication: teasipstyles [See picture above.]
"Bon appétit," Luke said as he somehow managed to carry over two cups of water and two plates of pizza.
"Ah, tu parles français?" I asked him, one corner of my lips curving the slightest bit upwards.
He just blinked at me. "I don't know what you just said, but yes."
I shook my head. "'No' is what I think you meant."
"Wait, what did you ask me?"
Instead of answering him, I laughed and took one of the cups of water from him, drinking it before setting the cup down. "What kind of pizzas are they?"
"Pepperoni," Luke said, placing the food on top of the table. "But if you don't want it, I can just eat them both and get you something that you will eat."
"I'm fine. I'll just eat it."
He raised an eyebrow at me. "You sure? Pizza's just as greasy as burgers, and last time I offered you a burger, you wouldn't eat it."
"I'm not very fond of burgers. Pizza is bearable." I slid the plate of pizza over to myself, picking off the slices of pepperoni and setting them aside. With every piece I tossed off, Luke would pick it up and bring it over to his plate.
"So, princess," my bodyguard began as he lifted his pizza up to his mouth, "what's your story?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a tiny bite out of my food.
"Well, I told you my past. How did you get to where you are?"
"It's not worth talking about." To avoid having to talk more, I took in a bigger piece of the pizza and then set it down.
"I'm just going to wait for you to finish your food before I bring up the topic again."
My eyebrows furrowed and I stared down at the food. After swallowing the piece I bit, I said, "This pizza doesn't taste good. It's too salty."
"Really?" Luke eyed his slice before munching the tip of it. "Mine tastes fine to me. Do you want me to get you something else to eat?"
As much as I was tempted to say yes, I decided against my want. "I'll just finish it. You did pay for it after all."
"If you insist." He resumed to eating his pizza, taking a large bite out of it. He picked up his cup of water and began drinking it. Then he set his drink aside. "Anyway, what's your family like?"
I frowned. "I don't want to talk about them."
"Oh. Bad family?" He took a bite out of his pizza.
"The worst." I drank my water before setting the nearly empty cup aside. "They're not worth my breath, so just drop the subject."
Luke nodded his head, swallowing his food. "If you say so."
"Would you like a refill of your water?" someone asked and my and Luke's eyes glanced up at the waiter holding a pitcher of water.
"No, thanks," Luke answered. Then he glanced over at me. "You want some water?"
"Um, sure," I said and the waiter immediately poured water into my cup. Then the guy walked off and I picked up the water and was about to drink it, but then Luke placed his hand over the top, taking the cup from me.
"I just realized," he began. "This place doesn't have waiters."
"Maybe they started hiring some." I raised my shoulders, this time pulling the cup far from Luke. I began to gulp some down, but then my eyes widened at how bad it tasted. I didn't want to spit it out, so I forced myself to drink it. Then I told Luke, "This water tastes gross! Did they get this from the sewer?!"
"Gross?" Luke asked and I nodded. "Let me try your water."
I handed him my cup and he began taking a sip out of it. He grimaced and shook his head in disapproval.
"The water was fine earlier..." he said. "Maybe we should go elsewhere to eat."
"Now that's an idea," I agreed.
Luke and I both stood up and left our unfinished food and drinks on the table. We walked out of the place and I followed my bodyguard to wherever.
Suddenly I stopped walking when my head started to feel heavy. I brought one hand up to my forehead, shutting my eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"My head hurts," I said. "C-Can we just go back to the hotel and rest?"
"All right. Do you want me to carry you?"
I was going to object, but my headache got worse and I decided to just take his offer. I climbed onto Luke's back and his arms were hooked under me while mine were secure around his neck. I rested my head against his, relaxing myself as we went back to Summers Hotel.
"Damn it, you're loopy again."
"I just want to sleep with you, you doof!" I pouted.
"I think the place drugged you. It's a good thing we left right when we did." Luke stood up from where he was sitting on my bed and I tried to pull him back down. "Let me call Michael and see where he's at."
"Nooooo, forget him," I whined as he dialed my manager's number and brought the phone up to his ear. "I'm important! Me first!"
"Go sleep." Luke shot me a glare and I huffed, curling into the blanket and turning my back to him.
"Lukey's a meanie to princess. He won't sleep with me."
Luke sighed. "Seriously, go lie down. I'll be there in a moment--Michael? Yeah, hi. Where are you?"
I completely covered myself with the blanket and plopped my face into the pillow, trying to fall asleep, but it wasn't working. I needed my Lukey beside me.
