Chapter 14
AN: The gif was sent to me by my friend, lukeslyrics! C:
Also a video of a funny beer commercial! c;
Please comment c: I want to know what your thoughts are as you read the weird chapter ^^
Dedication: Ashton_Moans [Here's something to freak you and everyone else up.]
I decided to wear a red flannel that I tied around my waist (just in case it gets colder later on), a dark grey T-shirt, black jeans, and brown lace-up work boots.
I stepped out of the room and saw that Luke was standing by the door. He was still in his own clothes and not the bodyguard outfit Michael got him.
"You're not gonna wear your bodyguard suit?" I asked.
Luke shook his head. "Why would I?"
"Because you're my bodyguard."
"So? I look stupid in one. And besides, we're just casually going out. This isn't anything formal."
"I know, but technically you're still on duty as my bodyguard since I'm going to be out in public and you'll have to be prepared to protect me."
He pouted. "But I like my clothes. They make me look cool. I don't want to wear a suit." Luke thought for a moment. "Then again, the suit was sort of easier for me to move around in when I fight... But I don't want to stand out."
"You won't. I'm the one going to stand out because I'm a celebrity. You're just my bodyguard."
"I'll go back to wearing it tomorrow. Besides, we're just hanging out, right?"
I nodded, looking down at my shoes before glancing back up at Luke. "Where are we hanging out exactly?
"Out. You'll see."
I frowned, the two of us walking out of the hotel suite and heading towards the elevator. "Why can't you just tell me?"
"Because that'll spoil the fun. And knowing you, you can't have fun to save your life."
I gaped at him. "I can have fun if I wanted to!"
"Yeah?" Luke laughed. "Prove it, princess."
"Well, when we get to wherever we're going, I'll show you."
He shrugged. "If you say so." Then he and I went out into the hotel lobby and I slipped on my sunglasses.
Since Frederick was most likely out with Michael, Luke and I didn't have any private transportation, so we had to get a taxi (it was either that, take a bus, or go by foot). If we wanted to hail a cab, we had to wait in front of the hotel where a bunch of my fans were swarming around me. Well, they at least tried to since the hotel provided some security to control the chaotic fans.
I put a smile on my face as I went to some of the fans and started signing some things for them and taking pictures with them. I even hugged a few, and some other thirsty fans tried to touch me where no one is allowed to touch.
Some of the girls were trying to talk to Luke who was standing behind me. They would start chatting with him, but to me it seemed more like flirting. I was having none of that. First of all, Luke's supposed to be too busy making sure I'm safe and not hurt. He has no time for these girls.
Whenever a girl managed to get Luke's attention and he started responding to her, I would hit his arm and he would look at me.
"Keep your eye out for any cabs," I said. "Don't get distracted by girls."
"Right, sorry," he apologized. He excused himself from the girl (though I'd much rather have him ignore her than say sorry to her). Luke led us closer to the street where we could have a better view of what vehicles passed, and my fans were still annoying me by screaming in my ears and trying to get me to look over at them.
Luke stretched his arm outward when an oncoming taxi van was approaching us. It stopped right in front of us and he opened the door for me to climb in.
The girls were screaming louder for me to notice them, but I continued to get inside the cab. Suddenly, someone grabbed my jacket and I was pulled away from the cab as arms were thrown around me.
"Notice me, Ashton!" the girl squealed. Luke was prepared to step out of the car, but the girl was already forced away from me as some security guards hauled her away and pushed her back into the crowd.
"Let's go," Luke said, taking my hand in his and pulling me towards the cab. He let me in first and the girls were screaming my name, some probably crying at this point now that I was about to leave. He climbed in the van after me and closed the door.
My bodyguard whispered something to the guy and then got a nod from him. The driver started to punch the location in to the GPS and I looked to see him type in "Downtown," but I missed the second word as he had already hit another button that led to the GPS to give him directions.
