15. An Exciting Plan
The cold misty atmosphere made its presence felt as the old wizard covered himself with a warm shawl and continued to go through his book of magic spells.
He was particularly looking for one spell as he let his finger go through all the various different types of portions listed down in the book.
"Aha!" He finally exclaimed as his finger rested beside a potion labelled as 'Therapeía gia xechasménes anamníseis' or 'Cure for Forgotten Memories'.
Taking out all the needed items, the wizard approached his cauldron as he tipped them in and started mixing them.
A ginger like smell rose in the air as the fire used for making the potion blazed.
The old wizard would have continued making the portion when a sudden cough caused his attention to divert from the portion to a room near the kitchen of his small house.
Taking his stick in hand, the wizard got up and walked towards the room where on entering, his gaze settled on a young man who lay on the bed with distant eyes lost in some unknown abyss.
"You are awake, I see." The wizard said as he walked towards the young man and gave a smile.
The boy got up and sat on the bed, his shoulders slouched due to sleepiness. "Good morning" He greeted as he ran a hand through his messy hair and gave a yawn. His plump lips formed a pout as a grumbling sound came from his stomach.
"Hungry?" The old wizard asked to which the lad gave a nod. "I'll go get food then." He said as he was about to turn around when the boy called out,
"I had that dream again," He said to which the wizard immediately looked at him. "And I saw her in it."
"What else did you see?" The wizard asked to which the boy squinted his eyes, trying to remember.
"We were walking back home together on a path surrounded by green fields, I don't remember what we were talking about but I do remember seeing a small cottage like house we were headed to. And then...then," The boy suddenly stopped as he kept a hand on his heaving chest and sighed.
The wizard sat next to the young man as he placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't get stressed out too much, take it easy. You will get well soon, I promise, but just have a little more patience?"
The boy looked at the old wizard with sad eyes and after a few minutes of silence, gave a nod.
Walking out from the library, the group of four stood next to each other as Evie kept her hands on her hips and looked at the Prince with her green eyes, "Prince Taehyung, if there is anything I can help you with in the future then do call me."
"Sure Evie," The Prince replied as he gave a smile. "Also, thank you for coming today. It would have been impossible for us to find out the truth without you."
Evie smiled back and gave a nod as Aera, who had been standing next to the Prince, kept darting her eyes from the Prince to Evie, then again from the Prince and back to Evie as she studied the way they looked at each other.
Grandma Helda had once taught her that when someone is in love their eyes tell it all.
And as Aera looked at Evie she could see how Evie's eyes always sparkled and how a light shade of red flew into her cheeks whenever she talked to the Prince.
This observation caused an unfamiliar feeling to form in her heart as she finally looked away with a disappointed sigh.
Jungkook, who had been standing next to his friend Evie, too had noticed these small details but it was nothing new for him. Ever since the first time Evie had met the Prince, her eyes immediately sparkled and got lost into his ethereal beauty as the so called strong and heartless Evie (or this was how she used to refer to herself) started fumbling and stuttering with words whenever near the Prince.
So right from that moment onwards, Jungkook knew that his childhood friend had fallen in love with the Prince. Or in other words, you could say that it was love at first sight.
But another thing that Jungkook knew was that the Prince took Evie just as a friend which was something normal as the Prince had never shown interest in any woman before; but there was an exception.
"Aera" Jungkook whispered and called out as Aera, who was huffing with annoyance on seeing how Taehyung had his attention only on Evie, looked at him and gave a nod.
"What happened?" She asked as Jungkook stood next to her.
"Are you ok? You have been sighing continuously for the past one minute."
Aera blinked her eyes for a few seconds as she was clearly taken aback at the sudden question.
"I am ok. And its just really hot today, don't you think?" She said as she fanned herself to which Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "We are literally in the middle of winter." He reminded with a flat voice to which Aera immediately stopped fanning herself and looked away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"Ohh," Was the only reaction Jungkook got from her after which she fell silent.
A smile formed on Jungkook's face as he decided to continue on, but now in a teasing manner, "Are you...jealous that the Prince is not talking to you?" He asked as he made an expression showing that he was in deep thought.
Aera immediately looked at the boy standing beside her as she gave him a light push at the side. "What!? No! Ofcourse not!" She replied in a defensive manner as Jungkook laughed and moved away.
"Alright then, I need to go now." Evie's voice caught the attention of Aera and Jungkook as the two looked at her.
Evie turned her attention to Jungkook as she held his arm and pulled him towards her. "Come on Jungkook, your mom is going to be really angry if we reach home late." She reminded as Jungkook's eyes widened in response.
