Chapter 1
I groggily pulled myself out of bed after slamming my alarm clock fifty billion times. I stood up, stretching and rubbing my eyes. 5:00 A.M. was way too early for any sane person. Lucky me, I'm by no means sane.
I stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped in, letting the ice-cold water slide down my golden-brown skin. I stood there for a minute, the water waking me up.
I grabbed my shampoo and began to generously lather it on my long, light blue hair. I washed it out and began running my fingers through my hair with conditioner.
When I finished showering, I grabbed my towel and quickly dry off before heading into my room where I preceded to tear through my closet and wardrobe frantically looking for something to wear.
I finally settled on a teal sweater and black leggings.
I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I braided it over my shoulders today. When I paused to look in the mirror, I noticed that there were deep circles under my sea-blue eyes.
I sighed.
I should never have gone out to that bar with Quinn last night to celebrate. I should've just come straight home and gotten ready for work the next day, but I didn't. Quinn suggested we celebrate; she'd even gone through the trouble of getting us fake IDs just for that night (though I swear Lenny knows we're underage). She'd worked so hard to give us a good night. Besides, how could I say no to those adorable brown eyes? She wouldn't be in town for my actual birthday, and last night had been our compromise.
I hastily, but carefully, applied foundation to cover up the most recent bruises, and put on a little mascara and lip gloss.
I walked out of my room and down the hall into the kitchen as quietly as possible. I could hear my step-dad still asleep in his room. He worked nightshifts so he slept most of the day and was usually gone when I arrived home in the evening. He worked so hard to provide for us, even when we were both still mourning over my mom's death. It had been hard on dad especially. So, I always tried my best to stay quiet, and if he needed someone to hit over the head with a beer bottle or throw into the wall, I'd be there for him.
I quickly slid on my snow boots and quietly slipped out the door, locking it behind me. It couldn't have been more than twenty (Fahrenheit) out. I shivered, but walked down the stairs, nonetheless.
We didn't have enough money to buy me a coat, but dad needed his beer. He told me it kept him happy, so I let him waste his money on it. It was his money after all, and I was nearly nineteen, I should be happy he only makes me pay rent.
I carefully walked down the icy apartment stairs; the last thing I needed was to split my head open on my second week of work. Dad would not be very happy.
Once I was on ground level, I quickly walked away from my apartment complex, my boots crunching loudly in the snow. It was a quarter till six, I only hoped I was the only one up at this ungodly hour of the morning.
I quickly turned around the corner, narrowly avoiding ramming my shoulder against the spiked metal gate.
Our apartment complex was by no means nice. It was in the worst part of town, actually. The metal fence and gate were there to divert less-desirable crowds, not that it worked. There was a gang based out of a few of the apartments, and the rival gang was constantly berating them. We'd had more than three full on gang fights within the month of November. I wasn't exactly thrilled to see what those numbers would be like in December. I still can't believe we have almost a month until Christmas.
I had an hour until I needed to be at work. There was that small café not too far from work, perhaps I'd go there and see if any of those disgusting perverts were playing in my territory again.
The bell jingled as I walked in. There were a few people in the café. There was only one person in line, someone I recognized all too well.
"Jenny, how are you doing this morning?" I asked the barista who was always working in the morning from four to nine.
The man, who had clearly been hitting on her whipped around at the sound of my voice. "Oh-oh, hey, River, dear, what are you doing?" He stuttered.
I rolled my eyes and gave him a small smile. "Jase, this café is my territory. You know the rules." I looked at him expectantly.
"Aw, come on, you know me. Would I ever break your rules?" This absolute idiot.
"I saw you hitting on Jenny again when I walked in. This is strike three. You either walk out the door peacefully, or I drag you out."
His lips turned down. "You do realize that I am nearly twice your size?"
I rolled my eyes. Jase had just moved into the apartment complex and become a part of the gang there. I'm almost surprised no one told him not to mess with me. Perhaps this was all a part of the game. Watch him get humiliated by a ninety pound, barely five-foot, teenage girl.
I grabbed him by the ear and dragged him outside. There were cameras, he knew full well that he would be in big trouble if he fought too hard against me.
I shoved him out into the snow. "If I see your perverted ass around here again, I will make you wish you were never born."
He laughed nervously. "Oh, come on, River, Jenny and I are friends. Can I not see my friends?"
I let out a dry chuckle. "Go find a whore who will gladly suck your dick. Not some anxiety ridden college student." I kicked his soft spot, and he doubled over in pain.
I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for him to pick himself up off the ground. He looked like he was about to attack me when I gently pushed up my sweater to reveal my Glock. His eyes flickered uncertainly. I cocked a brow, begging him to do something.
Eventually, he turned and left. I was going to have one hell of a headache with him later, but for now, I should check on Jenny.
After making sure Jenny was all right. I told her what to do if he started bothering her again. I also offered her a pair of brass knuckles from my satchel which she gratefully accepted.
I checked the time and noticed it was a quarter till seven. I said goodbye to Jenny and headed off to work.
I stepped out of the elevator onto the residential floor of Avengers Tower right at seven.
Hope you all enjoyed chapter 1! Sry it is a little short.
Drink plenty of food and eat mounds of water!
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