"You went without us?" I heard my bodyguard say. "Are you still there?... Oh. Then where are you?"
"Lukey!" I exclaimed, kicking off the blanket until it fell onto the floor. "It's too hot!" Then I stripped myself out of my layers of clothes until I was in nothing but boxer shorts.
"Can you buy some aspirin? Princess has a headache." Luke walked over to where the blanket was, picking it up and placing it back onto the bed. "We're not going anywhere at the moment. Thanks... Okay, bye."
The moment he hung up, Luke tossed his phone onto the couch and I crawled over to him, stretching my arms out at him. "I need my cuddle buddy!"
"I'm not your cuddle buddy," Luke said. "I'm your bodyguard."
I frowned up at him. "When are you going to be my boyfriend?"
"Was it the pizza or the drink that made you like this?" Luke thought for a moment. He turned away, mumbling to himself and going over to the couch.
"No!" I shouted. "Lukey sleeps with me!" I scrambled off of the bed and stumbled over to Luke, only succeeding in tripping over my own feet and falling face first towards the ground.
"Oh, my God," Luke grumbled. I felt him help me up and then he examined my face. "You're going to hurt yourself, princess."
I stuck out my bottom lip. "Want Lukey in bed with me."
Luke sighed. "Fine. But I'm only staying until you fall asleep or something."
The pout on my face was replaced with a smile. "Yay!" I sat upright and stretched my arms out, making grabby hands at him. "Carry me, Lukey!"
He rolled his eyes, but then scooped me up into his arms anyway and took me over to the bed. Once he laid me down, I rolled over onto my my side and he went to lie down next to me. I snaked my arms around him and snuggled closer until there was no room left in between us. I threw one leg over his body and then closed my eyes.
After a minute of silence, I looked over at Luke and saw that he too was starting to fall asleep. A small giggle left me and I pressed my lips to his neck.
Luke's breath hitched and he drew away slightly. He looked down at me and asked, "What are you doing?"
"I want to mark you," I answered, immediately returning to kissing his skin. "Lukey's mine."
"Princess, stop." He placed his hand over my face and I frowned, pushing his hand away and climbing on top of him so I was on my hands and knees to straddle him. Luke sat upright until his back was to the headboard, but I just moved closer as I arched my back inwards.
"What's the matter, Lukey?" I questioned, my eyes gazing into his. "I thought you liked me."
"I-I do," he stuttered. "Can you just go sleep now? I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable right now."
"Uncomfortable?" I rested a hand on his upper thigh. "Want me to help you?"
He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not hard. Just-Just go sleep already."
"Then I guess that makes one of us."
Instead of answering him, I planted my lips onto his cheek, trailing kisses southwards until I was at the underside of his neck.
"Resisting," Luke mumbled, subconsciously tilting his head up. "I have to resist."
"Noooo, don't resist," I said in a low voice as I nibbled at his neck.
"Pr-Princess, I can't--I can't do this to you."
"Please, Lukey?" I pulled away to see what his expression was. "I want you so badly."
"Stop it!" he yelled, his hands on my face and squishing my cheeks together as he glared at me. "Why are you always so horny when you're in your subconscious state? I like you, and I really don't want to take advantage of you."
I merely blinked at him as his eyes looked into mine. I didn't know what to respond with, so I just stuck out my tongue and made a farting sound.
Luke tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth, expression remaining unchanged. "Fuck, you're so cute."
"Lalala," I randomly sang and his countenance softened, lips curving upwards before he laughed.
"Really cute." His hands drew away from my face and he let one finger brush against my cheek. "But you're still weird when you're like this. You're either horny or a five year old."
I sat on his lap, lazily reaching my hand back for the blanket to pull it over my shoulders. "I am princess mesh-mash-meshimellow!"
"Marshmallow." He chuckled, leaning in and kissing my cheek. "Say it with me now."
"Meshimellow!" I giggled.
Luke shook his head. "Close, but not correct."
I frowned. "If I say meshimellow correctly, can princess get a kiss?"
"Sure," he answered as he shrugged. "But we're not doing anything more than a kiss, okay?"
"But I'm rock hard still." I stared down at the bulge in my thin layer of boxer shorts, bringing one finger and poking at it. "Soften!"
"It'll go away on its own, princess." Luke motioned for me to get off of him and I reluctantly complied, watching as he stood up from the bed. "Or you can go to the bathroom and finish your business in there."