"Oh shit!" He immediately exclaimed as he freed himself from Evie's grip and then with a goodbye to the Prince and with a teasing smile aimed at Aera he turned around and ran away.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Evie shouted at the top of her voice as she followed behind.
Now, the only two who remained were Taehyung and Aera as they watched Jungkook run at top speed while Evie behind him, struggling to catch up.
The Prince gave a small laugh and shook his head after which he finally turned his attention to Aera.
"So..." He said as he looked at her with his blue eyes and put his hands in his pockets.
Turning to the right, they started walking together towards the castle as their shoulders occasionally bumped into each other but neither of them took much notice of it.
"A lot has been going on these past few days, hasn't it?" Taehyung asked with a smile as Aera chuckled and gave a nod.
A few minutes passed by in silence after which the Prince spoke, "To be honest, I cannot help but keep thinking of how bravely you jumped in during the fight to save me from those monsters that day, thank you Aera."
Aera turned her gaze from the path to the Prince as she gave a smile.
"I am not sure if someone has told this to you yet but you actually are pretty cool!" Taehyung exclaimed, "Even after being new to magic its amazing how you have learnt to summon your powers at the right time and be able to control them."
A red colour flew into Aera's cheeks as her face started heating up. For her, it was quite rare to hear someone compliment her, especially the Prince of a huge magical kingdom.
"Th-thank you." She responded with a shy smile but then quickly added on, "That day when I saw you in danger I felt helpless thinking that there was nothing I could do. But when this thought came to my mind a voice called out to me..."
Taehyung looked at Aera with furrowed eyebrows as he heard the words she said, "What did it say?"
"I don't exactly remember as that voice is now just a very vivid memory to me. But I remember it saying that you were in danger and it also referred to me by the title Guardian Aera. Do you think there could be a reason of why it called me a guardian?" Asked Aera as she gave a sigh and shuddered remembering the energy that immediately filled her as soon as she heard that voice.
"I wont say that I am good at controlling my magic though. It just comes out sometimes when I feel that I or someone else is in danger."
Taehyung looked at Aera as her words echoed in his mind, his heart racing at the possibility of the thought that his speculation may be true.
A few minutes passed after which, Taehyung finally spoke, "I remember my mother telling me that the position of a guardian is granted to only few. Sometimes, generations pass by without having a guardian to protect them."
"When was the last time kingdom Azmaar or even the magical realm as a whole had a guardian?" Aera asked to which the Prince replied in a thoughtful manner,
"The last guardian I remember hearing of belonged to my grandfather's time. I don't remember her name but she was a very powerful lady. And Aera, just like you, whenever she used to do magic her eyes would turn golden while the colour of her magic would be golden too."
"But even I have a golden coloured magic, right?" She asked with hesitance as the Prince realized what her mind was thinking.
"Yes, you do..." He said as the two continued to walk side by side.
Suddenly, Taehyung gave a little jump which caused Aera to immediately flinch and trip on a stone, causing her to fall down.
"Ouch!" She shrieked as she send a glare to the Prince, "What did you do that for!?"
"Oops!" The Prince mumbled and started a fit of apologies as he took Aera's hand and helped her stand back up.
"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I just got a big shock on a particular thought and...ugh...I am really sorry." He continued to apologize as Aera could not help but roll her eyes.
"Hey, its ok." She said as the Prince finally stopped apologizing for once and looked at her with big eyes. "I am fine." She assured after which he gave a sigh of relief.
Their hands still intertwined together, Aera gave a cough as Taehyung gave her a confused look.
"You have got a cold?" He asked with worry as Aera shook her head with a sigh and then looked towards her hand which was held by the Prince.
Taehyung looked at the place Aera was pointing at and after realizing what she meant, he quickly let go of her hand and looked away with flushed cheeks.
A smile formed on Aera's face on seeing how caring and even respectful Taehyung was. Even after being the son of such a great and powerful King he still kept his manners by apologizing without any hesitance and even by helping her get up.
"So, would you tell me, what thought passed by your mind which caused you to jump with surprise?" Aera asked as Taehyung looked at her, his cheeks still having a hint of red in them.
"Oh, I was just wondering that if the previous guardian had a golden coloured magic and even you have a golden magic then that could mean that you are..."
"The next guardian?" Aera completed but with a heavy voice.
Taehyung looked at Aera's eyes which had lost the glint they had just a few minutes back. "What happened?" He asked to which Aera shook her head.
"Taehyung," She said as she looked at him, "I know that there may be possibilities of me being a guardian but I have no idea how things work in this realm. I don't belong here. And about this responsibility of a guardian that may be passed on to me...what if I mess it up? What if I am not able to protect the thing or person I have to protect?"
