30. Sound Of Music
I have been noticing that many of the readers here are silent ones and on the top of it, some don't even vote on the chapters. It's not like I am forcing you all to write ten or twenty comments on my chapters but while reading, it's not too hard to write atleast one comment.
We author's put a lot of effort and love in each chapter of the book we write and getting silence as a response hurts a lot. I always open my Wattpad account anticipating and hoping for a comment on my book but usually, there is nothing.
Silence is a thing that kills and receiving silence as a response after posting a chapter really demotivates me sometimes.
I myself while reading other author's books tend to be a silent reader but I always try to atleast leave one comment while reading so the author knows that I am there and that I appreciate his/her book. All I am asking from you all is to be a bit more interactive while reading.
Stay safe and keep smiling.
Vote and Comment~
After having a huge meal which consisted of three sandwiches, two cheese breads, one cup of juice and a plate full of spicy noodles, Aera could finally say that she was too full to eat anymore.
The reason for her sudden craving for food lay in the fact that after being unconscious and not having a proper meal for full five days had really left her hungry.
Giving a burp which was not exactly the most ladylike manner to do especially infront of a Prince, Aera sat back on the chair as she rubbed her stomach and gave a satisfactory smile. "Dang, I am full!" She exclaimed as the Prince looked at her with an open mouth and big eyes.
"Well, who wouldn't?" He said with a not-so-surprised tone. "Especially after the amount of food you just ate, that even within minutes."
Aera gave an small smile as the Prince chuckled and got back to eating his steak. "So, what are you thinking of doing next?" He asked as he took a bite and looked at Aera.
Aera shrugged in response and she thought of what she could do. "I am not sure actually."
The Prince nodded as he kept his fork down and crossed his hands. "Hmm, you could go for a walk in the gardens. It may help you freshen up and feel good. What do you think?"
"That is a good idea. But, won't you be coming?" Aera asked as she got up from her chair and kept it back in its place.
"No, I have got some work to do and will probably be free only by the evening. But don't wait for me, you go!"
"Ok." She replied with a nod and headed out of the palace and towards the gardens.
As she stepped out and the rays of the sun fell on her face, a smile crept up her lips as she took a deep breath and let in the fresh air.
Birds chirped while the leaves made a swish-swash sound on hitting each other. She even heard a frog croak in a nearby distance and on hearing further, she realised that all these sounds combined were like an orchestra.
An orchestra of the nature. The nature's sound of music.
A butterfly flapped its beautiful purple wings as it landed on a buttercup and sat, sucking on its nectar.
A dragonfly nearby, tried to attack the butterfly, but the little beautiful insect moved away quickly as this little activity of the two insects was noticed by Aera.
She walked out of the castle and fully stepped into the gardens as her eyes widened on seeing the amount of renovation and change that had been brought about in the exterior design of the castle. "It looks beautiful!" She whispered to herself as she looked around in admiration.
So lost she was in the changes around her that she failed to notice the person standing infront causing her to bump into the person. The collision made her loose balance and she would have fallen had that person not caught her hand and pulled her back up.
Staggering, Aera kept her hand on her head as on finally gaining back composure she heard the person whistle.
"Did not expect to see you malady." The person said as Aera immediately recognised the voice and looked up at the person.
"Bunny guy!" She immediately said with a smile as the person tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "Bunny guy?" He repeated as Aera nodded.
The person being Jungkook, gave a confused look as on seeing this, Aera chuckled as she spoke.
"Whenever you smile you look like a bunny and hence the nickname, bunny guy. What do you thing about it?"
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Aera. "Cute I would say. It's great to see you again though! The last time I remember seeing you was when you fell unconscious and I helped the Prince carry you back to the castle. It was a bummer that Falkor was suddenly not in sight or it would have been much easier to take you back. Anyways, when did you wake up?"
"Just today." Aera replied as Jungkook nodded. "What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Nothing much, just came to visit the Prince to ask for something but I got to say, seeing you has made my day." He replied as a wink followed next causing Aera to smile.
