35. The Last Hunt
Looking out of the window with his hand caressing the dragon's head, Taehyung sighed as he turned to look at Falkor who lay on the ground.
The dragon, though conscious, had been very weak ever since it had been attacked and this worried Taehyung. Not only because he cared for the dragon but also because his powers were indirectly linked to Falkor's.
A light groan came from the creature causing Taehyung's attention to fall on him. With a soft smile, Taehyung looked at his dragon. "Falkor..." He whispered as the dragon looked at the Prince with half open eyes.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as Falkor once again gave a groan and closed his eyes. "Get well soon, will you? Stop worrying me so much!" Taehyung exclaimed as he patted the dragon's head.
While doing so, his gaze fell on a scar that lay on Falkor's front left paw. Looking at the faded yet still prominent scar, Taehyung's eyes softened as a gush of memories flooded into his mind.
15 years ago...
"Father, I don't want to come!" The little Prince whined as he pulled on his fathers robes to get his attention.
A smile formed on the King's face as he took his child in his arms and ruffled his hair. "Why Taehyung? It's going to be an exciting new experience for you." The King said to which the Prince folded his arms to his chest and frowned.
"How is hunting fun?" The Prince asked. "How is it fun to go and kill innocent animals just for your own pleasure?"
Though just five, the young Prince had a heart full of compassion for everyone. He saw the world in a manner that most did not.
"Aww, Taehyung!" The King lovingly cooed. "It's a tradition in our family. Every year the King has to go out for one big hunt to prove to his people that he is capable and strong. This year will not be different and I want you to come and see how it is done so that one day, when you are King, you can carry this tradition forward."
With that, the King put his son inside a carriage and then sat on his horse. "Let's go" He said as the carriage was pulled and the hunting group headed towards the Forbidden Forest.
"Hmph! Once I will be King, I will do anything but hunt down innocent animals." The Prince thought as he looked outside through the carriage window. "Infact, I will put an end to this tradition."
With his men in position and with him standing and waiting for his prey, the King looked at his son who sat on a stone, totally unbothered about the excitement and suspense everyone else was feeling.
Giving a sigh, the King looked away and his eyes widened when he heard the sound of ruffling of bushes and crunching of leaves come from ahead. Raising his hand to gain his soldiers attention, he slowly pointed at the source of noise.
It was then when a loud roar erupted in the forest and a huge dragon jumped out of its hiding place and rushed towards the King.
Arrows flew from all directions aiming the blue dragon who came hurling at the King. On being hit, the dragon groaned as it stumbled around.
Gaining its composure, it raised its huge tail in the air and landed it on the ground with a large force, causing leaves and dirt to go flying in all directions.
Another round of arrows hit the dragon causing it to roar in agony.
"Father, leave it alone!" The Prince shouted as he came running towards the King.
"Taehyung, stay out of this." The King ordered but the Prince left this unheard as he ran towards the dragon.
Standing infront of it, the Prince glared at the soldiers. "Leave it alone!" He shouted as everyone suddenly stood still, afraid that if they would make any movement it may infuriate the dragon further who would in turn harm the Prince.
Seeing the silence, Taehyung then turned to the huge dragon who looked at him with angry eyes. Raising his hand, he brought it forward as the dragon looked at the small boy who did not even reach till its knee.
Its eyes searched the boys face for any emotion that made it sense danger, but after seeing nothing but warmth in the boys eyes, it slowly started bringing its head forward.
The Prince looked at the huge dragon who was about to let him pat it when a shrill sound came from behind the creature, causing it to immediately switch to a defensive mode and almost kill the Prince, had a soldier not drawn his sword and attacked it first.
The huge dragon, on being attacked at its most vulnerable spot fell to the ground and breathed heavily. "No, no..." The Prince murmured, horrified, as he tried to help the dragon who was now taking its last few breaths.
"TAEHYUNG, COME BACK HERE!" The King ordered as the Prince turned to his father.
"You killed it!" The Prince shouted back. "What did it ever do to you? It only tried to protect itself and had you not attacked it, it may have never even tried to harm you."
At this, fresh tears started rolling down the Prince's soft cheeks as he broke down and started crying. The King on seeing this felt a pang of guilt hit his heart as he slowly approached his crying son.
Bending down to his son's level, he wiped his tears gently and pulled him into a hug. "I am sorry, Taehyung-ie, I am sorry. Please don't cry. It makes father feel really sad from inside."
