Chapter 13
AN: Yay! 100k views! Thank you so much! (:
Ashton gif on the side for all you Ashton fans.
Dedication: nikeluke [You were actually half correct.]
I was woken up to something falling right on my face.
I groaned and pushed the object off of me as I slowly sat upright. When I looked down to see what fell on me, I saw Calum's notebook filled with song lyrics.
"Michael dropped by earlier," I heard Luke say. "He said to get started writing once you're up."
"Mm..." I murmured as I looked over at Luke who was now clothed in not his bodyguard suit, but skinny jeans and a black jacket.
I glanced out the window. It was still dark out, so I let my head fall right back onto the pillow as I said, "Too early. Going back to sleep."
"It's already ten. You might want to get up already."
I only grumbled.
Luke just sighed before he walked away and I rubbed my face against the warm pillow, pulling the covers over my head and letting myself fall asleep some more. I heard the sound of a door closing and then water running. Luke's probably just showering first before he'll bother me.
After a while, I was able to sleep peacefully just for a bit before the blanket was pulled off of me. I curled up into a ball to keep myself warm, but then I was scooped into arms bridal style, now more conscious than before.
"What the hell!" I shouted and then looked at Luke who was laughing as he carried me towards the bathroom. "Put me down!"
"In a moment, princess," he said as he used his foot to push the bathroom door open. The bathtub was being filled with water and it was still running out of the faucet.
"No! Don't!" I shrieked, throwing my arms around Luke's neck. "I'm awake! I'm awake!"
"I can't hear you over the water you're about to be dropped in, princess!" Luke began laughing even more as he tried lowering me down.
"Luke, knock it off! This isn't funny!"
"Okay, okay. I'll put you down."
"Not in the bathtub! J-Just let me stand on my own."
"Jeez, you take the fun out of a lot of things, don't you?" My bodyguard set me down and I stepped away from him so he wouldn't get any chance of somehow turning on me and throwing me in the tub filled with water anyway. "I'll just drain the water."
I watched as Luke leaned over the side of the tub and pulled the plug to let the empty the tub of water. I leaned against the open door and stared down at my fingers, trying to keep myself preoccupied.
Suddenly water was splashed over to me and I gasped, looking over at Luke whose hands were cupped together. He was laughing as he scooped up more water and aimed right at me.
"Stop it!" I shouted, shielding myself and stepping back, but I stepped in a puddle of water and slipped backwards. "Crap!"
"Princess!" Luke dove towards me and pulled me into his arms, one wrapped around my waist while the other was at the back of my head.
We both fell to the ground, and Luke somehow managed to flip us over during our fall so he was the one that ended up underneath me, his arms still around me while my arms were in between our bodies.
I had fallen in between his legs and I tried not to move around too much since I could practically feel him through my thin shorts.
"You okay, princess?" Luke said and I lifted my head to look at him, his hand that was behind my head sliding down my back and resting at my waist.
"Y-Yeah," I responded.
"Good. Can you get off of me now?"
"Oh, right." I started to stand again as he pulled his arms from around me, but my foot stepped back in the stupid puddle and I slipped again.
"Shit!" Luke shouted. I could feel his lower area against mine, making me slightly gasp and turn red in the face.
Speaking of face, ours were way too close for my liking. If I had moved a centimeter more, our lips would've touched.
Suddenly becoming more aware of our situation, I quickly scrambled off of him, moving farther away towards the bed as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head.
"Man, you're so clumsy," he said and stood up. "Let me clean the mess up. Just stay away until I'm done."
"O-Okay," I muttered and watched as Luke stood up and went back into the bathroom, getting a towel and plopping it on top of the puddle. He used his foot to move the rag around until the floor was dry. Then he pulled the towel into the bathroom and began wiping the ground there.
Once Luke finished, he turned to me. "I'm going out to buy food," he informed me. "Is there anything you want?"
I thought for a moment before I answered, "Actually, can you-"
"Chicken Alfredo it is. See ya later, princess." Then he walked out of the room and left me in the room by myself.
I just stared at the door, like Luke would waltz in any minute and that he really wasn't leaving. However, he didn't return, so I decided to just take a shower. I'll write songs once I finish showering and cleaning myself up.
"The bits of you and me... Under the night sky," I wrote down in Calum's notebook, but then I stopped midsentence. I tapped my nose with the eraser end of the pencil before groaning and erasing what I had previously wrote. "No, that won't do."
I was currently lying on my stomach on top of my bed with Calum's songbook open. I was trying to finish up the song we were writing, but I couldn't think of anything. I've been stuck on the bridge of the song for the past hour. Luke hasn't been back yet and I was starting to get a bit worried. I know he can take care of himself and all since he knows how to fight, but I just can't help but wonder what's happened to him.
I placed the pencil at the center of the notebook and then closed the songbook, pushing it away from me. I crossed my arms in front of me and rested my cheek against them, looking at nothing in particular. I just need a break from writing, that's all.
Just gonna snooze for a bit.