I looked over at Luke who was seated at the window seat on the other side of the car. "Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see," he answered, pulling out his phone. "It's going to be a while, princess. You might want to get comfortable."
As the cab started to move, I removed my sunglasses from my face and hung them on my shirt. I stole another glance at Luke to see that he was texting someone. The name on the top said Michael, so unless it was a different Michael, I guessed it was my manager.
Speaking of which, I don't think Luke has ever mentioned anyone that's been in his life before meeting me. Then again, why would he even tell me anything about his life? It's not like he has to tell me everything, but it'd be a bit nice if I knew a little bit more about him.
I leaned against the car door on my side and stared out at other cars passing by and pedestrians on the street. I rested my elbow on the door armrest and set my chin on top of my hand. Throughout the entire ride it was silent, Luke on his phone while I kept myself preoccupied with the Hollywood sights, my bodyguard occasionally making his way into my mind.
Once we got to what seemed like Downtown Los Angeles about half an hour later, Luke took me to this phone store and I raised my eyebrow. If he told me we were going to come here, he could've at least told me to bring my broken phone.
"Luke, I don't have my phone with me," I told him.
"I got you, princess," Luke said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out my cracked iPhone. "You left it lying around, and a phone is kind of important to have on you."
"Okay, so I just get a new phone and that's it? We'll head back to the hotel afterwards?"
"I think just repairing the screen is cheaper, but it'll take a few days. And no, we'll do something after this. Now let's go."
So Luke and I entered the store and we were immediately greeted by one of the employees.
The employee had brown hair that was spiked up and really dark brown eyes. He gave me and Luke a wide smile as he said, "Welcome! Let me know if you need any sort of assistance."
"Actually, will you help us?" Luke said as he held up my phone. "We need to get this screen fixed."
The employee, whose name was Sean (it says on his name tag), took the phone and examined it. He shook his head. "This looks bad."
"So you can't fix?"
"Hm? Oh, I never said that. I can get this fixed in three days. Just come by then and be ready to pay by then."
I cocked an eyebrow. "Is that it?"
Sean looked at me before he said, "Nope. Do you think you can also throw in an autograph signed to my little sister, Janae? She loves your music and she's going to freak out when she finds out her idol Ashton Irwin walked in here today."
I laughed before looking at Luke. "I like this guy."
Luke said, "Yeah, he's cool."
We walked over to the store counter where Sean handed me a sharpie and paper and I began writing a note to Janae, signing at the very bottom.
The employee folded up the paper and stuffed it into his pocket. "Thanks, man. I appreciate it."
I grinned. "No problem," I said. I looked over at Luke. "Can we go now?"
"Yeah, okay," he said before he spoke to Sean. "See you in three days."
We left the phone store and I put my sunglasses on, Luke following right behind me as he told where to go. However, as we approached this pet store, I stopped in front of the shop window when I saw the puppies.
"Luke, look!" I exclaimed, my hands pressed against the clear glass and the puppies ran up to the window, putting their cute paws on the window as their tails wagged. "They're so cute!"
"We can go in there and take a look at them," he said. "Would you like that?"
I nodded eagerly and as we entered the store, the golden puppies ran over to me and barked happily at me, their tongues hanging from their mouths.
Luke reached to pick one up and he held it up towards me, but the dog glared over at Luke and started yapping at him. Luke cringed from the loud noise and I laughed as I took the dog from him. It immediately started licking my face and I started petting its head.
"It likes me," I said.
"Yeah, not so much with me." Luke wiped his hands against his clothes and I just smiled at the puppy.
"Is everything all right over here?" I heard someone ask and I glanced over to the side to see an old lady as she gave me and Luke a fond smile.
"Oh, we're just looking around," Luke answered. "You don't mind, do you?"
She shook her head. "Not at all. Take your time." I held the dog up in front of Luke's face and it immediately started growling at him. I couldn't help but giggle when Luke started growling back at it. "You two make a lovely couple."
