Dinner and Hell are served
(No POV/Midoriya's POV)
It was still around 5pm, the sun has started to set in a shade of orange. Under normal circumstances Izuku would've found this beautiful, but at the moment he found the color almost repulsing; like the shade of his face at the moment. 5pm wasn't a good time right now, especially because it's only an hour away from the Midoriya-Todoroki dinner that was arranged.
It's not like the Midoriyas aren't prepared for any house guests, the floor has been mopped, the curtains and sofa covers have been changed, the shelves and tables have been dusted and wiped clean, the bathroom underwent a whole treatment of muriatic acid - in other words they were very well prepared to receive a house guest, but do you really treat the family of the Number 2 hero just as an ordinary house guest? Yeah no. Todoroki can sometimes be not so down to earth, what about his prestige father? These thoughts keep pestering poor Izuku.
Inko notices his child's distress, he may not have the same face and stature of his little and beloved Izuku that carries the great freckled genes of their family. Even if he looks like a whole new person, Izuku is always Izuku and he is Inko's son which she deeply cares for.
Inko carefully approached his tall son, "Izuku are you okay?" she tapped him on the shoulder as she asked. "N-No mom, it's just that I'm nervous about the dinner." "Dear, we prepared as we can, considering this body switch thing... I think it's only appropirate to arrange a dinner like this." Inko reassured her son and it seemed to be effective as Izuku had calmed down.
The time has finally come, Izuku was wearing a pastel green long sleeve and some jeans. He was eagerly looking at his phone and the time, meanwhile Inko was just finishing preparing the dinner table. The doorbell then rang, Izuku immediately jumped off his seat and went for the door. He opened it and saw Todoroki, green unkempt hair and emerald eyes wearing a polo and some black pants, behind him was a large and bulky man with fiery red hair and flame blue eyes wearing a jacket over his polo. "Good evening Todoroki and Sir Endeavor. We are honored to welcome you to our humble home. Please come in and join us for dinner." Izuku had made way, he gave a little smile to Todoroki who also returned the same small smile.
They went past the living room and went to the kitchen table, both Todorokis were seated and were seating across one another. Izuku had then helped his mom bring in food, the Midoriyas had decided to serve the food simultaneously except for the drinks which is based on preference and the desert which comes for later.
They served chicken teriyaki with egg rice then some stir fried vegetables and ramen noodles on the side. Suspicously though, Todoroki had cold soba instead of ramen noodles on his side. "Uhm Todoroki and Sir Endeavor would you like to interest yourselves with some mugicha?" Izuku had proposed, both only nodded and had proceeded to pour them drinks on their cups.
Finally after they all got seated, Inko came in and also got seated next to Sir Endeavor. "Nice to meet your Inko Midoroya. I'm Enji Todoroki; Shoto's father." "O-Of course, its an honor to meet you Sir Endeavor." Inko shook his hand nervously, not only was Endeavor really big but Inko was really small. "Now I would like to discuss this predicament our sons got themselves into." Endeavor looked over both at Izuku and Shoto, "I am currently having the police investigate into this, I also see the boys have made their own personal arrangement." "Thank you so much Sir Endeavor." Inko gave hin a heart warming smile, but the Number Two hero wasn't just done yet. "So tell me, Midoriya Izuku, how did you two end up in this situation again? I have already heard the police report but I wanted to hear your narrative." He looked over at the dual haired boy, with a grim look on his face.
"Uhm... it was a Sunday when I saw a homeless man just outside the school when I was on my way back to the dorms from my morning jog, I helped him out and gave him my jacket. When I came back to the dorms I was shivering cold and Todoroki, your son, had given a warm welcome as he enjoyed his morning coffee. The police said that physical contact triggers the body switch quirk, but only the owner can reverse the effect." Izuku narrated with enough stutters, "It was a mere coincidence and misfortune that I got Todoroki tangled up in this... I am really sorry." Izuku added with a crestfallen face. "I see, it was a mere coincidence. The Hosu City incident with the Hero Killer was also like that? The Kamino Ward incident with All Might's fall was also a mere coincidence?" Endeavor gave Izuku an annoyed look. Izuku couldn't look forward, these incidents resurfaced once more in his head and he got teary eyed.
(No POV/Todoroki's POV)
I look over at the dual haired boy beside me, he had a look of guilt and sadness in his face and his eyes were getting watery. "Father, please stop this." I gave the Number Two hero a look of irritation, Inko was silent and just shocked. "No Shoto, it needs to be said. While you always keep meddling, breaking the rules ang keep getting others caught up with your pride and selfish idealism. Little boy you are holding up my son, the future Number One hero who will surpass All Might."
"FATHER WILL YOU STOP THIS ALREADY! ITS NOT HIS FAULT AND I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT AND WILL NEVER BE YOUR TOOL!" Todoroki shouted at his father and Izuku was getting near the edge of crying. Todoroki felt a surge of anger in him as he looked over at Midoriya then back to his father, he resented his father but getting mad at him for blaming everything on Midoriya was something on a whole new level.
When Todoroki was prepared to jump at his father Inko decided to take control. "Stop this all at once!" Everyone looked at her with surprise, even the teary Izuku was shocked. "Sir Endeavor, I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave." Inko stood up and looked sternly at the Number Two hero. "Let's go Shoto." Endeavor quickly stood up and looked over at the green haired boy, "No father, I will not be going." Endeavor gave his son a look of irritation for defiance but Shoto stood his ground. "Do not test me Shoto! Let us leave at once." "No father, you were asked to leave. Not me." "Fine do whatever you want." Endeavor quickly went away. Izuku had then retreated back to his room afterwards all teary eyed, leaving the cleaning up to Inko and Todoroki.
After clearing up the table silently Shoto finally spoke,"I am really sorry about my father Mrs. Midoriya." Shoto kneeled to her and put his head down. "Oh dear me, put your head up." Inko got flustered, "Izuku told me a little bit about your father. He was nervous all this time not because he feared him, but he said that he feared what he might do to you." Shoto stayed silent, kindness was something innate from Midoriya Izuku but somehow he always had a way to surprise or amaze him even more. He admired his ability to practically ooze kindness.
"You know what, why don't you stay here for a while until the heat settles down. Izuku has spare clothes he didn't bring to the dorms that still fit that body of his." Inko gave Shoto the signal to help his boy who was probably broken after all that.
Todoroki nodded to this, shortly he went to Midoriya's room. It was labeled with an All Might themed frame with the english letters I-Z-U-K-U written. He knocked carefully on the door, "Midoriya, your mother decided to let me stay here for a while. Can I come in?" A few seconds and the door opened, he looked over at Midoriya who still had a grim look on his face. What hurt him the most was he exactly knew how much pain Midoriya felt gauging from how he looked, he knew this because back before he became friends with Midoriya he usually had that sad look on his face. "Hey... would you like to talk?"
1445 words
Okay so I had a lot to do for this chapter. First of all was properly portraying Endeavor, I didn't want to potray him as a heartless bastard, maybe something around low key bitch and strict. I am really satisfied to how I delivered this, I hope it is the same to you dear readers. Next was the food, I am not japanese and I am only a weab so I know nothing about Japanese cuisine and how to search to what food to serve for an evening when receiving someone extremely important in a humble home.
Thank you so much for reading The Body Switch! I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment on criticism to this fic.
Till the next installment.
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