Taehyung's eyes softened as he could understand how Aera was feeling because after all, he too many a times times felt burdened by the thought of him having to one day defeat the darkness.
"You won't mess it up. You can do it. Don't you remember how bravely you saved me from those monsters?" He asked to which Aera gave no reply.
Coming closer to her, he kept a hand on her shoulder as a gesture of comfort which caused Aera to finally tear her gaze from the path to the Prince.
"Aera, I know how you feel. Even I feel burdened sometimes but then I remember that if I loose hope then what would happen to the people? What would happen to this world? If we keep thinking negatively, if we keep doubting ourselves then surely one day this negativity would bring us down. So keep hope even in the darkest times. And if you feel lonely thinking that you have no one by your side remember that, I am there for you and I am sure that Jungkook is too."
Aera's eyes started to water as she gave a nod and quickly wiped them away. "Thank you Prince." She said as with a breath she let go of those thoughts and gave a smile.
"You know what, we should try finding more about your magic. Also, tomorrow I will be going to the woods to return Nari back. Would you like to come?"
A smile formed on Aera's lips as she gave a nod. "Sure! I am free tomorrow so I would love to come!" She responded as Taehyung's eyes lit up in response.
"Great then, tomorrow nine of the morning we will go together to the woods. And also, after seeing Nari off I can show you around the village. There are many cool things there."
"Please do! I really want to see the village." Aera exclaimed as she started feeling excited at the thought of being shown around this beautiful kingdom.
Her eyes restored their glint as the Prince laughed seeing the excitement in Aera. His blue eyes glistered while his hair ruffled from the light wind that blew.
Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day!
Resting her arms on the rails of the balcony of her room, Aera stood looking at the village ahead.
On her palm sat the little fairy Ginger as she too looked at the busy village.
"So Ginger, would you tell me the reason of this sudden visit of yours?" Aera asked as a gentle breeze hit her face.
"I just missed you unnie. Its been a few days since I last visited you and so, after getting some free time I decided to meet you." Ginger replied as Aera gave a smile.
The wind continued to blow as it passed through her open hair. A few strands of hair came on her face as using her other hand, she tucked them behind her ear.
"I missed you too Ginger." She replied as she took a deep breath.
"Ginger," Aera spoke as Ginger's high pitched voice hummed back. "Why of all the people on Earth, was I chosen to be the guardian?"
Ginger looked up at Aera as the little fairy gave a smile, "Aera unnie, I understand that you are very new to all this but let me tell you that the position of a guardian is a very high, important and special position that can be held only by those who are strong at heart and are brave enough to sacrifice anything for the person or object that they need to protect."
"But Ginger, I am not even special or important. I am just some girl who comes from an unknown background. I spent most of my childhood living near the countryside and just by a small coincidence was able to enter this realm. How can we be suddenly so sure that I am the chosen guardian?" Aera asked with despair.
"I cant talk to animals like Evie, I don't possess extreme strength like Jungkook nor am I probably even prophesized to defeat the darkness and be someone who is destined to greatness like Prince Taehyung. I am just a normal girl who wishes to see her family and childhood friend once again."
Ginger looked at Aera with her sparkling brown eyes as she felt sad hearing the words of her friend. "Unnie, you don't know how special you are. I am telling you this and I hope you believe me when I say that without you, it would be impossible to beat the dark forces."
"Why do you say so?" Aera whispered as Ginger just slightly shook her head.
"I am not allowed to tell you the reason yet, but Guardian Aera, you are someone on which the destiny of this world depends on." Ginger replied as Aera felt goosebumps form on her arms hearing the words 'Guardian Aera'.
"The Prince has been prophesized to defeat the darkness but without your help it is impossible for even him to do so." The fairy continued as Aera furrowed her eyebrows hearing those words.
"So please unnie, believe in yourself and follow your heart in whatever decision you make. Don't let these type of thoughts create negativity in you and stay close with people whom you trust. Also, why don't you try practising your magic to shift your mind away from all these type of thoughts. By doing this you can also discover more about your magic and find out till which heights it can reach."
"Yeah, I guess you are right. Maybe I should start practising my magic. Thanks Ginger."
The fairy gave a smile as the two once again turned to look at the village.
Though Aera's heart continued to thump with uncertainty, she felt a certain peace at the thought that even if she may be new to magic, even if she may have many hidden secrets about her past waiting to be untold, she would still have her friends beside her.
She wont be alone.
Kim Namjoon
Kim Seok-jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-seok
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Happy 9th anniversary 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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