A sickness spread threw the lands, taking lives of mostly woman. A handful made it out, and the government decided that woman were a rarity. They needed to be protected and treasured, in doing so it became very common for woman to have more then one suitor. The plan seemed to work, the number of woman started to increase. The project to undo the sickness was called the “Blood infinity project”
Blood infinity pertained to the men who sought out a woman. For instance sending two controlling men in the same house with a woman, was both stupid and dangerous. The tension wouldn’t be a stable home for the woman. Every man had to go threw tests to see how compatible he was for certain woman.
My father the leading role in the “Blood infinity Project” was at the top of his class. However when the sickness hit, we lost our mother and he never fully recovered. I being his only child and daughter, got to live with the full on front of his out bursts. Woman or young ladies were able to start looking for partners when they hit eighteen. I was twenty, and still had not a single partner.
It was a battle getting my father to let me do my own thing. Men didn’t interest me in the least, besides being rude and annoying. It had been a complete turn off having men follow me around. I was common looking, with emerald eyes and light brown hair. Having a mind of my own seemed to not only aggravate my father, but tire him quickly. He called me his little handful, on a regular basis. Spring time was beautiful where we lived, having a large backyard with cherry trees in full bloom and weeping willows.
A small pond where I had some colored fish, and a turtle. The house was large considering who lived there, we also had a stable and pool. My mother was into gardening and being outside a lot. To the point of over kill, we had so many flower gardens my father had to hire a gardener full time just to maintain them.
Affording such luxuries seemed odd, we didn’t always live like this. It had been three years since I lost my mother and the project was set in motion. In that time we expanded our home, father would say it was for when I got partners. My response was rolling eyes and groaning.
A knock at my door, woke me from a peaceful sleep. “Lady Skylar time to get up” My maid called from behind the door as she opened it. “Five more minutes, Tilla.” Pulling the covers over my head. Tilla was a small woman with dark eyes and even darker hair, she had one partner due to already being married to him before the sickness. Spreading open my green curtain and letting in a ton of sunlight, I groaned louder.
“Come on Skylar, your father wants to see you.” pulling the covers off my body. The thin t-shirt touched the bottom of my bright blue lace panties. “Err, fine” stretching out and hitting the floor. Tilla walked over to my closet and pulled out a dress, I sent her a glare. “But miss?” holding the pink silk dress. “No!” sticking my nose up to it. She sighed and put it back. “We go threw this every morning, I’m not wearing some womanizing clothing that provoke men.”
Pulling out a black bra and dropping my shirt to the floor. “But it would look so lovely on you” pulling out a clean pair of pants with a lace top. “Its bad enough I have to deal with father and his whinny on a regular basis, don’t you start to.” Slipping into the pant as she helped put the top on me. She sighed with a smile “Lady Skylar, man are always looking at you. Don’t you want partners?”
Fixing my pants and pulling my hair out from under the shirt, I paused. “Why? They’ll just bully me and make me do all kinds of nasty things. I want to live my life free of men.” slipping my feet into black heels. Tilla walked to my back and started to brush my hair, once combed she flipped it up into a high ponytail. She had suggested makeup, but again I found no reason for it.
Leaving my room I headed down the long hall with many doors. All had a reason, a library, storage and painting room, and a few others. Mothers room was across the hall from my parents bedroom. It was easy to say it was off limits, even to me. My father would be in his study at a time like this. Crossing a large hall, a few maids greeted me and continued with their chores. Our butler Andrew smiled at me as he helped a maid reach an item.
Down another hall and to the right, second door was fathers office. The next door over was mothers room. I knocked three times before I heard him reply. The door opened and I stepped in. His large dark wooden desk sat in front of two large bay windows over looking a garden. A few house plants that mother said would make it feel friendlier, and a wall full of books. “You wanted to see me?” sitting in one of the chairs placed in front of his desk.
He was busy writing something, and finished before looking up at me. Pulling off his glasses and rubbing between his eyes. “Skylar, we need to talk.” I groaned at the thought, I already new what he wanted to talk about. “No!” before he could get another word out. “I grow tired of this Sky, it ends now” his voice got a little stronger, but still kept it low. “Yes we do, and I’m tired of fighting with you.” folding my arms up.
“Your not a child anymore, if this were a different family you would of already had partners.” sliding the glasses back on. My father’s hair had grown grey and speckled threw out, his eyes a deep blue color. “Why do you insist on fighting with me about this?” He asked putting the pen down. “Because your trying to control me just like they will.” standing up and walking to the window.
“I think you have the wrong idea, your partners will not control you.” there was something off about him today, he was buying time. “err, you don’t know that” shooting him a glare. “Yes I do, I have already searched the records for the best partners for you.” smiling as if he had done something amazing. “You what!” turning my body. “They will be here in a few minutes.” smiling wider. “Your kidding me?” Looking at the doorway out.
I knew he was up to something, with the partners soon to arrive there was no way I could escape. “You should really learn to get up earlier my dear.” Turning around in his chair and writing some more. “You tricked me!” grinding my teeth. “No, I simple decided to do things my way.” looking up. “you can’t do this, you… you just can’t” Every bit of my body started to get hot. “Enough Sky, do as your told. I have let you have your own way long enough, this isn’t a game.” slamming the pen down and giving me the father look.
A knock at the door sent both are heads turning. “Come in” my father replied smiling. I on the other hand was making tightly bound fists. The butler opened the door and stepped in, “Master Cain and Jun are here to see you.” moving to the side so that two tall well build men could walk in. The impression I got was all mixed up. “Aww welcome.” Standing up and walking to them. He shook their hands and asked them to sit.
I got looked at all over, it was the most annoying feeling. “Thank you sir” one replied with deep brown hair and hazel eyes. “My bother and I were surprised you contacted us.” grinning a stunning white smile. I just about gagged, I turned looking back out the window. “I’m just happy you decided to come.” laughing heavily. I growled to myself. “Am I to assume this lovely creature is your daughter?” The other man with black hair that seemed to almost turn blue asked. His eyes a rich blue like my fathers once were.
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