C7 | Ludovic
Deep in the mountains of the upper west coast of Eloria, lycans thrived under the near full moon. Reiger Pack rooted their society through a gorge that centralized the pack into a sprawling collective; most humans would call it a capitol.
Aged at nearly six hundred years, the momentous cliff face of the gorge housed the Alpha in a deeply carved set of tunnels. Tall, carved out windows lined the rocky wall until they reached the highest habitable zone that overlooked a lake. The official throne to the Alpha resided in the middle of a small island in that lake, surrounded by mountains and his home.
Nature was their natural protector, guarding them with her terrain that humans perished in.
The gorge of the Reiger capitol widened into a valley that stretched through the mountain chain until it reached a flatter region with wide open grasses, known simply as the Commons. The Alpha would gather here for their weekly communals, or a celebration, or to receive a larger audience.
An enormous firepit rumbled in the Commons in continued celebration of the Omni's appearance, flames licking desperately for the starry sky above. The human named Cora Gabris had yet to arrive, although a herald of the Ashmores ran for two days and a night to bring the news. His paws were bloody by the time he reached the Alpha to confirm what the Seers saw.
Nearly a hundred more lycans were sent to guard the Omni, or as the humans called her, the Phasing Ruby.
Tonight was their eighth celebration in honor of her arrival and she wasn't even here yet.
Ludovic Reiger, cousin to the Alpha, watched the fire in the Commons roar with such a ferocity that he could feel it in his chest, the flames reaching higher than a home. Embers aimlessly drifted, sometimes onto exposed skin. A drum rolled as the lycan dancers beat their feet to the rhythm. Chatter and laughter laced throughout the crowd of a hundred lycans, males and females interlocked in each other's arms while younglings ran about. The golden glow of the fire and torches cast harsh shadows, the smell of smoke and leaves intertwining them all.
The remainder of his pack--nearly eighteen hundred others--took residence in their Clan territories, as the Commons couldn't hold more than three hundred. Ludovic couldn't remember the last time all the Clans of Reiger had been at the cliff face, let alone Reiger Commons. He didn't know if there was even enough space. A sign of how we thrive; a reason for our infighting.
Ludovic trained his gaze to his cousin and the Alpha, Theran Reiger, who sat at one of the two thrones that the Alpha claimed. The one at the Commons was smaller than the official throne, but they were both carved out of a very old tree trunk, lined with aluminum decorations to mimic silver in an attempt to establish their dominance over the metal and their world.
If Theran were ever to be pierced with the poisonous metal, Ludovic had no doubt that Alpha would writhe and complain like a youngling.
Lycans like Ludovic had been raised and trained with small lacerations of the metal so he knew it's sting. It aided in his own discipline, so he'd know how far he could push his body when afflicted with it.
Theran never saw such a need, and his father, despite the good Alpha that he had been, spoiled his son in the absence of his late mate.
The sound of cracking twigs alerted Ludovic to someone approaching him, but he knew they were already approaching with the scent that the wind carried, bringing the smell of smoke and leaves with it.
"Eyeing the throne?" Asla asked, sitting next to Ludovic on the ground.
Ludovic eyed the female lycan that joined him, looking over his twin sister.
They were not identical but still shared many similar characteristics: dark, ashen blonde hair, pale gray eyes, a strong nose, full lips, and a sharp, wide jaw. Asla's face was slightly shorter than Ludovic's and she wore her hair in a wild union of braids, dreads, and loose hair all tied back. Ludovic preferred the sides of his head shaven, with thin dreadlocks tightly wound down the center of his skull and tied at the nape of his neck to dangle freely between his shoulder blades.
Scars lined Asla's body, much like they lined his, as so many of their kind wore them with pride.
Asla was one of the few females that commanded with as much respect as a male. She even wore the same leather pants as Ludovic, and a loose, wool long-sleeved shirt. Lycans preferred the cold, but were quick to complain when they didn't have their fur to protect them.
