19. Jealousy In Your Area
Two weeks later...
With a cotton sheet spread on the ground and various types of food laid on it, the sun's rays shone over the green hill while the birds chirped, hopping on their feet and greeting the passers by with their beautiful voices.
Four people sat on the cotton sheet as in their hands held snacks and sweets.
Laughter rose in the air as they cracked jokes and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
It was a picnic planned by Jungkook in which Aera, Evie and Taehyung had been invited and so far it was a lot of fun spending time in each other's company.
Originally, Aera who was now enjoying the company of these three people, had no mood of coming along but after a lot of perseverance from Taehyung's side in bringing her with them, Aera finally agreed as she now chewed on a sandwich and activity listened to the conversation taking place between the other three.
"But seriously Jungkook, its time you found someone for yourself. I mean, there are so many girl's out there who want to make you theirs so why not atleast give them a chance?"
Aera could hear Taehyung speak as she nodded her head and enjoyed the taste of the ham sandwich. Looking at Jungkook, she took note of his well maintained body and in contrast his soft visuals which fit well with his flirty and bubbly personality.
"Yeah right, says the one who himself has never even battered an eye towards any woman. Prince, why don't you find someone for yourself? And also, about the question you asked...I just cant find anyone perfect for me. I had rather wait than rush it."
Aera nodded again as her gaze then shifted to Taehyung who though not exactly as bulky as Jungkook still had really good looks which were quite sharp and defined as compared to the other.
And what about his personality you may ask?
Well, as far as Aera could understand, he wasn't exactly the 'flirty' type of person but more on the sweet, shy and soft side. He was neither as extroverted as his friend but more of an ambivert who at times of need would clearly speak out his thoughts and make his point clear rather than beating around the bush and then getting the job done.
So overall, Jungkook was more flexible and bold while Taehyung a bit more shy but his professional side was firm in decisions and words which according to Aera was a good personality for someone who was going to be the next king of a huge kingdom like Azmaar.
"Don't you agree Evie?"
Finally, Aera got out of her deep analysis and thoughts as she looked at the green eyed girl who had been asked for her opinion by Jungkook.
So...which type of person was Evie like?
For this, Aera wasn't exactly sure as she hadn't talked to Evie much and neither spent time with her. Evie, to her, was a bit more reserved and thoughtful person who knew what to do and when to do it. But on the other hand, sometimes she would act a bit weird such as the moment when Aera and the Prince were talking to each other while Evie seemed to be glaring at Aera from behind.
Evie smiled and nodded to Jungkook's words as she looked at the Prince with her green eyes.
"I do." She replied and got back to eating the apple she held in hand.
A silence fell during which Taehyung sometimes looked at Aera and then at Jungkook who sat next to her, wishing that he himself was the one who sat beside her instead.
Evie noticed this small action of the Prince as she sighed and shook her head, thinking of what she could say to start a conversation. Finally, a topic came to her mind which she was sure would be the end of this silence.
"Prince Taehyung, I came to know from Jungkook a few days back that your dragon Falkor was getting trained for improving the skills of flying and attacking. How has the training being going so far?"
Hearing the name of his dragon, Taehyung immediately looked at Evie and gave a bright smile. Anything related to Falkor would surely cause him to open up and talk, which shows the amount of love he has for the dragon.
"Actually, just last week I decided to put Falkor for training and so far he has been doing great!" Taehyung spoke with a voice full of expression and enthusiasm as he continued to talk on the topic and a new conversation took place between him and Evie.
Meanwhile, Aera now munched on a slice of chocolate cake as Jungkook started getting bored.
"What do I do?" He thought as he pouted and looked around.
As his eyes wandered, he noticed that the Prince seemed to be secretly stealing glances at Aera as he talked to Evie. And everytime Aera would look at his direction he would quickly look away with cheeks as red as rose. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he then turned to look at Aera who was busy enjoying the cake and admiring the nature surrounding her.
Jungkook noticed how Aera munched with a content smile as she took no notice of his gaze on her.
"New target acquired I guess." He thought with a mischievous smile as he looked at Taehyung and then at Aera, closing in the distance between him and the girl.
Now, sitting so close that their shoulders bumped into each other's, Aera immediately looked to her side in surprise.
"Uh, is there anything you want?" She asked, unsure of why Jungkook moved so close to her.
With a small smirk on his face, Jungkook just winked his eye and looked at her with a dreamy expression, "Yes, your attention."
Just like how it happens in movies that whenever something awkward is said or done a cricket's chirping sound is heard in the background, you can imagine the same scene as Aera looked at Jungkook with an amused expression.
"Alright then, you have my attention." She said with a smile and a raise of an eyebrow as Jungkook's eyes had a glint of mischief in them.
Leaning closer to her face, he kept his elbows on his thighs and then rested his chin on his hands.
"Has anyone ever told you," He chimed with an alluring voice, "Of how your beauty makes a heart flutter. And that heart being mine."
Aera raised an eyebrow as a chuckle escaped her lips. Hitting Jungkook on the side, she pushed him away and giggled at his attempt to flirt with her. "Complementing me I see. But you shouldn't have taken the effort to do so cause I know that I am a natural beauty anyways." And with that she used her hand and flipped her hair, blinking her eyes in a way which was meant to be seductive but turned out to look quite funny.
Jungkook laughed, scrunching his nose like a bunny as he loved the way how he and Aera had quite a good chemistry together.
And for those of you who are taking the word 'chemistry' in a dirty way then lemme clear it up. What Jungkook means from 'good chemistry' is that he and Aera have a good coordination while cracking jokes and having fun together in a 'friendly' manner.