My eyes widened and I looked over at the old lady, blush forming on my cheeks. I stole a quick glance at my bodyguard where he was chuckling a bit.
"We're not dating, ma'am," he clarified. "I'm only his bodyguard."
She raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Pardon me. I do think that it would be cute if you two dated. It's nice to see a gay couple once in a while.
"Thank you, but I can assure you that I'm not gay."
The smile that was once on my face disappeared, but neither Luke nor the lady saw it since I sort of hid my face behind the happy puppy. Well, there goes any chances of me being with Luke. He's not interested in me, and probably will never be.
I set the puppy down back in its place and it pouted, trying to jump back into my arms. I stood up straight and tugged at the sleeve of Luke's jacket.
When he looked at me, I said, "Can we go now? I'm done looking at the puppies."
"Yeah, okay," he said and then turned to face the lady. "Have a good day, ma'am."
"And you both have one as well," she replied, smiling. I gave one last peek at the puppies and then left the shop with Luke behind me before he appeared at my side.
"Is something the matter?" Luke asked. "Did the puppy bite you? It tried to bite me, too."
"No, it's nothing," I answered. Then I cleared my throat. "So, um, where was the place that you wanted to take me?"
Luke and I stood in front of a building where music was blasting inside, and just from that I knew instantly where we were.
"It's a club," Luke said as he led me inside. A security guard was standing outside and we had to show him that we were at least eighteen to enter. Once he permitted us entry, Luke and I stepped into the club and my bodyguard examined the place, his face seeming to go in awe.
Colorful lights were shining everywhere and there were a bunch of people near the middle of the room, jumping up and down to the rhythm of the song that was playing throughout the place. Some other people were at a bar where they were being served drinks. I noticed that some had wristbands on their wrists, most likely for those who are at the legal drinking age who are allowed to consume alcohol.
"One of the best places in Los Angeles, from what I've heard," my bodyguard said.
"Jumping up and down in one spot is not fun," I said, glaring up at Luke.
Suddenly we were pushed to the side and I was pressed against Luke as his back hit the wall. He wrapped his arms around me protectively as he and I watched the people that had shoved us join the rest of the dancing people.
Luke grinned. "Looks like everyone's having fun to me."
"I'm not staying here!" I shouted. "C-Can we go somewhere else? A walk in the park sounds nice."
My bodyguard chuckled. "Why? Are you scared or something?"
"I just don't trust this place."
"Don't worry. I'll stick by your side the entire time."
Suddenly a girl with large brown hair and a very curvy body walked over to us and grabbed Luke's wrist.
"Hey, sexy!" she exclaimed. "Let's dance!"
Luke started to speak, "Wait a minute! I-"
However the girl was already dragging him towards the center of the room where the two were now swallowed in the sea of dancing and sweaty people.
So much for sticking by my side, Luke.
I hesitantly walked over to the bar and took a seat on an empty stool. I tried to search for Luke in the crowd, but he was nowhere to be seen.
During the time while I was trying to find my bodyguard, a bottle was passed over to me and I looked at it, raising an eyebrow. I don't recall ordering anything to drink, and I know for a fact that I'm not at the legal drinking age. One more year, Ashton. One more year.
"It's for you," someone said beside me and I looked over to see this guy with jet black hair styled in a small quiff looking back at me.
"What's this?" I questioned, raising the bottle.
"It's a Bierbitzch."
I glared at him. "What did you call me?"
He laughed. "No, that's what it's called! It's pronounced 'beer bitch,' but that's just the name of the drink."
"Oh, okay." I drummed my fingers against the top of the counter before I popped open the bottle. "Um, I'm not exactly allowed to drink yet."
"I got it covered." The guy held up his arm to reveal his wristband. "Anything for a cutie." He winked at me and I couldn't help but blush. I looked away from him and started taking in two gulps of the drink, the alcoholic drink burning my throat.
I glanced out back at the dance floor and finally spotted Luke with the same girl that dragged him out there, and she was grinding her ass against his crotch. I averted my eyes from the two and started chugging down the rest of the drink.