The Prince hiccupped as he looked at his father with his big blue eyes. "Father, please, please don't hunt anymore animals. I don't like seeing you killing animals for no reason. The poor dragon was killed for nothing. Please father."
The King, though a person who was very rigid in terms of his decisions and traditions, felt his heart soften. Oh, he was now beginning to realize how sensitive his son truly was.
This was a quality that the King would prefer his son to not have but as for now, he just nodded and stroked his son's cheeks. "I promise."
The hunting party had begun to pack up and make preparations for returning to the kingdom. The dead dragon was being taken with them and upon the words of the King, this would be the last hunt.
The whole day, Taehyung sat alone in the corner, doing nothing but staring at the river infront of him.
It was time to go, he had been informed, and so he was looking at the Forbidden Forest for one last time; feeling its magic and warmth that only the purest of hearts could feel.
And when he was finally ready to go, he saw a small blue thing lying on the opposite bank.
With curiosity now running in him, he carefully crossed the river and approached the small blue thing that lay curled on the wed mud. It looked so lonely, so hurt, that it caused the young Prince's heart to swell in sympathy.
Walking towards it, the Prince stroked its dry scaly skin at which the creature immediately turned to look at him.
A gasp escaped little Taehyung's lips when he realized that this was the child of the blue dragon his father had hunted. "So your mother was trying to protect you..." The Prince thought as he looked at the blue creature.
His eyes then fell on a fresh wound on the dragon's front left paw.
"You are hurt." The Prince mumbled as he lightly kept his hand on the dragon's injured paw. It was then when a strange thing happened.
A soft blue light had started forming from the Prince's hand. This light, with its soft glow, began transferring to the dragon's body.
The Prince looked at this with fascination as an energy suddenly started running through him. This energy, was due to the blue light and while most of it went into the Prince, a part of it went into the small dragon's body, causing its scales to glow and its injury to heal.
Soon, this light went out and now all that was left of the injured paw was a small scar.
"Whoa!" The Prince exclaimed as he looked at the small glowing creature that now lay infront of him.
The two looked at each other for sometime and then, with a smile forming on the Prince's lips, he hugged the dragon tightly. "You.Are.Amazing!" He said as he broke from the hug. "From now on, I will take care of you and no matter what happens, I will protect you."
The dragon, on hearing this, immediately jumped up and started playfully rubbing its small head against the Prince's body. The Prince laughed as he played along.
"You know what, I should give you a name." The Prince said. "What can it be...I know, Rex! How is that?"
At this the dragon immediately pulled a face causing the Prince to laugh once more. "What about Dracula?" But at this too, the dragon frowned.
"Well, how about...Falkor? Falkor means luck and when I touched you I felt something good, maybe its because you are like a lucky charm?"
The dragon looked at the Prince, stayed motionless but then slowly nodded, as if accepting the name.
"Great then! Falkor, I promise that you and I are going to be the best of friends!"
Unknowingly, this memory caused the Prince to smile. He was so immersed in it that he failed to notice a person standing next to him.
"Uh, Prince?" A voice called out and it was only then that Taehyung got back to the present. Getting up his eyes fell on a nurse who was looking at him with a bright smile.
"Yes?" He said as the nurse responded,
"The boy you had assigned me to look after has gained consciousness. He is awake."
The news of her friend having woken up had reached Aera and this caused her heart to leap up in joy.
"So Jimin is your childhood friend?" Asked Jungkook as they headed towards the medics room.
"Yes, and a very close one indeed." Aera chimed as she walked as fast as she could, impatient to see her friend. Finally, after what felt like ages, they reached a room that had a label on it.
It said as Aera slowly knocked on the door.
"Come in." A voice said as Aera on recognising it, opened the door wide open and rushed inside. "JIMIN!" She shouted as she flung her arms around her friend.
"Ouch! C-can't breathe!" He gasped as Aera immediately backed away. With wide eyes he looked at Aera with a surprised expression. "You almost choked me!" He said to which the girl gave a light chuckle.
"Sorry." She mumbled causing a smile to light up Jimin's face. Before she could say or do anything further, Jungkook came up and help out his hand.
"Hello, Aera's childhood friend. I am Jungkook, Aera's new best friend." He said, putting an emphasis on the word 'best'.
A snort came as a response as Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Nah bro, I have and will always be her number one friend. Isn't it so buttercups?" He asked as both the men turned to Aera.
