07. Thirst For Revenge
The orange flame of fire that was burning in a huge pit danced in the red iris of Damien's eyes as he sipped on a glass of red wine.
"I hope that atleast for once you have brought some good news for me to hear, Seth." Damien said as the stared at the dark red wine being poured into his golden cup.
Its colour reminded him of blood, a thing that fascinated him beyond measure.
Love, friendship, happiness and all such things held no importance for him. He had learned his lesson decades ago...that no one truly cared for another. Every being on Earth was selfish and only cared about themselves, so why not be the one who stood at the top of this?
"My Lord..." Seth muttered with a low voice. "The guardian of Azmaar has finally awoken and has stepped into the realm of magic."
Hearing these words which were spoken by his trusted right hand man and commander, Damien immediately looked up. Raising an eyebrow, he shook the glass of wine he held in hand as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh guardian Aera, I send you a heartfelt congratulations." He muttered with a mocking tone in his voice. "For finally awakening your inner magic and indirectly, finally awakening the concealed object...the blue stone."
A smirk made its way on Seth's face as he heard the words his master said. "Sire, the blue stone by now must have gained its powers which also means that if we don't get our hands on it first then Prince Taehyung will. And if he does, then it would be too late."
"I know Seth." Damien replied as he got up from his throne and after emptying the glass of wine, kept it aside. "But how do you expect that lousy prince to be able to do so. There is no denying that the prince has immense power but what use will it be of if he can't control it?"
Seth nodded his head in agreement but still with an objection lingering in his mind. "I agree my Lord. But...he still is the great prince who was prophesized to defeat you. If we don't take action soon, then his powers might start growing stronger while he may learn how to take control of them."
Damien's eyes flashed bright red on hearing the prophesy being told. "Do you think that he would be able to defeat me?" He asked with a dangerously low voice which caused chills to run down Seth's spine.
"No sire. I absolutely did not mean it in that way. I just-"
"SILENCE!" Damien yelled as a strong red aura started surrounding him. "I do not want to hear any more from you Seth. Had it not been for your stupid folly that night we might have had guardian Aera in our grasp right now. Had it not been for your carelessness, you wouldn't have made such a grave mistake."
A pang hit Seth's heart as memories of a particular night flooded his mind, causing shame and guilt to run through him. His eyes made their way to his left arm which had a big scar on it as he remembered the pain that had rushed through him the night when he had been hit.
"Seth, I have one task for you and believe me when I say that I am extremely hesitant in the matter of you being able to fulfill it."
Looking up with wide eyes, Seth shook his head in denial as he felt hurt at the thought that his master had to think twice before entrusting him with a task.
"My Lord, please don't say that. I promise that I wont let you down this time."
Silence took over the atmosphere as Damien turned around to face his throne as he folded his arms and said with a deep voice, "I assign you, oh commander, to keep an eye on the prince and the guardian...and when I give you the order unleash your power and strike."
"As you say my Lord." Seth replied as he gave a deep bow.
The commander walked out as the doors were closed and Damien now stood alone in the huge room. He closed his eyes as the memories of his past flashed by his mind. The past in which he now see's himself as a pathetic fool who once believed in trust and true friendship.
"Don't leave me, please." Damien begged as tears slipped from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.
The man looked at his friend with an emotionless face, a face which showed neither mercy nor care. "I am sorry, my friend."
The feeling of anger and betrayal once again took over the Lord of darkness as he clenched his fists tightly. "My dear friend, I promise, that till my last breath I wont give up. I will keep trying to wipe away you and your lineage, just like how you did to mine"
Her opened eyes looked around with confusion as she tried to recognize the place she was in.
It was a well furnished room, with light pink curtains hanging on the side of it's window. The bed in which she lay was huge, with a floral design carved in it's wood.
"You are finally awake."
A deep voice said to which Aera jolt up with surprise, wide awake. She looked around and finally her eyes settled on a chair which was kept right beside the bed she lay.
On it, sat a man, or to be more the specific the man who had saved her life from a furious blue dragon just a few hours ago.
"Blue dragon?" Aera thought, still not able to believe that she actually saw one with her very own eyes.
Taehyung stared at this girl who sat on the bed with curiosity. A small smile made its way on his face as he noticed how her hair were all messed up and tangled, causing her to look pretty funny.
Area looked at this unknown man who sat in front of her. He had a smile on his face which he tried to conceal as much as possible. "Do I look weird?" She thought to herself as she ran a hand through her dark brown hair, realizing how messed up the were.
Noticing that the girl had caught him staring, he immediately looked away. An awkward silence hung in the air as the two tried to think of words they could say to each other.
"Umm...thank you for saving me earlier this evening." Aera said with a bit of hesitance binding the tone of her voice to which Taehyung looked up with his blue eyes. A smile formed on his face as he shook his head.
"You are welcome," He replied. "And I am really sorry for letting Falkor loose. I shouldn't have let him wander about."
Aera tilted her head as she gave a confused look. "Falkor?"
"Yeah, he is my pet dragon."
Hearing his response, her eyes widened with surprise and disbelief. "Dragons!" She exclaimed with shock. "You guys keep dragons as pets?"
A weird look formed on Taehyung's face as he looked at Aera and the way he gazed made Aera feel as if she was an unknown object which scientists would study carefully in their labs.
But the difference lay in the fact that she was not in a lab but rather in an unfamiliar room while she was not being studied by a scientist but rather by a man whom she could not help but admire due to his sharp and beautiful features.
Seeing his reaction, Aera mentally face palmed herself as she looked down with embarrassment. "Ofcourse! How could I forget..." She awkwardly said as her face started heating up. "That people keep dragons as pets too."
"Who knows where I have landed? This place is very weird, there are fairies and even dragons. God knows what else this place might have. I must try to act as normal as possible. I should not let people become suspicious about my identity and my whereabouts." She thought to herself with a small nod as she looked up to see that this blue eyes person still had his eyes on her.
Taehyung looked at Aera with a weird feeling forming inside him. Who was this girl? How come he did know her? Every person in the kingdom Azmaar was known to Taehyung, but then, who was this person sitting infront of him?
"Could she be a spy of our neighbouring kingdom?" He thought as he looked at Aera but his heart would not agree.
Clearing his throat, Taehyung sat straight and wore a serious expression on his face. "I am Taehyung, the prince of kingdom Azmaar. And you are?"
Silence once again fell as Aera stared at this man in awe. He had a certain dignity and aura to him which caused a sudden admiration of her towards him.
Fixing her posture as she realized of how funny she must be looking, Aera took a breath as she tucked a strand of her behind her ear and replied, "I am Aera."
Taehyung continued staring at Aera with an unreadable expression which caused the girl to become nervous because of the thickness in the air. It seemed as if he was about to say something but then with a sigh, he got rid of the former expression and replaced with a smile.
"Aera, you may rest here for tonight. Hopefully we will meet tomorrow morning. I shall be going now." The prince said as he got up from the chair and after wishing a goodnight, walked out of the room.
Did you guys hear That That? It is such a great song to vibe with and dance to! PSY and SUGA did a great job together!
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