"You do know that I ain't falling for your charms. No need to flirt, bro. And also, the Prince will be quite busy today so I am not sure if you will be able to meet him."
On hearing her words, Jungkook acted as he was heartbroken and kept a hand on his chest. "You, bro zoned me!?" He asked in disbelief as he threw his arms up in the air and gave an exasperated look.
Aera rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Stop being a drama queen, it makes you look silly!" She spoke as Jungkook put his hands down, crossed them and wore an angry pouty face.
"You are mean..." He said to which Aera raised her eyebrows and pointed at herself. "Me? Mean? Well that's something new to hear."
Silence took over as Jungkook continued to keep the cute angry expression he wore. Aera looked at him, trying to make him look at her as she turned to his side and bent down, looking at his eyes.
Finally, he could not take it anymore as he broke into a laugh and looked back at Aera. "Why is it so hard to be angry at you for long?" He asked as Aera flipped her hair and batted her eyelashes.
"I am charming!" She replied as a smile formed on Jungkook's lips.
"Jungkook?" Aera then called out as the boy nodded and spoke, "Yes?"
"Are you free right now?"
The boy shook his head in denial as Aera gave a disappointed look to which he asked, "Why though?"
Aera shrugged her shoulders in response as she gave a sigh and looked around. "I am just a bit bored. Don't mind me, you go and complete your work."
"Alright then, I hope to see you soon." Jungkook said as he gave a soft smile which Aera returned after which she saw him turn his back on her and walk away.
Biting on her inner lip she looked around, trying to knock her brain into giving her some ideas. It was then when her eyes settled on two birds who were sitting on a branch of a tree.
The two birds pecked each other and flew around, tweeting and playing with a jovial mood. Seeing them made Aera smile as a memory came to her.
The birds reminded her of herself and Jimin and their play reminded her of how they would run around the backyard of their small house while her grandmother would keep telling them to be careful.
This memory caused a tear to unknowingly slip from Aera's eyes as she wiped it away with the sleeve of her dress.
She was about to turn around and walk away when a sudden idea struck her causing her to widen her eyes.
"What if..." She mumbled as she quickly ran inside the castle and towards her room. "What if I try that portion which me and the Prince had made. The portion to find a person."
Barging inside her room, Aera walked towards a small box which had been left untouched for quite some time. Opening it, she took out a small bottle which contained a bright purple liquid inside it.
"There is still some portion left!" She said to herself with a smile as she walked towards her bedside, took out a small clean bowl and opened the bottle.
Pouring its remaining contents inside the bowl, she whispered in a low voice. "Please, help me find my friend. Show me where he is."
And just like that, an image started forming. The portion in the bowl started rising and forming a picture. On looking further, Aera realised that the picture was showing her a place in the Forbidden Forest. The place was somewhere near a river and as Aera bent a bit more closer to see clearly, the picture disappeared and the liquid turned to vapour.
"Ofcourse, the portion stays just for a few seconds." She thought with a sigh as she got up. "But its ok, I guess today wont be a waste of time afterall. Who knows, maybe I may find Jimin."
A strong smell of ginger was what greeted the young boy as he entered the portion room where the old wizard stood, mixing some liquid in his cauldron.
"Wizard Alf?" The boy called out as the wizard stopped his work and turned to look at him.
"Yes, Jimin?"
"I am going out to the woods, I will return in a few hours. Is that fine?"
The wizard smiled as he wiped his wet hands with a towel and walked towards the boy. Keeping his old frail hand on the boy's shoulder he nodded. "Sure Jimin. Just, stay safe. You wouldn't want to worry this old man would you?"
"No, ofcourse not." Jimin replied as his eyes twinkled. "I will take care of myself, I promise!"
A chuckle escaped the old wizards lips as he looked at Jimin. But soon the chuckle dissolved into thin air as the old wizard gave a serious look.