"I was eyeing the Alpha in it. Our cousin enjoys another night of dancing when he should be meeting with Clan heads. There's so much to do and he hasn't done any of it," Ludovic said, speaking lowly and looking back at his cousin with disapproval.
He knew Theran couldn't quite hear him, as the Alpha was deep in his mead, and the drums drowning out his senses.
"You mean lack of Alpha," Asla chastised with a chuckle "I'd place more hope in that tree trunk he's sitting in to protect us than him."
Ludovic smirked. Even though Theran might not be able to hear, others still could. Ludovic said, "I am always shocked your mouth hasn't gotten you killed. It's worse than mine."
"Oh, many have tried. I may have gotten some deeper scars than I liked, but my opponent always got worse," she said darkly, drinking her mead.
The corner of Ludovic's mouth curled into a halfhearted smile. She was wild and hard to tame, just like him. But Asla got all of their father's indignation whereas Ludovic was tempered with their mother's leadership.
It was lucky, really, as even though females didn't often make claim for the throne, Asla was one of the few that could, but she always wanted her twin to rule instead. Ludovic had seen many siblings fight out who got to rule over their Clans, and he was grateful that he and Asla didn't have those issues.
"Come, brother, let's go for a walk," Asla said.
Ludovic raised a brow and glanced at her. She raised her cup of mead into the air and nodded, nonverbally telling him to get up.
He hadn't seen her in two weeks and despite the pain that his leg was in, he sighed. Asla was one of his few weak spots and if she wanted to talk, he'd deal with the pain. "Better be a good reason. I was comfortable."
"Not my fault your leg hurts. Grab some mead."
Ludovic stood, leaves falling off his pants. His outer thigh burned, the raw skin stretching when it had tightened from sitting for so long.
The only sign of pain he showed was the twitch of his nose, which turned into a slight snarl as he shook his leg to get the blood flowing, bending down for the wooden cup of mead and hobbling in the most dignified way that he could.
Females eyed him as he walked away from the Alpha's territory, but he was used to that. He was one of the prized, unmated males that many were eager to sink their claws into.
He didn't meet their gazes, as it only seemed to make everything worse if he did. It was a double edged sword as if he did make eye contact, those females would spin theories of his interest.
Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.
So, he learned to keep his gaze from wandering, to keep the drama of it all as low as possible.
They walked into the woods, following the stream by the Commons. The area was full of rivers and creeks, all flowing from the Jagged Mountains that fueled the lake by the Alpha's cliff.
Right now, all he wanted was to escape to the hot springs and tell everyone to leave him alone. But he had to attend the fire as one of the Alpha's trusted guards. And now Asla wanted to talk.
His leg burned more than it normally would, as silver had been the metal to slice his flesh. Always the grump when silver was involved, Ludovic walked mostly in silence, each step like brushing his flesh against a flame.
He had recently returned from a week of patrol and encountered hunters, which were never this far inland. They had even used silver blades and cut Ludovic's thigh. He would heal, but it would be the rate of a human, and it would burn deep into his bones while it did.
Just another thing that wasn't right with the world. Humans this far inland, with that much silver...
The Seers were warning of dark winds blowing, carrying a wave of death for everyone.
Theran wanted his Omni for many reasons, and that one was major. She'd solidify his place, where many would likely want him gone soon. A peacetime Alpha was harder to remove, but war made those decisions easy for lycans.
They climbed upwards through steep inclines, and he sighed more than he liked every time it burned. He growled, "I fucking hate silver."
His twin snorted. "I'd offer to carry you, but I know your ego wouldn't handle it."
"At this rate I'd take it."
"It must really burn then, baby brother," she said, feigning comfort.
"We're twins, Asla. We're the same age."
"Yes, yes, but I came out first." She always loved to remind him of that.
He gave her an exasperated glare that she couldn't see with her back to him, the strong moonlight catching the smallest tips of her hair that stuck out among her organized mane.
Taking in a deep breath as they reached the top of the incline, he replied with heavy sarcasm, "It's the only time you've ever beaten me at something."
