“Where did she go?” Jun asked before Cain could yell more. “She said she had some shopping to do.” looking worried. “Damn it, she’s so much trouble.” Cain yelled and glared at Jun. “Relax, she’ll return she took the limo is that right, Mackie?” Jun looked at the butler. “Yes sir” bowing. “See” smiling at Cain. “I’m not happy” frowning. “Ohh stop your pouting, she probably feels bad and went to find you something. You did act rather ruff with her.” looking away. “What, she started it.”
The butler returned to finished his work. Cain passed the hall waiting for me to return. “Your going to wear the floor out, stop it. She’ll be fine.” sitting on the steps. “What’s taking her so long.” still pacing. “She’s a woman they like to shop. Let her be.” shaking his head more. “Errr” stomping his foot. His ears perked up as the limo tired hit gravel. “Easy Cain, don’t go rocketing out like a crazy man.” Standing up.
Opening the door the butler waited, the person who entered was non other then my father. “Mr. Madison?” Jun walked over to him. “Hello, ohh is something the matter?” Looking at Cain. “Ohh well, it seems Sky has going off on her own, and Cain is having some trouble dealing.” Looking at his brother. “Ohh yes today is Friday isn’t it!” “Excuses me Sir?” Jun asked. “Well Sky goes to town to see a friend on Friday, its been going on for years now. The lady is very ill and can’t get out much, so Sky takes her shopping.” Smiling Cain face softened. “She does this ever Friday?” taking a few steps forward. “Yes, the woman has cancer and can’t move very well, so every Friday Sky takes her food shopping and get her whatever else she needs.” the men talked for a while and then retired to the outside patio. “I see so she figured it out that quickly..” rubbing his chin. “Yes sir, she gave Cain quiet a rush.” Laughing under tightened lips. “Shut it, how’d she pin point it so perfectly?”
Looking at my father, “I would have to say luck, sorry but that’s my best guess. Sky has always watched others and can pick up on quaint hints. She probably noticed something about you, that you didn’t even know you were doing.” drinking his tea. “Huh!” looking out over the yard. The work on the barn was almost complete. “Well be needing a new things to get Buck over hear, could you help us with that?” Cain asked still looking at the building. “Yes of coarse.” adding another sugar.
The butler walked outside. “Masters, Miss Skylar has returned.” taking his leave. “About time” frowning. “Easy” waiting for me. “Ohh father?” standing in the doorway. I took one look at Cain and new he was still pissed. “Took you long enough!” huffing and looking away. “Sorry!” Jun smiled at me. “What did you get?” Trying to change the topic. “Ohh, nothing really.” Hiding the bags behind my back. “Well I should be going now, good seeing you again men. Skylar walk with me would you?”
“Sure!” turning around and walking out with him. Jun nudged Cain. “What!” Rubbing the area. “Stop being rude to her.”
Father and I walked out to the front yard and stood on the stairs. “Are you still angry with me?” bowing his head. “No..I get it now” looking at him. “I heard, how did you know?” screeching for an answer. “Just did, plus mother mentioned it to me a lot.” rocking on my heels. “Aww yes, I should of known she would. Well Buck will be hear tomorrow, and I’ll have everything you need for him.” Kissing my forehead. “Thank you father.” kissing his cheek.
He left in the limo and I waited till I couldn’t see it anymore. Going back inside, I did my best to get up the stairs. “SKY!” Cain yelled dragging my name out. “Shit!” turning around and heading outside. “Yes” looking meek. “Sit down” the swell of anger spilled out of him. I sat down away from him. Jun didn’t say a thing. “You don’t want us keeping secrets from you, so your not allowed to do the same.” leaning on the table. “I didn’t, your and Jun were busy and after last night…I didn’t want to further trouble you. So I went to visit a friend.”
“So what’s really in the bags?” Jun smiled coming closer to me. “Ohh, nothing really…you probably wont like them.” turning red and looking down at my fathers cup. “Ohh come on show us please.” he was being sweet again. “Err” Cain frowned. “You hush, she has every right to not come near you, you scared me last night. Besides she didn’t keep anything from us, we never asked.” snapping at Cain.
