08. Dream Girl
Fields and fields of golden roses was what surrounded him as he slowly walked through them, a smile making its way on his face as the fragrance of these flowers entered his nose.
The sky was clear blue with a light shade of reddish-orange colouring it and adding to it's beauty. A flock of birds flew in it and chirped as a light wind blew through their soft feathers.
The sun shone brightly in the sky above, showing no signs of any upcoming storm.
And lastly, in the middle of the fields, sat a girl who had her back facing him. He could not see her but he could make out that this girl was playing with the flowers she was surrounded with.
A long white gown with a patters of red roses was what she wore as he saw her smell the flowers and immediately smile with delight.
Her hair were left open as they fell below her shoulders and curled at the end.
He slowly walked towards her as he held out his hand and called out to her.
But as he did so, she immediately got up and ran away, before he could see her, the girl who had unknowingly stolen his heart,
His dream girl.
Taehyung lay wide awake on his bed as he stared out of the window, up at the starry blue sky.
The stars twinkled while a gentle cold breeze entered the room as a sigh left the prince's lips.
He could not stop thinking about the girl he would see in his dreams. Ever since he had turned eighteen, the same dream would always be seen by Taehyung.
He had tried informing this to his parents and his friend Jungkook, but each time he did so they would just shrug it off saying that it was just a dream and nothing more.
But Taehyung thought otherwise.
It was not 'just a dream' for him.
It seemed too realistic. Every time he would approach the girl he would see in his dream, a euphoric feeling would make its way in his heart which by that time would start beating faster.
It was as if the dream was giving him a peek of an event that either took in the past or would take in the future.
With a heavy heart, Taehyung sat up and buried his face in his hands.
"Aera..." He thought. "Who are you?"
She seemed different to him. There was something about her that caused a tingling sensation to pass through him. Her dark brown orbs and the innocence and cute cluelessness of hers kept lingering in his mind as a weird sense of familiarity took over him.
Since the time his eyes first landed on her, the thing that immediately came into his mind was the girl he would see in his dreams. Aera reminded him of that girl, a strange similarity striking between the two.
Lying down on the bed with a sigh, the prince closed his eyes as he shook away these thoughts and with a light snore, finally fell asleep.
The next morning...
"Tell me more." Aera said to the young fairy who she carefully held on her palm as she took a stroll of the garden.
The next day had started and the sun had once again risen, greeting Aera with shock and wonder. And the reason of her being shocked lay in the fact that in this realm the sun rose in the west and set in the east.
Breakfast had been served to her by a young lady who worked as a servant in the huge castle of Azmaar.
She told Aera that her name was Linda and with that the two had a small conversation after which Aera decided to go out of the castle and towards the huge green gardens that surrounded it.
It was in here that Aera once again met her small fairy friend, Ginger.
"Centuries ago the people of Azmaar were just a small tribe who were continuously taunted and attacked by the dark shadow's. The people at that time though poor and less in number, bravely fought against the darkness and lessened it's power considerably. As a reward they were gifted by an untold gift handed to them by the powerful and learned men of that time..."
"Soon after, they found a suitable land and settled down. Trades flourished, people were educated leading to prosperity and wealth. But then, once again, calamity struck. The darkness rose to full power, causing our people to once again fall in fear and submission. It was at this time when the philosophers started seeing a prophesy." Ginger narrated as Aera nodded with interest.
"What did they see?" Aera asked with curiosity to which Ginger replied, "They saw a prince, a blue eyed prince defeat the looming darkness that had haunted the people for ages. And that is not it, the prophesy they saw was divided into two parts."
Ginger said as she flapped her wings and now flew in pace with Aera who was walking on the green grass. "The first part was the one I just told you while the second part..."
"What was it?"
"It showed that when the Blue Eyed Prince would turn to the age of eighteen, an object would be formed which would help him defeat the darkness and once again restore peace and happiness to our lands. It also showed another person, a guardian the philosophers say, who would help the prince in defeating the darkness by unleashing the powers of the concealed object."
Aera tilted her head as a question made its way in her mind. "Concealed object? What is it?"
Ginger shook her head and then gave a small shrug. "No one knows for sure, but some people say that it is a blue gem. Possibly a sapphire stone which actually makes sense as Prince Taehyung's eyes resemble that to a blue sapphire."
Aera gave a nod as she continued to walk. "Ginger, where is this 'concealed object'?"