Laughing, Aera shook her head as she walked towards Jimin and pinched his cheeks. Looking at Jungkook, she gave a smile. "True, you are a great friend Kook, but the title of best friend will always remain with Jimin."
At this, Jungkook gave a dramatic gasp as he kept a hand on his heart and sat on a chair with a hurt look. "How could you?" He asked. "Well, atleast I still have Taehyung. By the way, talking about his royal highness, where is he?"
"I am here." Came a deep voice from the room's entrance as all three of them turned to look at the person who spoke.
Dressed in casual white clothes and with his blue fluffy hair ruffled in all directions, it looked as if the Prince had come straight out of a fairytale. "Well whose kidding, he literally is like a fairy himself." Aera thought as she could not help but stare at the Prince with awestruck eyes.
(Just imagine that his eyes too are blue in colour. Mr Kim Taehyung, your existence is killing me! How can you look so freaking ethereal!?!?!?)
But when caught staring by him a red colour immediately flew into the girl's cheeks and she looked away. A light smirk made its way on the Prince's lips but went away just as quickly as it came.
Approaching the boy who lay on the bed, Taehyung walked past Aera and towards Jimin. "Good to see that you have woken up. How are you feeling?" The Prince asked as Jimin looked at him.
"I am feeling much better. Thank you for letting me stay here and recover uh-"
"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung."
His words echoed in the room, as Aera looked at him, once again unable to stop herself from admiring his flawless visuals and taking them in as much as she could.
Jimin's eyes fell on Aera and then on the Prince as a small smile tugged up his lips. "I have heard a lot about you Prince Taehyung. Especially from my friend, Aera." He said as Aera looked at Jimin with wide eyes.
"This little b*itch." She thought as she gave a small glare to her friend.
"Oh really?" The Prince asked, a bit surprised at this sudden piece of news.
"Yes." Jimin replied. "Infact, she keeps talking about how good looking you are, about how she loves the way you talk to her and how she may even be falling for-mmph!"
Before the boy could complete his sentence, Aera had jumped up and slapped her hand on his mouth. Giving an awkward smile to the Prince, she stood straight and cleared her throat. "Well, good to see you Taeh-I mean, Prince."
Taehyung frowned inwardly on hearing Aera refer to him as 'Prince' instead of her usual way of just calling him by his name. To be honest, he was slowly getting used to hearing Aera call him just by his name and it didn't bother him a bit.
"Uh, you too." Taehyung spoke softly as he looked at Aera for a second or two and then looked away.
"Stop getting close with her...it's for the best." He reminded himself as he took a step away from Aera and looked back at Jimin.
"It was nice meeting you. Do not feel hesitant to ask for anything. You are my guest and you can stay here till you completely recover, so make yourself at home." Jimin smiled on hearing this after which the Prince then turned to look at his friend.
"Jungkook, please come with me. I would like to have your help in some work. Please excuse us." At this, the two walked out of the room, leaving Aera and Jimin alone.
Hitting Jimin at the back of his head, the boy looked at Aera with a surprised expression. "What did I do!?" He asked defensively as Aera glared at him.
"Why would you say that?" Aera asked, keeping her hands on her hips. "Now you just made things between him and I even more awkward!" She said, softly mumbling the next part to herself,
"As if things haven't already been awkward between us for the past two days."
So, for any of you who are still confused about what exactly happened on the first meeting of Taehyung and Falkor, here is a detailed explanation:
When Taehyung reached the age of five, his powers began activating and it so happens that his powers activated right at the time when he kept his hand on Falkor.
You can call it a coincidence as this was not supposed to happen. This caused a small part of Taehyung's magic to enter in Falkor which is the reason why Falkor is a bit different from other dragons.
I am not sure if you have noticed but Falkor's way of doing magic is a bit similar to that of Taehyung's because Taehyung's magic runs in Falkor. Falkor has the same shining blue eyes as the Prince and the same glow is seen in his scales.
So if Falkor gets harmed then a part of Taehyung may get harmed too which is the reason why Taehyung got so worried on knowing that Falkor had been hit by a cursed spell.
And, while you may think that this is the reason why Taehyung is seemingly distancing himself from Aera, you are not wrong but you are not right either. There is another much bigger reason of Taehyung's strange behaviour ever since the last attack and to know it, stay tuned, keep reading!
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