“Fine, what’s in the bag?” giving in. I got nervous and pulled out two smaller bag out of the bigger one. “Hee...Hear” Handing them each a bag. The looks I got were puzzled. “We get something?” Jun turned to his brother. I nodded. “I thought you bought stuff for you.” Cain asked. I nodded again. Jun pulled out a black t-shirt that had a Red tie printed on the front. Cain’s was also black with a blue tie. Panicking when I saw there faces I blurted out “You said you didn’t like wearing ties, so I thought this was appropriate, since you don’t have many easy clothes.”
The longer they didn’t say anything the longer I became worried I really didn’t know them. “That’s perfect.” Jun smiled and Cain took his silk shirt off, tossing it aside like it was nothing. Slipping the t-shirt on, it hugged his chest muscles and made me wish I bought a bigger size, even though this one fit him good. “Its soft” He said looking at Jun. “Really?” Once again another shirt was tossed to the side and he slipped his on. “Huh It is.” both looking at me. “Its cotton so it will always be soft.” trying not to check them out.
“Sky your face is all red, are you alright.” Jun moved closer to me. “Yes” getting up and grabbing my other bags. I left heading to the room, once inside I took a deep breath. The few bags I did have contained more bra’s and panties a swim suit, two pairs of pants and a few shirts. I had even go so far as to buy a dress, something I fought over the whole way home. Hanging my shirts and pants up I found an empty draw to put my intimates in.
The dress was another story, holding it up in the mirror. Its white satin look framed with black ribbon, all the way up the sides. Grabbing a hanger and placing it in the back of the closet. The only thing left was the swim suit, an all black bikini with teal traps. Small white wings on both breasts had little diamonds that sparkled. Looking outside I still had plenty of day light for a swim. Nodding and taking off everything to slip the skinny suit on. Tying the back and looking everything over in the large mirror.
Once satisfied I grabbed a towel and a large shirt, tossing it over everything. Hurrying down the hall and stairs, peeking out the door. They were gone, smiling I quickly walked over to the table laying my towel over a chair. Jun and Cain started around the corner of the house from the stable, and caught sight of me. “What’s she?” Jun asked getting closer. Tying my hair nice and high, I pulled the shirt off with both hands. Dropping it to the floor, Cain stopped with Jun who watched as my dove into the pool. I disappeared under the clear surface, and they moved closer. My shadow could been seen swimming straight towards the shallow end. Slowly coming to the surface, the long wet ponytail whipped back and forth spraying water.
Sun kissed skin glistened as I check my straps, fixing my top and using a finger to pull my pants away. Turning around seeing there mouths open, I smiled. We all stood still looking, trying to understand. Turning completely around and diving back under. Heading right towards them, holding my breath till the very last minute, before pushing off the floor and grabbing the edge to pull myself up and out. Water dripped down as I took a step closer to them.
Frozen they waited for me to get closer. Right next to them, they still had nothing to say. Leaning forward to rock on my toes, I laughed. “What you looking at?” smiling like a child. “Aww” looking to one another for help. “You bought a swim suit” was the best they could do. “Yup, you like?” Spinning around. Cain grabbed my shoulders. “Don’t do that” blushing and looking away. “Huh Why?” pushing up against him, dampening his new shirt.
The hair on his arms stood up, Jun chuckled to himself. “A little help Jun” Cain growled, not sure what to do with me. Standing on my toes I planted a kiss on his cheek. His face went even more red, I gave one to Jun as well. Only to dart off driving into the water again. “She’s toying with us!” grinning from ear to ear. Cain pulled off his shirt and pants leaving everything but his boxers on the floor. Diving in after me, Jun followed suit and they caught me off guard.
“You didn’t think you could kiss us and get away did you?” Grabbing me by the waist and pulling me closer. I laughed and splashed him, getting his to let go. Diving again and popping up close to Jun. Trying his best to catch me only to miss as I dove again and again. Finally catching me they pinned me in a man sandwich. With my back to Jun and no choice, but to face Cain. I was kissed all over my neck.
There hands slid down my waist to my thighs, bringing one leg up around Cain. Jun pulled my head around and kissed me. Cain’s hands slid from my neck to breast. Moaning with Jun still engulfed in my mouth, removing his tongue and biting my neck lightly. Crying out, as Cain moved further down. My breathing increased the more they touched me, sending waves of feelings all over. Suddenly without warning they stopped, backing off of me.
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