By the time I finished the drink, I was already feeling the alcohol starting to take effect on me, and I was asking the guy to get me another bottle, in which he did. After going through three bottles, I couldn't think straight anymore.
"Woo! Party!" I exclaimed, clumsily hopping out of my seat and making my way over to the dance floor. I went to some random girl and she grinned upon seeing me. I went from one girl to another, dancing (or just jumping around) with different ones each time.
"Hey cutie with the cute ass," I heard some guy slur as I felt two hands on my hips.
"I'm a cutie with a cute ass!" I said, giggling. I turned my head around to see the same guy that gave me the Bierbitzch drinks. He seemed kind of out of his mind as well.
"How 'bout we take this back to my place?" He slipped his hands down to cup my bum, but I swatted them away.
"You're hot and all, but I belong to someone else." I glanced around the club to find Luke and when I spotted him hanging out near the back of the club, I smiled. "Found him!"
I stumbled over to him while the guy behind me tried to call me back. I noticed Luke was chatting with the girl that had stole him from me earlier. Her face was caked with makeup and it was really not attractive at all, and it made it even less attractive when she started flirting with my bodyguard.
Once I reached Luke, I pushed the girl that was too close to him aside and threw my arms around my Lukey.
"Lukey, hi!" I giggled, rubbing my cheek against his shoulder.
"Um, hey," he said awkwardly. "Have you been drinking? Aren't you twenty?"
"Maybe just a little." I glared at the brunette before waving her off. "Off you go, bitch."
She scoffed at me. "How dare you!" she screeched. "I had him first!"
"No, no. You can't have him, because Lukey's mine." I pointed at the guy that was hitting on me earlier. "You can have him though. Like you, he's thirsty for some booty. Yours isn't as sexy as mine, but he can deal with it, can't he?"
She huffed before storming off, and I wasn't surprised when she went over to the guy I mentioned. I glanced up at Luke with a drunken smile and he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Hi," I said to him, scrunching up my nose as I showed him a toothy smile.
"Hey," he said back. "Are you okay? Do you want to go back to the hotel?"
"Oh, doing the naughty, are we?" I giggled.
Luke shook his head. "No, you're just drunk and it'll be bad if anyone recognizes you and catches you like this. Come on, let's go." He started to pull away from me, but my arms tightened around him and I nuzzled my face into his neck.
"Noooo, don't wanna," I whined.
"We'll get in major trouble recognizes who you are and snaps a picture of you."
I gasped. "Oh, my God. They can take a picture of us and we'll be the couple of the century!"
"No." He pushed me away and I pouted. "We're not a couple. We can't be."
"Why?" I frowned. "Don't you like me?"
"Look, you're drunk, okay? We're leaving. Now." Luke grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the exit of the club, but stopped in his place. "Crap, someone must've saw you here. Paparazzi are just outside."
"Oi, paps! Come join the party in here!" I shouted, but Luke slapped his hand over my mouth before taking me towards the back of the club.
"Are you crazy?!" he snapped. "Are you trying to ruin yourself?!"
I hiccuped before smiling. "What the hell." Then I felt two hands at my bum and I knew they weren't Luke's since he was still holding my wrists. I tugged my hand out of his hold and smacked away the hands on my ass. "No, shoo! Hands off! My booty is a big no-no to you!"
"Don't be like that," said the guy from earlier and I glared at him. "Come on, let's have some fun, baby."
"Nuh-uh! I'm no one's baby!" I grabbed Luke's hands and placed them on my bum. "My ass belongs to Lukey, because I'm his princess."
"A-Ashton!" Luke shouted.
The guy huffed. "Whatever. Go be gay together then. I can find other hot people." He stalked off and Luke pushed me away.
"What the hell's going on through your mind?!" Luke exclaimed.