I closed my eyes and let myself relax. I opened my eyes slightly once in a while so I wouldn't fall entirely asleep, but that plan was starting to fail since I was feeling more tired than before.
Eventually, I was too tired to keep my eyes open, so sleep overtook me.
Until I heard footsteps outside the door, but I didn't want to open my eyes. I just assumed Luke was back.
I assumed correctly when the door swung open and I heard Luke announce, "Okay, I got your breakfast!"
My eyelids felt too heavy to open, so I just left them as they were. I sensed something being placed beside me and then Luke poked my forehead.
"Come on. Wake up, princess," he said. Then he rubbed the pad of his thumb against my cheek, making me turn my head around so I was facing the other way.
Luke's thumb just did the same thing to the other side and I groaned, burying my face into the bed.
"If you don't wake up, I'll eat your food," he said. Like I would give in to that. "Must I feed you?"
I grumbled, moving away from Luke and wrapping the blanket around me.
Then he said, "The food will give you more energy so you can write your songs."
No response came from me and I didn't move either. Instead I just lay there, trying to ignore him.
"Whatever," he said, giving up. "Your food's next to you." Then I heard him step away from the bed followed by the sound of him sitting down at the couch. When I peeked an eye open at him, I saw that he was lying down with his arm lazily over his eyes.
After a while when Luke's breathing evened out, my eyes wandered to the box of food he had gotten for me. Quietly, I opened the box up and saw the penne pasta inside covered in Alfredo sauce and chicken.
A fork was already provided, so I picked that up and stabbed at a pasta, popping that into my mouth. I sat upright so my legs were crossed before I pulled Calum's notebook back towards me, opening up to the unfinished song and placing the notebook in my lap. I took another forkful of the Chicken Alfredo while I started tapping the tip of the pencil against the paper.
Still waiting on some great lyrics to come to mind. This is going to take a while.
My back was now pressed against the headboard of the bed, my knees close so Calum's notebook was resting against them. I was able to come up with lyrics for the bridge of the song and I decided to finish the song off with the beginning of the chorus.
"Finally," I said with a grin. I finally finished the lyrics of the song Calum and I were working on. I closed the notebook and glanced over at Luke whose leg was now resting on top of the headrest of the couch. One of his arms was still over his face while the other was draped over his chest, and soft snores left from between his parted lips.
Since I had eaten the food Luke got me, I set the empty box down on the ground and put Calum's notebook on top of my pillow. I slowly made my way over to Luke and sat on the ground by the couch. He looked so peaceful in his sleeping state, I was a bit mesmerized.
I folded my arms on top of the small space left on the couch and rested my head on top of them. There was a loose string on Luke's shirt, so I played with it by twirling it around my index finger that was closest to it.
I stood on my knees until my face was almost hovering above Luke's. I stopped playing with his shirt's loose string and brought my hand close to his face. With my thumb, I lightly brushed it against his cheek, feeling how soft it was.
Luke began to make groaning sounds as his arm fell from his face. He pulled his leg off of the top of the headrest and then turned onto his side so he was facing me. Then he stopped moving and returned to his peaceful form.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to touch his lips with my fingers. Or my own lips. Plus, he didn't even want to kiss me. He told me not to try to kiss him last night. But... No. No buts. I'm not going to steal a kiss from him while he's unconscious. That's just wrong.
Wow, I'm being creepy now. I'll just go back to my own bed now. I highly doubt I'm allowed to leave the hotel suite without Luke by my side anyway.
I decided to return to the bed so I could look over the song that I had just completed, but I stopped walking when I heard Luke whimpering. I glanced back at him and saw that his face contorted into an expression of discomfort.
"N-No..." he mumbled as he turned himself over so he was facing the couch. "Do-Don't..."
"Luke?" I asked hesitantly as I walked over to him so I could wake him up.
"C-Come... L-Lemme come..."
I stopped where I was as my heart began pounding in my chest, my face becoming red, and my eyes nearly popping out of my head. I brought a hand up to my mouth to keep myself from saying anything. Was Luke having a wet dream? Should I wake him?
"Pl-Please..." He continued to whimper some more and he was flipping from one side to the other. Sweat started to form by his forehead and his breathing was becoming uneven.
W-Well, if he's just experiencing a wet dream, I should let him be. If he gets hard when he wakes up, then that's his problem, not mine.
B-But, um... his whimpers are making me feel uncomfortable down there. I should just... yeah. Go to the bathroom. If only I could bring my legs to move.
"Wanna c-come..." Luke murmured, still shifting in his sleep.
I don't want him to ejaculate all over the couch. It's the hotel's and they're going to have a bitch of a time trying to get rid of what Luke spilled onto it.
"Crap, I need to wake him up," I said to myself. I felt my legs grow a bit weak as I tried to move over to him. I held out a shaky hand towards him, gently placing it on his arm.
Luke whined some more in his sleep, "No...
I fell to my knees and brushed my fingers through his hair that was now a bit damp with his sweat. I cooed, "Luke, wake up."
