C12 | The Cave
The bridge from the Alpha's Forum to the cliff face was now behind them, along with the island as darkness greeted the front of their canoes. Cora had watched Roman and Asla guide the carriage that carried Ben, and they had made landfall in the beaches of the cliff face.
The further Cora went, the more she felt like she betrayed Ben. But she truly had little control here, and perhaps that was what stung the most-she was alone in this, with Hilda as a limited guide.
Looking back ahead, the only bearings that Cora had was the moon and the light it cast, revealing that the lake was a large oval shape, with the island of the Alpha's Forum at the bottom of the oval, like an eye to a fish. They were now slowly gliding through the rest of it, the moon revealing the cliffs that surrounded them, as if they were ants inside of a trench, the mountains gently narrowing to reveal a river directly ahead.
Cora knew she needed to compartmentalize and focus. She yawned and was exhausted, but there was too much to cover to rest. Cora looked at Mina, who stared out over the lake, her thick, curly black hair crowning her head, the coiling edges catching the light of the lantern behind her.
Cora asked, "So why you and Ludovic? As in, why you both, specifically?"
She couldn't help but be skeptical of nearly every detail here. Not until Cora knew them and their ways.
Mina's dark eyes moved to Cora. "Oh, yes...well, let's see...Ludovic is related to Theran. They're actually cousins. Ludovic was given the task of personally watching over you, and so Ludovic chose me to help translate and give you someone to talk to. So he is here due to the Alpha, and I am here due to Ludovic's choosing."
Giving a nod, Cora looked at her hands, her fingers cold. "So, what does having a guard entail?" she asked, genuinely curious. She was used to patrols in the village, but not someone like Ludovic, guarding her at all times. Or, she supposed Hilda was akin to that, but Ludovic felt quite a bit more serious than Hilda. And he was a stranger.
Mina looked up at the sky in thought. "Well, he will essentially be with you at all times. Following you nearly everywhere. It's both for protection and politics, since he is aware of what's required from an Omega. But he does not speak the human tongue, therefore I am necessary. I also am here as a source of friendship, if you so wish-" she spoke with more pride and looked at Cora-"he said I am very amicable and would be excellent to guide an Omni. I will do everything I can to make your life more accommodating."
The corner of Cora's mouth turned upwards as she wanted to smile, but she was so tired that it was even hard to do that. Either way, Mina was a fresher breath of air than the crisp wind that surrounded the lake.
Cora said, "Just to let you know, I am not used to making friends, to be honest. I don't really know how. So sorry if I am awkward or something. Please let me know if I do anything that's wrong, rude or whatever. I want to learn your customs."
I have to. Hilda and Ben are counting on me for it.
"It's okay. And of course, I will help guide you if you need. And honestly, I like doing things like this. Working so closely with a humans is something I enjoy. I find them fascinating." Mina leaned over with a grin.
Cora did smile then. "Really?"
Mina crossed her arms as the golden bracelets on her wrist jingled. "Oh yes. Humans like to eat a lot but get fat easily. They're very fragile but end up inventing amazing tools to help. They also can be quite emotional, with seemingly no interest in solving their problems. They just like to complain. And then you have the rare breed that are hard workers and become leaders. It's the oddest combination of desires and skills."
Cora laughed, placing a hand over her mouth when it seemed to carry on the water's surface. With a quieted voice and smile, she said, "Well, I'm glad you're here. Haven't had a good laugh in a bit. You're very kind."
Mina's eyes glanced over Cora's shoulders with a nod before looking back at Cora. "You can thank Ludovic."
Cora nearly wanted to turn around and thank him in that moment, but got nervous. She hadn't faced him since standing on solid ground, and she could hardly speak his tongue.
So instead, Cora took a moment to look around her, something serene about this despite her deep concerns of the water consuming them. It seemed they were heading towards the narrowed cliff faces. "So where are we going, exactly?"
Ludovic cleared his throat behind them, and the one steering the canoe sat silently in the back. Cora sat up straighter, reminded of the male behind her.
"Once we clear the lake, there is a small fjord that opens up to the ocean. Before we enter the ocean is an entrance to another cliff face where deep inside the Seers live. We call it Vision's Cave."
"How long until we reach it?"
"The moon will probably be behind the cliffs by then."
Cora yawned and leaned over, resting her head in her lap, turning her head to the side to stare at the cliff wall with all the flickering, golden dots in the distance. She was so far from land, and it felt better to lean over like this. Sound really did carry well out here as she could hear Hilda and the Seer deep in dialogue, although it was hard to make out the specifics.
Cold, tired and hungry, Cora regretted this journey already. She hoped that whatever the Seer wanted yielded beneficial results, as this was taking a long time. She thought to her brother, wondering if that female would really be able to keep him safe. If there were more males like Ludovic, Cora imagined it wouldn't be hard to bring harm to Ben.
To keep herself awake, and sat back up and asked Mina, "Sorry for all my questions. I am trying to stay awake...can I ask another?"
"So that woman with Ben...will she really be able to protect him?"
Mina gave a nod, her gold-colored earrings clinking. "That's Ludovic's twin named Asla. A female, so slightly weaker, but stronger than an Ashmore. She's one of the few females born with immense strength."