"Oh, whatever. You're so full of wolf shit."
He let out a small chuckle in return, grateful to be on more even terrain now as they neared the waterfall that they'd meet by if they ever wanted to discuss anything in private when at the Commons.
He was grateful to sit down near the cascading water, droplets of it landing on him as he sat on the cool earth. He straightened out his leg, his flesh angry and his thigh bone aching.
Pain for them was what built their strength and endurance. But silver was just torture, and he had no one to tend to it or ease it. Well, there were Seers and healers, but that felt like cheating the pain.
In their culture, a mate, or even a courting lycan, was the only real accepted option in tending to the another's wound. The only other time was among the very young or those suffering from grievous wounds.
Otherwise, it was considered weak.
Theran always had his wounds tended to by a healer.
Ludovic missed having someone to do that for him, always relishing in how tender those moments were. Ludovic was a male who hardly showed any break in his character, so the private intimacy was a salve for his spirit.
If he did as Asla wanted—which he knew she brought him over to talk about it—then it would mean that the Omni would the one do it for him.
Ludovic tried to imagine who the Omni would be like and even imagined taking her as his mate, along with the throne. It's what Asla, and even a few others, pressured him to consider.
Asla's sudden quietness was not unusual, despite how chatty she had just been. They were both prone to gregarious natures when around those they knew, but also easily sank into moments of stillness or rumination.
It was some time before the silence was broken by his sister. "You know what you need to do, Ludo."
He sipped the sweet, fermented drink and felt the after-burn in his throat. "First there is Theran. If I touch that, then half our Clan hates me."
"I know he's family, but the pack will die with him gaining the Omni's power, Ludo. Plus, she cannot go to him. He'd fuck her as he pleases, especially once he gains her powers. He's a horrible fighter but he's got our strength. He's like a human with an axe, smashing through with no real precision. Give him even more strength? It would be a disaster.
"And I don't trust him to treat her well. Our Omni, our Omega, forced to bed our cousin for years on end. I won't even be able to kill him then. We'd have to ask the other Omni's for help, and that'd just start unnecessary conflicts. At least you'd treat her right and our pack would thrive. You'd harness her power better as well. I know you know that."
The mate that sat next to the Alpha was called the Omega, completing the circle of power for their packs. The Omega usually ruled just as much as her mate, enforcing their culture when the Alpha could not.
Ludovic knew Alsa was right with every word that she spoke. With their kind, the males tended to have more power and strength, and for every Ruby born, turned, and mated, their mates were always stronger.
Soon, they'd turn turn all the Omni's, now that the last one had been found.
Asla added more to her argument. "I am just saying brother, from what the Ashmore said, this human named Cora grew up hidden and tucked away. And yet, she will help lead this pack, and raise important younglings. She needs to have proper guidance and a mate that will show her patience and teach her of our world. Theran has not deserved such an honor, and he'd butcher it."
With a deep exhale, Ludovic said, "I don't disagree."
"Take it, then. Lead our pack."
Asla wanted him to use the Old Ways to claim the seat of the Alpha. The current arrangement for Alpha mirrored humanity more than lycans, passing it down rather than earning it.
It was a vestige of war, a healed scar of a time when humanity waged disastrous battles on lycans during the discovery of a deep silver mine. Nearly two dozen packs had been utterly wiped out and it wasn't until packs allied that humans struggled.
Reiger was one of the few packs to coalesce nearly thirty smaller ones, renaming them as Clans, and doing their best to work together in a cohesive unit. Many died in the war and many ghost trees had been planted in the wake of the dead, but the lycans ultimately won, and as they healed, the pack size remained.
Theran was a result of a healed wound being overly tended to, catering a weak leg when it needed to be used again. Their Alpha was spoiled, preferred to entertain pit fighting over cleaning the forests, and liked his mead more than his councilors.
Ludovic was hardy, experienced in battle, lined with more scars than tattoos, and blessed with the stockiness and size that Reigers tended to produce, which all made made him a damning foe.