"I'm Lukey's princess," I slurred, laughing. "Princess Ashton and his knight in a sexy bodyguard tuxedo." I stepped closer to him until our chests were pressed against each other, resting my arms on his shoulders. I eskimo kissed him and giggled some more. "You're so hot, Lukey."
He gulped. "Princess-"
"I want you bad."
"Stop it-"
"Don't you want me, too?"
"I-" He stopped himself before biting his bottom lip. "N-Not now. You're not mentally stable and I don't want to take advantage of you."
"Then tell sober princess that drunk princess said this is okay." I placed my lips on his neck, leaving kisses on his skin. He let out a quiet moan and I smirked at the reaction I got out of him.
Suddenly a sound of a camera going off was heard and he pulled away from me, taking me towards the hallway that led to the restrooms.
He and I went towards an accessible restroom and he pushed me inside, peering through the small opening between the wall and door. He closed the door and then turned to me, an upset look on his face.
"Someone just took a picture of us!" he shouted. "You can't just do things like that in public! You're fucking famous, have you forgotten?! When this gets all over the media, things will not go well for you!"
I sat on top of the closed toilet seat and crossed my arms over my chest. "Then the world will know whom I belong to."
I heard Luke sigh and then I stood up from my spot, walking over to him and nearly falling in the process. He caught me in his arms and I cuddled against him.
"We need to get you out of here without anyone seeing you," he said.
"But I don't wanna go," I said.
"We have to."
"Don't wanna go."
"What will it take for you to cooperate?"
I thought for a moment, my face twisting into one that showed I was thinking.
Then I answered, looking up at Luke's face, "Kiss me."
His eyes widened and he asked, "Wh-What?"
I placed a finger on my lips. "Right here." I smiled.
"I'm not kissing you. Not like this anyway."
I frowned, pulling Luke to sit on top of the toilet. When he sat down, I straddled over his lap and sat down on it, still facing him. My hands were on his shoulders and his hands were on my waist.
"How 'bout now?" I asked, giggling.
"Th-That's not what I meant," he said. "You're drunk and you won't remember any of this when the alcohol wears off. Besides, i-if I kiss you then..." Luke trailed off and I leaned close so our lips were only an inch apart.
"Then?" I pressed on, my forehead now against his.
"Then I... I-I-" He didn't get to finish his sentence because I started moving my hips, making my bum rub against him.
"F-Feels good," I said before I bit on my bottom lip to keep in a moan, a smiling coming onto my face.
Luke gripped my hips to stop my movements. "D-Don't, princess. Don't move your hips."
"Why?" I asked, pouting.
"If you keep going, then I-I won't be able to stop myself."
I smirked. "Sounds good to me." I was about to press our lips together, but he slapped his hand over my mouth, making me frown at his lack of reciprocating my action.
"I don't want our first kiss like this where you won't remember anything," Luke explained. "I want it to be special, something we both can remember. Can you wait 'til you're sober?"
I pouted before huffing. "I wish I wasn't drunk so we could kiss already."
"Then you shouldn't have took in any alcohol." He chuckled, brushing my hair to the side. "You're so cute, princess." He then started tickling my sides and I squirmed around, laughing while doing so.
"Stop, Lukey!" I giggled, hugging his neck while my chest was pressed against his. He eventually did and he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tightly close to him. His fingers ran through my wavy hair and we were silent before I spoke up, "I'm cold, Lukey."
"You have a jacket, princess," he pointed out and then he drew away slightly and started to untie my jacket from my waist. He placed my jacket on my shoulders and I tried to slip my arms through the sleeves, succeeding after many attempts of missing the sleeves. My arms were back around his neck and his were around my waist. I couldn't help but smile at the warm and comforting feeling of being held in his arms.
"I like you, Lukey," I whispered. "Do you like me, too?"
Instead of answering my question, he responded, "W-We'll, um, discuss more of this when your mind is in a better state, all right? But you have to remind me or else the topic will never come up."
I can deal with that, so I nodded, smiling wider than before. "Okiez."