Instead of answering, I rolled onto my stomach, burying my face into the pillow. "Too tired now. Come cuddle with me instead."
"And we're back to cuddling again, okay."
I felt Luke slide beside me, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me towards him. I went onto my side so I was facing Luke and I snuggled my head under his chin, smiling contently at the comforting feeling of his presence.
"Wait!" I suddenly exclaimed, once again moving myself on top of Luke. I puckered my lips out, making a small noise to indicate that I wanted a kiss.
"You didn't say marshmallow," Luke said, but I was determined to get a kiss anyway. He rolled his eyes, but complied with my wish as he turned onto his back and his hands cupped my face.
I just wanted a kiss, a simple peck on the lips, but things got more heated as tongues were involved and his hands reached down to grab my bum. Of course, I didn't stop him. I was enjoying this too much to end it now.
"Lukey," I moaned into the kiss when he squeezed my behind, flipping the both of us over so he was now hovering above me.
"Fuck, I-I need to stop," my bodyguard cursed, moving away from me.
However, I locked him in place as my legs wrapped around his body and pulled him closer to me.
"Don't," I said.
He bit on his lip, looking uncertain of what to do. Then he brushed my hair out of my eyes. "I don't want to take advantage of you. I care about you too much to do that to you, princess."
I pouted, but then grabbed a hold of his other hand, placing it on my thigh. "Then at least take care of me?"
He looked slightly confused before I guided his hand in between my legs, the simple touch making my eyes close and a quiet moan leave me.
I didn't have to make him rub my erection. When I released his wrist, he moved his hand in an up-down motion. I tried to suppress my voice, but the feeling of his hand on me was amazing and made my stomach feel funny.
When I opened my eyes slightly, his face was close to mine and he placed a long and gentle kiss to my lips.
Within seconds I was close to reaching my high, and I tried to form words to let Luke know. However, I didn't seem to have to say anything, for he had pushed my legs apart so he could step out and carried me towards the bathroom.
From there, he placed me in the tub and pulled off the remaining of what I was wearing, leaving me completely naked.
"Wow," Luke said, "and I thought I was big."
I sensed myself blush a bit at his words, averting my eyes from him. His hand then wrapped around my length and began pumping it and I tilted my head back against the wall, my lips parted slightly as my pants grew heavier.
I felt Luke's free hand grab my chin and make me face him and he was kissing me once again, his own moans just as erratic as my own.
"Are you okay, princess?" he asked me when he pulled away and I nodded.
"I-I'm almost there," I told him, my eyes closing and opening every once in a while. "So close to it."
"Any moment now." He did some motion with his wrist, making the feeling even more incredible for me. That mere motion alone was enough to make me come all over my stomach and his hand, his name slipping from past my lips loudly as I came.
After that, my back that I didn't realize was arched was relaxed and so was every part of me. I lolled my head to the side away from Luke, my eyes shutting as my breaths were slowly coming back to normal.
As I was coming down from my high, Luke cleaned off what I had released onto the both of us and then he grabbed a towel, motioning for me to sit upright.
I did as I was told and he wrapped the towel around me, making sure it was secure around me before he picked me up bridal style once again back to the bed.
He laid me down on the bed and pulled the blanket over me before removing the towel from me.
"Cuddle me, Lukey," I mumbled, burying one side of my face into the comfy pillow.
"In a moment," he said. "I, uh, have to take care of some business."
I just nodded in response as he went back towards the restroom, the sound of the water running was heard and maybe some of his moans.
Many minutes later, he was back with only a towel hugging his waist to hide his lower half.
Luke moved into the empty spot beside me after removing his towel, and I was beyond disappointed when he was wearing boxer shorts underneath it. He moved into the spot beside me and I pressed myself to his side, resting my head against his shoulder and falling asleep almost immediately.
But not before I felt Luke kiss the top of my head as he whispered, "Good night, my princess."
While he was asleep, Luke was pushed off the bed by me and I was glaring at him, my face completely red from embarrassment and anger.
"What. Did. You. Do?!" I shouted, hiding my bare body with the blanket by wrapping it around me. "What the hell happened?!"
"What are you talking about?" he grumbled, rubbing his arm that he fell on when he was shoved off.
"Why am I naked?! A-And why are you almost naked?!" I suddenly gasp. "Did you drug me on our date?!"
He looked up at me before furrowing his eyebrows. "What? No! I would never do that to you! First of all, that's disrespectful towards a princess, and second, that's just wrong!"
