(Midoriya's POV)
A phone alarm blared through the room and the boy on the bed woke up. It was a bright and early morning for Midoriya Izuku. Dawn has just started as the sun's light showered the room from it's windows. Midoriya put on his jogging attire; a beige colored shirt under a blue hoodie, a black jogging pants, a red-white band on his forehead and some black rubber shoes. This would normally be another morning for him if it wasn't for this day.
It was January 11th. A very special day for him because...*drumroll* it was Shoto's birthday. Izuku had already planned ahead on the things he wanted to do for the guy he was dating. First off he began his jog, he got outside U.A. which was unusual for his routine. But he had to go to a certain shop, running down a few blocks until he was at the a cake shop named "Cake Kingdom", it was a pretty well-known shop even recognised by Sato, his classmate well-versed to sugars and confectioners. It was also known by Yaoyorozu, who is well known to pair sugars with their tea, of course if the rich girl recommends it Izuku is reassured of it's quality. Otherwise, many of his classmates are actually aware of the cake shop.
The shop was only opening but the shopkeeper already saw and recognized Izuku has he jogged his way. He only nodded and initiated that he went inside, Izuku did so and went in the shop. There wasn't much yet, no aromatic smells or anything because the shop hasn't even opened yet and put any delicious cake up on display. The guys who was opening the shop finally went in the shop. "Good morning sir. I'm sure you're here to get your order?" He gave Izuku a warm smile, Izuku quietly nodded. This was a pre order, he was surprised his request to get the order at early morning was accepted but he got to see how the shopkeeper handles his cakes.
The shop keeper quickly went on his work. Well it was more of a magic show really, the guy did a simple touch or gesture on his ingredients and materials then they would do their job, like the batter mixing itself or the eggs whisking themselves. The guy only stood there while humming to himself making other preparations as he continued to open the shop, like cleaning and such. Soon enough everything was in the tray already and ready to be put in the oven. He did this and sat, making himself a cup of coffee. "Would you like me to brew you some?" He offered to Izuku. Izuku kindly refused, he was much more interested in the shop keeper's quirk but he doubted that it was shareable information. They sat there in silence, until the oven gave a loud 'ding' to notify it was done. Out came a half white and pink cake, it wasn't two layers because there was no cream in between them, they were only baked together. It was quite a marvel to say, again the shop keeper used his quirk and the piping bag had moved alone and began piping the icing needed and the toppings had arranged themselves, while the man was sipping on his cup of coffee.
Soon enough it was done. A single layered cake with half red and white icing similar to it's base, it resembled a strawberry shortcake with the whipped cream, dark chocolate shavings and whole strawberries on top. It was carefully boxed and given to Izuku. He paid the agreed price, it was quite a lot and Izuku had to hold out on eating too much at lunch for a while. He gave a thank you to the shop keeper and a short now before he left. He rushed back to U.A. as fast as possible, he had a half an hour to get back to the dorms and prepare for school. He was sure that by then, no one was actually at the dorms anymore because Iida usually knocks at your door if he's unsure you're awake, and no one wants that so everyone is actually pretty responsible to at class on time.
Izuku had walked pretty fast, but he also had to make sure the cake wouldn't be destroyed. By the time he got to the dorms, it was only 10 minutes before their classes start. Izuku only took a quick shower, he set the cake down in the refrigerator which he borrowed from Iida. After the quick shower, Izuku ran as fast as he could towards their class. It was quite a marathon but he made it on time. As he opened the classroom a few of his classmates gave him a concerned look. But it was Iida who gave him an earful, "You we're almost late, Izuku. You weren't answering your door and I was unsure how to report of your absence when Sir Aizawa arrives. I'm glad you made it, but please refrain from being tardy because that is strayed from the righteous path of being a hero." He continued on, Izuku gave him a quick sorry as he nodded and scratched his head in embarrassment.
Iida finally let got of Izuku from his clutches andhe got to seat down on his chair, Uraraka had approached him. "Deku what happened to you? you're usually up and early." Ah this was a problem. Izuku hasn't divulged to anybody about what he had planned. "Uhm. Well I couldn't sleep last night so I decided to stay awake till morning, but it didn't work and I ended up oversleeping." "Alright, don't overwork yourself, Deku! You'll make it out of your block soon!" Uraraka cheered him on, Izuku blushed at this. He wasn't used to receiving encouragement and the whole friendship thing which led him to have a crush on Uraraka for quite some time at the start of their year.
Finally, Sir Aizawa arrives. He was on a great mood today. Coming in standing upright and wearing his work clothes and actually having his shaggy hair combed back. "Good morning class. I am sorry but I have to leave you all alone. There is an emergency meeting, you are not required to stay in class and you're free to go back to the dorms but I will leave the learning materials on my table, Iida you're task is to give those to your classmates by the end of the day."
Most of the class looked around with glee covering their faces. It looks like there were others who had planned to surprise Todoroki, besides Izuku.
1111 words
Phew. I actually had this idea for a while now, seeing that storyline speaking Todoroki's birthday was nearer. It took me a while to actually finish this because of personal reasons that I had to attend to. Thank you for all of your patience. I'm really sorry for the slow updates, but I am far more relieved to release a chapter like this, because it felt natural as I wrote it
Till the next installment, TheLeastGreatest.
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