C18 | The Throne
Ludovic slammed his cousin into the wall, only having intially hesitated due to the surrealness of committing to such an irreversible act. Striking the Alpha in such a way would result in only two options: Either Ludovic challenged the throne, or he was exiled.
And Ludovic didn't plan to leave this pack.
He didn't know how this would go, but he refused to let this happen to his people, seeking to rather die with honor rather than letting his kind suffer.
Oren said, "You idiot. Why did you do that? Cora was speaking on behalf of Grimshaw!"
Ludovic glared at Oren. "The fact that you cannot see she is afraid, and yet doing whatever she can to save her brother, is not my fault."
"All she cares for is her brother, not the innocents here," Oren quipped as Theran stumbled to his feet, Sharla moving over to him to help.
Ludovic glared at the others around. "Her brother is her pack, and she is defending him with every ounce that she has. I would do the same for mine. This Alpha" --Ludovic motioned towards Theran--"is weak. There is no denying the danger that comes our way, but as I see it, it comes for us no matter what we do. If Theran is leading us, then we will die."
Many heads of Clans watched on, all frozen in hesitation and surprise.
Theran spat blood onto the ground and muttered out, "You will regret that."
Ludovic snorted, facing his cousin, deadpanning his reaction. "I only regret that you are pathetic enough to make me do this."
"That bitch spoke out of term," Theran hissed, pushing Sharla off as he held a hand towards Cora, his mouth bloodied.
"And Cora is right -- you can't even shield a human boy," Ludovic quipped, his blood running hot.
Theran looked around, shouting, "Does no one else see this! He is treating your Alpha like I am not better than a youngling learning to fight."
The energy in the room was nothing short of confusing as Ludovic felt a myriad of support, angst, and defiance. Lycans could sense moods in one another, especially if they resided in the same pack, but there were so many in such a small space that Ludovic couldn't tell who felt what.
All he knew was that they'd follow the one that led.
Ludovic said, "Those here observe it, but they can also see a coward when they look at you. They might not want to deal with the change that this will bring, but they don't respect you."
"Naila didn't see any of this in the smoke," Sharla retorted. "She said she didn't see any of the dangers that the Omni's witch, nor the other Seers saw. We think the witch has cursed our Seers into seeing what she wants them to believe. Naila hasn't met once with the witch, so I trust her word."
Naila remained silent, watching on with a stony face and wide eyes, looking more apprehensive rather than certain.
Ludovic lowered his tone and warned, "None of you saw the shadow in the caves, because for whatever reason" --Ludovic glowered at Theran--"You decided that drinking mead was more important. But I went. And those shadows won't give two wolf's shits where Cora is. Steigen will kill us, cousin. Grimshaw may let us live now, but he will cull the Reiger Clan to destroy this pack. It will be in his instincts."
Theran let out an incredulous laugh, still not having attacked Ludovic in return. "How do you know that his instinct would want such a thing? That's quite a bold assumption."
Ludovic spoke grimly through restraint, "Because it's in my own to do the same to you."
Theran turned his attention to his Talon, spitting out demands. "Walder. Escort Ludovic away. Now."
"Do it yourself, Theran. You're the Alpha," Ludovic growled, pacing as if prey itself stood before him. His emotions flared with a heat he hadn't felt in years.
Naila, whose eyes remained as despondent as always, said, "Yes, Walder, escort Ludovic away."
Walder, to Ludovic's surprise and grand relief, hesitated. Everyone else noticed.
It fueled Ludovic with confidence that surely, somehow, these lycans would see the truth. Lest I have to fight my way through them.
Ludovic's mother chimed in, "So what? You will remove my son so Theran can hit Cora more? A human female who is tired and scared? Grimshaw will feed Theran to the wolves when he comes to collect her. Everyone here isn't thinking straight if they think otherwise. Grimshaw is not an ally, and should never be trusted. Even if we fear him. Cora shows more strength than half of your here."
Even Oren took a step away from Theran, looking down uncomfortably.
Theran let out a sniveling laugh, looking around the room as if this was the first time he had truly been accosted. "If I am removed and Cora remains, then Grimshaw is coming," he looked around the room, a slight tone of pleading in his voice. "They will bite and claw their way at us. All of us. She is not ours. Keeping her, and mating her, ensures a bloody war."
Sharla neared Theran in support while staring down Ludovic. "I didn't realize you wanted your family dead, Ludovic. You know Theran isn't wrong – this will be the end of us. We cannot mate someone that belongs to Grimshaw. Not an Omni. He will never let us rest until he has her."
Ludovic's mother narrowed her eyes and quipped, "I didn't realize we had pups so close to the Alpha, rather than wolves, Sharla."
"Walder!" Theran shouted, motioning to Ludovic.
Ludovic didn't glance at Walder, maintaining his gaze on Theran. Ludovic said, "Walder, please guard the Omni. See her to the hall and keep her safe."