Cora looked back around, ruminating on that. As she glanced around the center of the lake, she felt like a farm animal realizing there was more to the world than just their patch of grass. "That's nice of them to defend us."
Mina looked like she wanted to say something with a parting of her lips, but quickly closed them before settling on, "Yes, because you are important. And family of a Ruby, or Omni-well, you know it as a Phasing Ruby-are treated rather well to incentivize the participation, as we want you to feel like you belong to our pack. You will be always well guarded."
That felt familiar and also foreign. Hilda always guarded Cora, but she wasn't used to others doing it. The thought reminded her of Ludovic behind her and she leaned over, just ever so. "Will he go wherever I go?"
"For the most part, yes."
"He doesn't have a family?"
"He is unmated, and with no younglings."
Cora raised her brows, looking down. "Oh," she uttered, then frowned. "Why would the Alpha give me, well, you know, someone that looks like him but is unmated and such?"
"I don't know if I should be telling you...but, at the same time, I think that you will most likely become our Omega, so...maybe you should be informed..."
Mina looked over Cora's shoulder and spoke in Dånesh, to which a warm, deep voice spoke very closely behind Cora. It made the hairs on her arm rise just ever so, already sensitive to the cold. It was a firm reminder of the male that sat just behind her, the one that would apparently always be near.
If she were more awake, she'd perhaps try to talk to him through Mina. But that seemed too stressful now.
Mina looked back at Cora. "He says that I can inform you," Mina said, more under her breath than anything, as she straightened her white dress. She gave a sigh, and even covered a yawn before saying, "Alright...well, there is a section of the Reiger Clan that does not like Ludovic being your guard for the very reasons you mentioned. I mention this because you should be aware of internal conflicts and tensions, especially since you pointed it out just now; you will be better suited to be aware of what's happening. Ludovic does tell me that Theran will keep a close eye on the two of you, and in that, the Alpha feels secure in his decision."
Cora considered all of that. Theran...my possible mate... "So why have it be him, then? Why not Theran? Or someone that's mated?"
"I think when you are turned, it might change to another guard. For now, I think that Theran wants you to be protected by Ludovic while you're weak. Easiest way to put it is that he was the most suitable for now, and I think Theran sees it as reasonable as long as you are not a lycan. Which means Ludovic can't claim you in any way."
Something curious slithered in Cora's veins, a sensation she was not familiar with. It felt like a pride, or ego. She couldn't tell if she liked it or not, or if it was something to worry about. Either way it was something that belonged to a joy about being so prized, which was something she had been told she was her whole life. But all she had known was secrecy and that old cabin.
Cora sighed, shivering from the cold. Whatever ego was there quickly damped at thinking to Theran and how quick he was to dismiss Cora. She had so many more questions but felt annoying for asking so many. Then again, they had nothing to do either and it was hard to enjoy the scenery when it was so dark.
So, she asked the question that nagged at her the most. Giving Mina a glimpse of concern, Cora asked, "Why did Theran send me away right away? Did I do something wrong?"
Mina seemed to think that one through as well, her warm eyes turning serious. "No, if anything that was a better reception than I thought it would. Theran just, I think anyway, doesn't want to pressure you. Perhaps give you space to deal with your emotions."
Cora wasn't sure how she felt about that either. She hated the way everything was so gray to her right now. Perhaps that's just who he is..."I just always expected the Alpha to like...I don't know, keep me locked up or something. Not that that's good, just was what I expected. Or maybe to greet me as soon as I entered"-Cora forced a laugh and added-"I suppose I just had too much time to think."
"It's alright, really. You're nervous. But none of that matters now, as you have a whole pack behind you, just for who you are. Theran is who he is, but you'll learn him in time."
Despite Cora's smile being rather tepid, she knew it reached it her eyes in the way she felt a large wave of relief wash over her. I am not alone here. It seemed to dawn on her that there would be many that would be loyal to her, just in her blood alone. "Thanks, Mina. It sounds like I have so much to learn."
She chuckled, and Cora liked it. Mina said, "Yes, and lycans don't do politics well. Or, well, we do, but not when we have an issue like Theran where he inherited it versus claim it. Then again all previous Alpha seem to have earned their throne in one way or another. We haven't had an actual fight for the throne in like...like ten generations, or so. I know Steigen pack once had ten new Alphas in one year, because they all kept challenging the other. I think half of us wouldn't know what to do with just one."
Cora's gaze deadpanned. "What of Steigen?"
Mina's gaze hardened. "They go through Alpha's frequently."
"But what of the recent one. What of Grimshaw Steigen?" He's been around since I was born.
Mina swallowed thickly and looked down before saying. "He's been there for thirty years. He is an exception, due to his brutality and simultaneous ability to lead."
"That long?"
Mina gave a slow nod. "I hear rumors that he might come for you, Cora. You must avoid him at all costs. Your life would be miserable with him. He is effective, but he is cruel."
Cora nodded, fueled by that. "It's why my parents left everything behind."
Word Count: 2336
A/N: Sorry for the abrupt ending. It's a two parter, so in a real chapter this would be separated by a page break versus new chapter.
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