Ginger kept quiet for a few seconds after which she replied with a low voice. "That is the hard part. The prophesy though might have told about the existence of this object, it did not inform where it could be found."
Hearing this response, Aera gave a sigh as she rubbed her arms which had goosebumps on them.
"Unnie?" Ginger called out to which Aera looked at her and gave a nod. "I shall be going now. I have to help my mother at home."
"Aww, can't you stay a bit longer?" Aera asked with a pout to which Ginger shook her head in disagreement. "I really do need to go. But we can meet some other day."
"Ok..." Aera replied as she then gave a soft smile to which Ginger smiled back and then flew away.
Aera saw her fairy friend fly away towards the woods as she then turned her attention back to the path ahead and continued walking.
As she approached a beautiful flower patch situated in the middle of the huge garden, a loud roar was heard which caused Aera to immediately jump up with surprise.
Two-three water droplets fell on her as she turned towards the direction from where the roar came and saw the blue dragon she had met yesterday, now stand infront to her.
Her heart stopped beating for a second while her eyes widened with shock as water droplets rolled down the dragon's rough scaly skin and fell down on the ground.
"Falkor?" She whispered with disbelief as the dragon brought its head forward, and to Aera's surprise and relief, gently rubbed its head against her arm.
Someone screamed as that person ran towards the dragon with worry.
On seeing whom Falkor stood near to, the person stopped at his tracks as his blue eyes fell on Aera and the sponge he held high in his hand now dropped down to the ground.
Taehyung stood completely still for a few seconds after which he blinked his eyes and got out of his daze. Picking up the sponge, he walked towards Aera as he now stood beside his dragon.
"Are you ok?" He asked with worry as he looked at her to ensure that she had not been attacked Falkor.
Aera gave a smile as she nodded. "Yes, I am fine." She replied as she looked at the magnificent dragon and then at the sponge the prince held in his hand.
Taehyung noticed where Aera's eyes were set and gave a smile. "I was giving a small wash to Falkor as yesterday's trip in the woods had caused dirt and dried leaves to stick onto him."
"By the way, I am really sorry for letting Falkor loose again. I don't know why but since yesterday he has been really hyper active and has been running around alot. No offence but it's also a bit of a surprise that he did not do anything to you, he usually tends to attack people he is not familiar with." Taehyung said to which Aera furrowed her eyebrows.
"Really? Falkor just rubbed his head against my arm just a few seconds before you came."
Taehyung raised his eyebrows with surprise as he looked at Aera and then at Falkor. "Well, that's something new." He muttered under his breath but then gave a smile as he looked back at Aera.
"I hope you are feeling better now," He said with a soft voice. "I am usually not allowed to bring people to the castle but afterall, it was my fault yesterday that I let Falkor loose which indirectly caused you to get injured, so it is my responsibility to ensure that you quickly recover."
Aera's heart warmed up as she heard the concern in Taehyung's voice. "Thank you!" She replied with gratitude. "And yes, I am feeling much better now!"
A comfortable silence took over the atmosphere as Taehyung looked at Aera with a warm smile on his face.
But this silence was not kept long because soon, Falkor turned around and roared as he jumped up playfully and rubbed his head against Taehyung.
The prince patted Falkor's head with affection as he then turned to Aera. "Mother and father have returned back from their journey today and I think it is best that I inform them about your stay. Let me just go and give food to Falkor then we both can go to the throne room together.
"Ok." Aera replied with a smile as Taehyung turned around and taking Falkor with him, walked towards the far end of the castle.
Minutes passed as Aera waited for the prince to return, but suddenly, two guards noticed her standing alone in the garden and approached her with a serious expression on their faces.
"Who are you?" One them asked harshly as he looked at Aera with suspicion filled eyes.
The girl was taken aback due to the harsh tone of the guard's voice as her heart started pounding on her chest. "What do I say? What do I say?" She urgently thought to herself as her hand's started sweating due to nervousness.
"I...am Prince Taehyung's friend, Aera." She replied to which one of them raised an eyebrow.
"Friend you say?" He replied with a sarcastic tone. "Prince Taehyung is not allowed to bring any 'friends' inside the castle except Jungkook. You know what I think you are? An intruder who is a helper of that dark lord or a spy of a neighbouring kingdom. SEIZE HER!"
The two guard's held Aera roughly by her arms as she struggled to get out of their grips. "LEAVE ME!" She shouted to which they held her in an even more tighter manner and taking her with them, headed towards the castle.
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