Walder moved forward as Ludogic felt the Talon's frustration. Walder stepped towards Cora, and Ludovic refused to remove his gaze from Theran, although he watched -- out of his peripheral -- as time nearly slowed.
Cora stood strong while Mina translated in her ear. Ludovic couldn't deny how he admired that in her. She will be fearless once she has her claws, and then she will be feared.
Walder motioned for Cora to join him outside, not even glancing at Ludogvic.
Walder had chosen to listen to Ludovic.
Theran laughed like a man who had gone five days without food who found a table set for a feast, only to realize all the food had gone rotten. "Fine. I guess it's just between you and me, Ludovic." The humor left the Alpha's eyes as he looked at Ludovic, blood dribbling down Theran's chin. "What do you want, cousin, hm? What will make all of this go away?"
Ludovic sighed. "What I want is the throne, obviously. Or, it's less that I want it, but I must take it. You are done ruling."
Theran looked around the room, although everyone but Sharla took a step away from him.
The pack had spoken.
Ludovic said, "Since you are my cousin and I respected your father, you can leave these woods unharmed, if you wish. Take whoever you want," Ludovic said, looking at Sharla. "I don't want anyone here that sympathizes with you."
Theran looked at his other Talons, who had also rescinded and gave Theran space that served as disrespect.
"Fine, you fucker," Theran said, looking at Ludovic. "But I won't give up so easily."
Without any warning, Theran transformed into his verulf state, charging at Ludovic in one swift movement as gray fur overtook his skin, the weight of his beastly body echoing through the stone.
His head was as large as a wolf's, and Ludovic knew this moment was critical; he had to show that he was completely in control and in charge. Ludovic did not transform, as to greet him as a man was a sign of dominance that he couldn't afford to miss.
Althiugh this next part would hurt.
Ludovic readied himself for the pain that he knew he'd endure, knowing exactly what he would do.
Theran bit at Ludovic, his breath hot and his rows of teeth like daggers of bone. Ludovic braced his body, taking his hands and grasping the teeth inside Theran's open mouth, grabbing the upper and the lower jaw. Theran's fangs punctured Ludovic's flesh, but he would heal, as anchoring his hands to his cousin's jaws through flesh and bone would give him the best leverage.
Ludovic sneered, using more strength than he thought he'd have to as he forgot how strong Theran was, despite being a coward.
Ludovic lifted his leg and pressed it into Theran's bicep to give him extra leverage, yanking with his bottom arm as he pried Theran's jaw down in ways it couldn't extend without breaking, Theran's jaw cracking.
He cried out in pain, backing away as Ludovic's hand were stuck on teeth. Ludovic yanked his arms back and once he was free, he panted and paced, his hands in so much pain that his vision became blurry. Blood profusely dripped onto the floor over his fingers. He glared at Theran, breathing heavily. Theran returned to the form of a man held his broken jaw, his eyes wide in disbelief.
Sharla looked at Ludovic with horror.
Ludovic honestly didn't know if he should kill his cousin or not. He wanted to, but he also knew his people might not accept that either. This type of removal was new to these decades and he didn't want to push it. Theran whimpered and slapped at Sharla who tried to help.
Even Oren looked at Ludovic with fear. Ludovic growled through the pain at the Ashmore, "Get out of my territory. You are not welcome, either. You lie and manipulate, and I don't trust you or half your Clan."
Sharla said, "It's not yours."
Ludovic raised a bloodied hand to motion to Theran and shrugged a shoulder. "Clearly it's not his."
Theran didn't move, staring with empty eyes at the floor, his jaw jutting it the side. Ludovic looked at the sentinels who stood by the door. Cora was in the background, watching on with wide, eager eyes. Their gazes connected before Ludovic regarded the sentinels once more. "Remove Theran from the Edge."
The guards responded almost instantly, moving forward as Theran didn't even fight them. Instead, he looked to Naila like a child begging for help, but not even she aided him.
Ludovic didn't trust her, but would have to let her stay as getting rid of Seers took more effort than just an Alpha's command.
Ludovic looked at the other three Talons in the room. "Spread the word that Theran wanted to give our Omni to Grimshaw. Let them know that our Seers have seen dire warnings of that in the smoke, and that a shadow figure even visited us, delivering an ominous energy. We keep Cora, as we do not trust Steigen under any circumstances, and because we have heard that if Steigen were to receive her, dark days are ensured. Tell everyone to prepare for Steigen to come, and get every youngling training."
He looked at the Clan Heads before seeing how the Talons responded. "Do the same for your people. We don't cower, and we will not be caught unprepared."
To his relief, they all lowered their heads. His heart thudded as pain coursed through his body.
With bloodied hands that formed pools of crimson on the floor, Ludovic had become the Alpha.
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