"Jimin, my boy, you do know that if someone from the village or from the castle sees you, it can be dangerous as no one knows that you exist in this realm. Also, you still have not yet completely recovered. It's just a matter of time and soon, you will be able to live like any other normal boy. It's my promise to you but you need to keep yourself hidden for now."
Silence took over after which the wizard continued. "It's for your safety. So please, promise me that you will not be seen by anyone."
A pang of guilt hit Jimin's heart because he had already broken this promise. Though it had happened unintentionally, once a promise breaks it remains broken.
A single nod was given by him as he chose to remain silent. Wizard Alf's grip on the boy's shoulder loosened as he gave a soft smile to the boy and then backed away, engaging himself with the work he was previously doing.
Walking over the fallen leaves, Jimin made his way to the river where he had first met that green eyed girl who had fascinated him to such a measure that he could not stop thinking about her.
He stood there, looking around, as if waiting for her to magically appear.
But it did not happen, and this was the twelfth day since he had last met her. It somehow worried him because for some reason, there was this feeling in his heart that kept telling him that she was in trouble and needed his help. But he supressed this thought, reminding himself of how strong that girl was.
There was something about that girl which attracted Jimin's attention. Maybe it was the fact that she was the first person he had met after waking from a sleep of five years. Maybe it was the fact of how calm she was that it filled him with a feeling of ease and desire of seeing her again whenever he would think of her.
"Evie, where are you?" He thought as he looked around. "I know, this may sound silly but, I wish I could see you again."
Heading out of the castle's gates while somehow not being seen, Aera made her way to the Forbidden Forest.
Its trees which stretched on for miles stood tall and strong as the forest itself had a magic of its own. Many creatures from fairies to even a phoenix she had been told, lived there and had made it their home. The forest, with its beautiful scenery and fresh air had always been something that Aera loved.
The forest reminded her of the first time she had met the Prince. It reminded her of the first fight she had in this realm. It reminded her of the first time she had unleashed her powers to protect the Prince.
And, maybe from now on, it would remind her of the first time in years when she would see her childhood friend again.
With high hopes she walked inside the woods, trying to search for the particular river the portion had showed her.
She walked on till the moment when she lost count of time that was passing quickly, waiting for no one.
It was almost evening by now and Aera knew that she would have to go back or else it would be dark and darkness usually meant danger especially in such places.
Her hopes started to fall as she kept wandering. A sigh escaped her lips and she was just about to make up her mind of leaving when the sound of gushing water reached her ears.
Her ears almost instinctively stood up, trying to hear better. Following the sound, Aera was lead to a clearing in the forest which was a place she had never seen before.
This place had a beauty of its own as Aera saw wild flowers growing near the bank of the river. Birds were perched on the trees surrounding it and frogs hopped around in the muddy swamps.
She looked around and finally her eyes settled on a person whose back was facing her. It was as if all air was knocked out of her and for a moment, her mind went numb and all she could think about was the boy standing a few meters away from her.
It was moments later when she realized that she had stopped breathing for a while, causing her chest to hurt. Taking a deep breath, she sucked in the air surrounding her as she slowly made her way towards the boy.
Maybe, she would have reached near him without being noticed had it not been for a small twig that lay beneath her feet which gave a crack sound when she stepped on it.
"Stupid twig!" She cursed under her breath as she looked back up and almost fell in surprise.
The boy on hearing the sound had turned to look from where it had come. His eyes searched the place and settled on the broken twig and then on someone's legs.
"Oh no..." He whispered as he realized that he had once again broken the promise he had made with Wizard Alf.
The first time being when he had met Evie, the second being when he had met the Prince and and some other boy who stood beside him and now it was this person who stood right infront of him.
He knew that he should have quickly run away before the person could properly see who he was, but curiosity got the better of him causing him to look up and meet the persons eyes...and when he did, his eyes widened in disbelief as only one name came to his mind.
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