I didn't feel like walking, so Luke ended up carrying me out through the back of the club where he called someone to come pick us up from there. The entire time, even throughout the car ride, my arms were around his neck and my legs were around his waist. His arms were secure around my body so I wouldn't fall.
Luke said something about not wanting anyone to see me in my drunken state, so he made sure to keep me out of anyone's sight. I don't know how he did it. He did his weird Luke stuff to keep anyone from seeing me.
"You're so hot and strong, Lukey," I said, giggling as he opened the door to the hotel suite and took me to the bedroom. "Can you lift a thousand kilograms?"
"I'm not that strong, princess," he said. "Just strong enough to carry you."
"Can I try carrying you?" I squirmed in his arms to get onto my feet, but Luke wouldn't let me down.
"No, I don't think you can." He laid me down on the bed, or tried to since I kept clinging onto him, but I eventually let go. He went over to his couch and then removed his jacket, tossing it onto the couch's arm.
"Lukey!" I exclaimed as I curled myself up in the blanket so it was snug around me. I wormed one arm out of the blanket's hug and patted the empty spot beside me. "Come sleep with me!"
"No, thanks," he responded. "I'll sleep on the couch."
I pouted. "Please? Just at least 'til I fall asleep?"
Luke looked as if he was debating whether or not to do as I requested. In the end, he sighed and walked over to the bed where I gave him a wide smile before exclaiming in joy.
"You need to keep your voice down, princess," Luke said as he sat down on the edge of the bed, brushing my hair to the side.
I rolled onto my stomach until my side was touching Luke's body. "Oopsies."
My bodyguard chuckled. "You're weird when you're drunk, you know that?"
I placed a finger to my lips. "Shh, don't tell anyone." I giggled before unwrapping the blanket from me. I sat up and started pulling off my jacket. "Too hot in here." I threw that aside and started tugging my shirt over my head. Once my upper body was bare, I got on my back and stuck my legs up in the air. "Jeans must go!"
"Really weird," Luke said.
"Lukey! Help me pull off my jeans! They are defying me!"
Luke rolled his eyes and I instructed him to sit behind my legs. Once he did, I spread them apart and then giggled when my ass was in the air.
"Look, Lukey! I'm ready for you!" I exclaimed, more fits of giggles leaving my mouth.
"Okay, you're never drinking again," Luke said, shaking his head.
"Just shut up and get me naked already."
He pushed my legs down and started unbuttoning my jeans. As he started to tug them down, I lifted my legs back up in the air so he could get them off more easily. But as he was sliding them off, my boxer shorts slipped off just a bit so my bum was exposed.
"Uh oh!" I laughed, pulling my boxers back over my butt as Luke just slapped his hand over his face, shaking his head.
"This is so awkward," he said. He finally disposed of my jeans onto the ground and I rolled onto my stomach. "Just go sleep now."
I slapped the bed, signaling Luke to lie down. He seemed hesitant at first, but did as I said. He was really close to the edge, so I grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him towards the middle.
"Go closer," I ordered. "You'll fall off the bed."
Luke sighed but moved over. I pulled the blanket over the both of us before I threw an arm and leg over his body and snuggled up to his side. He was really warm and I sighed in content once I got comfortable.
"You're gonna get a hangover in the morning," Luke said.
"What time is it?" I asked as I closed my eyes.
"It's seven somethin'. You're drunk at seven somethin'."
"Yay! Okay, nighty-night, Lukey! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"
I heard Luke snicker as he ran his fingers through my hair, his arm curling around me.
"Good night, princess," he said and those were the last words that I heard before I slept all of the way until the next morning.
AN: Despite this chapter being weird, I had fun writing it c: 5K words AGAIN! Damn, Max, ¡Cálmate!
Anyway, what did you think about Lashton's little going out thing? Any comments, questions, predictions as to what may happen?
I hope this was worth the read and that you enjoyed the chapter C: Until next time, my lovelies! x
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