He said, "I know. It's a lot to take in, is all. I'd have to mate the Omni and I don't even know her yet. But I know I will probably have to, or a lesser male will take her if Theran is removed. We can't have either."
He looked down the stream, and then up at the moon that graced them with it's light, feeling the power of it in his veins. It's presence helped him heal.
Asla added, "At least the Omni solves your problem of not wanting to court anyone."
Part of why Ludovic had yet to claim the throne himself, aside from not wanting the confrontation with his kin, was because he had taken a very long pause in the world of courting. He had ended a lengthy relationship with a female named Sava, and so far enjoyed his solitude. Taking the throne with no mate in mind was not wise, and something Theran's councilors advised him against.
But Theran preferred variety rather than an Omega.
Asla said, "So, my dear brother, I came here to also discuss another caveat: I wanted to tell you that I heard our cousin has put you as Cora's guard."
Ludovic sighed, glancing at her, and she eyed him with raised brows. "He knows the other males won't go near her if I'm there. I heard him tell another he is doing it to also remind me of my place, and that Theran is the better of us."
Theran had always hated how Ludovic was better in nearly everything.
Asla snickered, speaking under her breath. "You'll be seeing her more than Theran, you know. You could use whatever charm you have that makes other females lose their common sense for..."
"If you want me to court her behind his back, may I remind you I don't speak the human tongue. Might be hard to manage that, even if I wanted to."
"We're lycans. Half of the time we're wolves and can't speak. You don't need to your words to win her over. Look, I don't scare easily, brother. But I fear what's coming. I fear what the Seers see, of the rumors we hear of the humans. An ancient witch is said to be among them...and they want our lands.
"You might seriously have to kill our cousin one day, as the prophecies get darker and Theran's greed grows higher. Take his intended, Ludo, give her a better life than Theran would, and reinstate our family's honor with her power. Or look at this way, if it makes you feel better, it doesn't have to be behind his back. You could just take the throne and Omni before any of that drama begins."
Ludovic placed his hand over his mouth and pulled down, running his index finger and thumb along his face. He didn't contest the idea.
How was he supposed to make the right decision, though? There were so many lives hanging on what would happen in the coming months. Would Theran take the Omni and they risk it all? Should Ludovic use the Old Ways and oust the Alpha, but risk dividing his pack?
What was the point in leading a divided pack into war?
Asla added, on a more serious note, "There is a lot of magic in our lands; old, deep magic. They say the Rubies are spawning from it, along with the Omnis. If you take the throne, I'll help you, you know. Our baby brother will too. Many will. We smell the winds changing, see the woods slowly morphing. Many will welcome the strength you'll bring. You won't be alone, Ludovic. I wanted you to know that, for whenever she gets here."
Those words soothed his nerves, as their kind had instincts rooted deep in comradery. Knowing he wouldn't be alone did seem to alter his attitude, but only slightly. The twins sat in silence for a good while, looking out at the river as he thought it through. Ludovic leaned over, his elbows on his knees, his dark, thin locks dangling over his shoulder.
Finally, he said, "I'll consider it. Or at the very least, consider removing Theran. I need the Omni here first before deciding that. She is the key piece here, and I need to be careful with how that's handled."
Asla patted him on the shoulder, much like their father used to. It always gentled his expression, as it felt comical coming from her. Asla said, "By Dagma's howl, you will. Let's go back, before they think we're plotting mutiny."
He laughed. "Right, because what was it we just discussed...oh yes, I noticed your 'hunts' consisted of you and a single other lycan...Jakobi, was it?"
Her eyes widened. "Oh, don't you even. I knew you were keeping eyes on me."
They teased each other on their walk back to the Commons, his leg still in pain but the weight of everything drowning it out. The slowing of drums and sound of nervous chatter stole he and Asla's attention.
He recognized the scent of a specific Ashmore and saw Oren, the Clan head, at Theran's feet.
"If he's here," Asla whispered. "Then she is too."
Ludovic didn't smell her, but he knew Cora must have been nearby.
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