"Wanna come..."
"Time to wake up, Lukey."
"... Don't... go..."
I stopped carding my digits through his blond hair. Now I was confused. I raised an eyebrow. Go? Go what?
"Don't... leave..."
Oh, my God.
Luke's having some sort of nightmare right now.
I want to wake him up, but I read from somewhere that I shouldn't wake him up unless he's thrashing all over. In this case he's not really doing that. He's just tossing and turning.
He flipped himself over so he was facing away from me. He started to tremble, but then his body relaxed, and the discomforting look in his face faded. A tear slipped from his eye and his breathing was back to normal.
I wiped away the fallen tear before I let my finger caress the side of his face.
"It's okay," I whispered. "You're okay now, Luke."
"Don't leave me..." he mumbled one last time.
"I'm not going to leave you."
But I know you can't say the same thing to me.
My problem didn't go away, even after finding out it wasn't a wet dream he was having but a nightmare. I took a cold shower to get rid of it, despite already showering in the morning. I wore the same clothes as I did before, because I didn't think there was any point in me wearing new ones. I'm not even dirty anyway.
By the time I had gotten out Luke was awake. He was now sitting upright on the couch, his hand in his hair while his other held his phone in front of him.
"Hi, Luke," I greeted and then his eyes glanced up at me.
"Hey, princess," he said with a smile. "I saw you ate your food. Did you finish the song?"
He seems to be okay now. Either he's trying to hide the fact he had a nightmare from me or he doesn't remember having one.
I nodded. "Yeah, I finished."
"That's great. Do you mind if I take a look at what the song is?"
I walked over to the bed, picking up Calum's notebook and handing it to him. Luke flipped through the pages until he got to where the pencil was in between the pages of the new song. I watched as his eyes scanned over the words.
"I like this," he said. "How does it go?"
I shrugged. "I haven't figured that part out yet," I answered, taking a seat beside him. "Well, I got verses down, but not so much the chorus and bridge."
"Well, sing some of it."
So I did. The first verse anyway.
Luke nodded, glancing back down at the notebook. "I think I know what will fit the chorus." He scooted closer to me until our thighs were touching and I felt my heart race a bit. Luke leaned forward, his eyes still glued to the lyrics. He took in a deep breath and began singing.
I didn't pay much attention to how the tune went, because I felt hypnotized by his voice. It sounded so... beautiful. That's saying something coming from me.
As he sang, I watched how his lips looked as he pronounced every word. His eyes were closed as he sang, almost like his voice was coming from his heart. He seemed to be getting really into it and I couldn't help but have a wide smile on my face.
Luke soon stopped singing and then looked over at me. "How was that?"
"Perfect," I answered.
He smirked. "You seem to like it a lot."
My smile disappeared and I turned my blushing face away from him. "U-Um, yeah. It's a nice tune. C-Can you record it so I can remember it?"
"Maybe later. I think you should change your lyrics a bit." He lifted the pencil and began erasing the lyrics of the bridge.
"Why?" I was sounding a bit defensive at this point. "I'm an awesome songwriter. My lyrics are amazing."
"Well, just change the diction here, okay?" Luke started scribbling something down and he plopped the notebook onto my lap.
I read the lyrics aloud, "The pieces of us both... under every city light..."
"And they're shining as we fade into the night," Luke said along with me. I glanced up at him and into his eyes, him doing the same thing with mine.
"Well, this way's better, I'll give you that," I said to him.
"I know." He smirked and I rolled my eyes, closing the notebook and leaving the pencil in place. "Hey, don't you want to come up with a tune for the bridge?"
"Maybe later."
"I got one! It's good, I swear."
"Not now-"
"The pieces of us b-"
"Shush!" I slapped my hands over his mouth to keep him from singing anymore, but then I felt him lick my hand and I immediately withdrew my hand, wiping it against his shirt. "Ew! Don't do that!"
"Under every city light!"
I groaned, "Oh, my God."
"And they're shining as we fade into the night!" Luke took in a deep breath before releasing it. "How was that?"
Glaring at him, I shouted, "I told you to be quiet!"
"But now you got the song and the tune. Now, you're done for the day. And it's only..." He pulled his phone out from his pocket, looking at the screen after pressing the lock button. "... it's only two thirty!"
I cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, so what am I supposed to do now?"
Luke hopped onto his feet, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. He tugged me towards him until our clothed chests were pressed together. He had his other arm wrapped around my waist and he held up his hand that was holding mine in the air.
A huge smile came onto my face as I giggled. "What are you doing?"
"What are we doing," Luke corrected and I felt my cheeks blush even more. "Get dressed, princess. You and I are going out."
AN: I still don't know why in every chapter the characters are eating XD I guess I just really like food.
This chapter was shorter than usual, I'm sorry >n< I rewrote this several times.
Anyway, thoughts? Comments? Predictions?
I hope this chapter was worth the read (: Until next time, my lovelies! x
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