"Then why can't I remember anything?! You didn't take my virginity, did you?!"
"I swear to God, I didn't drug you and I would never take advantage of you like that ever!" He stood up and began approaching me, but I cowered away from him. "Princess, believe me. I'm not vile enough to do that."
Without saying anything else to Luke, I let the blanket completely devour me as I lay down on the bed, feeling my entire body shake and the need to just cry.
"I-I just want to know what happened," I mumbled.
"Then come here," Luke said as I sensed him seating himself on the edge of the bed.
I peeked from underneath the blanket and looked up at him, seeing his serious yet fond expression. I slowly inched my way closer to him, keeping the blanket around me. His arms encircled me and drew me closer to his chest, his chin resting on my shoulder.
"You, um, you were all loopy and stuff," Luke explained, "and when you're in that state you tend to hit on me in a wanton manner. So, being the good person I was, I didn't let you advance on to anything that would lead to sex, because I want our first time to be special.
"Then you you suddenly turned adorable, like you couldn't somehow say marshmallow and then you asked for a kiss. But you were still hard from earlier and I said it would go away on its own, and then you wanted to cuddle and then I agreed.
"But you still wanted a kiss and I even said okay to that, but somehow I was becoming turned on as well and I couldn't help but get a little more intimate. I caught myself nearly doing what I didn't want to do when you're not, you know, like this.
"You asked me to take care of you, meaning the problem you had that wouldn't go away, and I helped you get off. But I swear, that's the most sexual action we did!"
I just nodded my head lightly, my eyes fixed on my fingers that were playing with each other.
"Are you mad at me?" he questioned. "I'm sorry, princess. I should've been a better person."
"So how come I'm without any clothes?" I asked.
Luke chuckled. "You said something about being too hot and then started stripping, but only to your boxers. Those were removed when I helped take care of your problem in the bathroom."
My cheeks heated up and I moved away from Luke, my back to him.
"We didn't have sex, right?" I just had to make sure.
"No sex happened," he reassured. "I promise. By the way, you're still a virgin?"
Suddenly my defensive side came up and I hid myself deeper into the blanket. "D-Don't make fun of me for it. There's nothing wrong with still being a virgin at twenty."
"No, I understand. You're waiting for the perfect someone, right?"
I nodded my head.
"Well, I hope you find that person one day."
That made me turn myself around to look at him with wide eyes. "Wh-What? But I thought--"
"You'll find that special someone whom you'll give your innocence to. Just make sure you give it to someone you know you'll be with forever."
"W-Well, I..." I trailed off, now staring down at the ground. "I-I was--Maybe I--"
Luke stood up from the bed and I reached out to him, but I wasn't quick enough as he walked nearby his couch, leaning down and gathering clothes from his bag.
I watched him pick up his phone, pressing the home button. "Wow, it's only four. We still got time to do stuff." He looked over at me. "Do you feel sick in any way?"
I shook my head. "N-No."
"Great. I'm going to get dressed and then call Michael to find out where he is. Then we'll see what the rest of today's schedule is--"
"Luke, are you gay?" I blurted out randomly. "I-I know it's kind of a redundant question at this point, but just... other than doing some intimate stuff with me, you don't really act like it."
He looked over at me, blinking a few times before responding. "I don't have to act gay to be gay, you know. If you're talking about personality wise, don't think that a gay person has to act flamboyant all of the time. And to answer your question, I'm not gay."
"Then why--"
"I'm bisexual, but I prefer dicks over chicks. Especially yours."
Again, my whole entire face turned beet red and I hid the bottom half of it in the blanket.
Luke quickly threw on a dress shirt and draped his tie around his shoulders. Then he walked over to me and I shrunk deeper into the blanket.
"Anything you want to tell me? Preferably about sex?" he asked, and I felt like I knew what he was referring to, but I wasn't entirely sure.
I mumbled into the blanket and Luke leaned in to hear me better.
He said, "Didn't quite catch that, princess. What was that?"
Moving the blanket from my lips, I said quickly, "Iwanttogivemyvirginitytoyou."
My bodyguard smiled. "Aren't you forgetting something? For one thing, we're not dating yet. So..." He leaned his forehead against mine. "How do you feel about becoming my boyfriend?"
I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips as I responded, "I would be greatly honored."
AN: What is this even? Haha, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though it was kind of all over the place. I don't know what to think of it, because it was quite strange to me.
Anyway, thoughts? Comments? Predictions?
I hope this chapter was worth the read and your time (: Until next time! x
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