(Breaking the fourth wall, Jungkook comes with a raised eyebrow:
"A/n, how can you be so sure that I meant it in a friendly manner only?"
And with that, your A/n walks away, closing the fourth wall from behind.)
The two continued to laugh together as Jungkook flirted and Aera replied back. Aera was having fun as she liked the easy going personality of Jungkook as they joked along with each other.
But this joyful moment between the two caused someone else's attention to divert from the conversation he was having.
Taehyung, who till now was talking to Evie soon started getting a bit bored but made sure to not show it so that he may not hurt Evie's feelings. Soon his mind started wandering away as he looked around and sighed inwardly.
Suddenly, his eye caught a movement nearby as he looked and saw Jungkook sitting really close to Aera, his face near hers while a flirty smile on his face.
Taehyung then looked at Aera as he noticed how she seemed to be pretty comfortable and not mind the closeness. Infact, she seemed to be enjoying spending time with Jungkook as she too flirted back.
A feeling of jealousy settled in the Prince's heart as he furrowed his eyebrows and glared at Jungkook.
Jungkook suddenly felt conscious as he looked ahead and saw the Prince glaring at him. He thought in confusion of what deed he had done to receive this anger but then realization hit him as he smirked mischievously and raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner which said,
Feeling jealous that I have Aera's attention?
Taehyung seemed to get the message from Jungkook's smile as he gave an angry scoff and looked away, trying to get rid of this jealousy in his heart.
But it kept growing as time passed, his mind completely forgetting about Evie and only thinking of how Jungkook kept flirting with Aera.
Finally, he looked back at the two and his widened as he saw Jungkook place a kiss on Aera's hand and then speak something in a foreign accent.
A sudden fire lit in Taehyung's heart as he held Aera by her waist and pulled her towards him.
Aera yelped in shock at being suddenly held in the Prince's arms while her heart raced as she looked at Taehyung with wide eyes.
She noticed Taehyung glaring at Jungkook as her body stiffed at how her back was pressed against the Prince's chest while his hands circled around her waist.
"Don't you ever flirt with her again Kook." She heard Taehyung say with an angry tone as she realized that the reason why he was angry was because he was jealous.
Taehyung then looked down at Aera who was in his arms as for a few minutes he continued to look at her, happy that she was finally close to him and not Jungkook.
But soon realization hit him of what he had done as he immediately backed away and released Aera, his cheeks bright red. "Why did I do that!? That was so wrong."
Jungkook gave a smile of victory as he looked at Aera and then at Taehyung.
So his friend really did feel something for Aera because why else would he become jealous?
Ever since Jungkook had seen Taehyung interact with Aera he knew that something was up and to confirm his thoughts, he played such a card that always works in bringing out emotions hidden in one's heart; jealousy.
And he succeeded in doing so. Mission accomplished!
Taehyung on the other hand was a blushing mess as his mind could not think of what to say or do. "Apologize you idiot!" His mind kept screaming at him as he finally looked at Aera and with a low voice said,
"I am gory Aera."
A deadly silence fell as both Aera and Jungkook along with Evie who was seeing all the events taking place from the back, widened their eyes.
"You are what?" Aera asked in disbelief as Taehyung immediately shook his head. "No, no, that's not what I meant to say. I am...sorry. Sorry for saying the wrong word and sorry for touching you."
Aera blinked her eyes for a few minutes while Jungkook held his stomach to stop laughing which caused tears to form in his eyes.
Evie who was sitting infront of both Jungkook and Aera looked at the two and then at Taehyung, her mind running over the moment of when the Prince had pulled Aera close to him and held her in his arms.
Perhaps, if she would have been oblivious and not known the reason of why Taehyung had did so then maybe her heart would not have ached as much as it was right now because if Taehyung truly did feel jealous then it meant that he cared for Aera in a manner that Evie wanted to have only for herself.
Mixed emotions started forming in her heart as she felt bitter towards Aera.
Who was she that the Prince cared so much about?
Why did the Prince even care about Aera?
He never showed any such attention to her even after knowing her for so long but right after this new girl comes he immediately falls head over heals.
A heavy sigh escaped Evie's lips as she got up, unable to put over a smile that would cover the sadness and disappointment of her heart.
Jungkook noticed Evie get up as he immediately asked, "Hey Evie, where are you going?"
Evie looked at him with eyes which tried their best to hold back tears as she just shook her head, "I just remembered that I have some work to do, gotta go."
But deep in her heart she replied with a different answer, "I am going to my safe place, I am going to the woods...I don't think I am needed anyways."
Sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, he closed his eyes as the same voice echoed in his mind for the upteenth time.
"Hello? Anyone there?
Who are you?"
The voice sounded so familiar and now he could understand why it did so. It belonged to her, to his dear friend.
The friend whom he had promised that he would never leave alone. The friend whom he had spend his childhood with.
The friend being Aera.
He had finally seen her, after so many years of being treated to get rid of the dark magic that he had been cursed with and to regain his memories.
He finally met her again.
"Jimin, are you feeling ok my boy?"
Jimin opened his eyes and looked towards the place from where the voice came.
"Yes, Wizard Alf. I am feeling fine."
Getting up from the bed, he wore a half sleeved shirt and walked towards the main door of the house, his hand on its nob.
"I am going out to the woods for sometime so don't worry about me not being present."
The wizard nodded his head as he let the boy go because afterall he did have the right to freedom after so many years of being kept inside.
"Sure, but don't forget to come back for dinner Jimin."
"OK!" The response came as Jimin wore his boots and walked out, closing the door behind and heading towards the woods.
Tell me, how many of you read the title of this chapter in the way Jennie say's "Balckpink In Your Area" for the song Boombayah *expectantly raises an eyebrow*
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