C10 | Curiosity
Ludovic's elbows leaned on his knees while watching Roman guide Cora out, eyeing the Omni carefully. She smelled like dirt, horse, grime, her own unique smell, and carried the unmistakable scent of Dagma's tree, which all the Rubies and Omnis had.
He did not envy her position in the slightest and immediately admired her for her story. Lycans were pack oriented and she was defending her very small one in the best way that she knew how.
He had only met two other Omnis before and they were both timid. The other traditional Rubies were born and then quickly raised among lycans, whereas the Omnis seemed to be found later in life. The thought of having to transition from one's life of reclusive living to being on such display, in his opinion, meant that that Cora deserved a lot more patience than he knew Theran would give.
Cora's appearance was curious to him as well, in that most in Kamas were rather pale with rich brown hair, a few blondes, and the occasional flaming red hair.
And yet her skin was warm, her hair so black he could hardly see a hue in it. Right away he knew she wasn't a native of these lands, and she fit those humans near Steigen. He doubted she had any idea the magnitude of that. It seems our reign of peace came to a harsh fucking halt...Steigen will come for her.
Grimshaw Steigen was a lycan of the Old Ways,who fought tooth, nail and flesh for to get what he wanted, no matter the cost. Ludovic himself was capable of such determination, but he didn't want to have to sacrifice any of those in Reiger either. I don't think we have a choice.
When Cora was nothing more than a lingering scent, Ludovic eyed the throne and his cousin that sat in it, the one their shared grandfather used to occupy before Theran's father.
Theran would get them all killed if Steigen came.
Mina leaned into Ludovic's ear once more, as she had done the whole night, and whispered, "I saw the boy she spoke of. And the witch. I don't think she is lying, Magna."
Magna was a title given to those of the highest Clans and was earned after a lycan's first hunt. Mina Trita came from a Thaella Clan, which sat below Borda and subsequently below Magna. The Trita Clan was the only other one to specialize in human translations, and while small and less powerful, they were incredibly loyal and diligent.
Ludovic trusted the Tritas, unlike the Ashmores who were one of the Clans to speak of reverting to the Old Ways to strengthen Reiger's weakened resolve, claiming lycans had grown soft. It was a sentiment that spread through the Bound Six, mostly spurred by warnings from their Seers, coupled with a recent human threat. No doubt a pack like Steigen would fair better in war than any in the Bound Six. While Ludovic agreed with that, there were aspects of the Old Ways that he did not savor.
"Go outside and greet our Omni," Ludovic commanded to Mina.
She left without a word. Mina's role was more than to just give a private translation, but also because he chose her as Cora's confidante. If he was to watch over her, then he would make sure she was well taken care of, especially now after hearing her story.
He looked at Asla, her gray eyes deepening with concern. She seemed to burn with a desire to say more and he knew she wanted Ludovic to make his declaration for the throne sooner rather than later.
Ludovic too felt that pressure and knew that more in the pack would feel similarly once they knew the gravity of Cora's arrival.
Nodding to the doors that Cora walked through, he eyed Asla and said, "Go."
She took in a deep breath before giving him a single nod and rose to leave. Upon hearing that Cora's injured brother accompanied her, Ludovic knew the young human would need to be guarded. Especially if it was related to the Ashmores.
Theran said, "Cousin Ludovic."
Ludovic looked up at the Alpha, who asked, "Does your leg prevent you from watching over our Omni, or are you still secure in that duty?"
With the slow articulation that Ludovic was known for, he said, "No it does not, my liege."
Truthfully, it hurt like a bitch, but Ludovic trusted very few to guard the Omni. Especially after seeing her just now, ready to receive them and do what she had to for her brother.
She was one of them and clearly lost without a home, and he wouldn't allow mistreatment if he could help it.
Another cousin of theirs, Sharla, spoke up. Her skin was of alabaster, her hair a rich brown. Only her gray eyes matched Reiger's, along with her power and tenacity. She had always been fond of their shared cousin, brought into the family through a mating of her parents rather than by blood.
Sharla held out a hand to gain the Alpha's attention, and bowing her head as she spoke, "Theran, cousin, perhaps have another oversee the Omni. Maybe a mated male, or a female."
Theran rolled his eyes, his voice echoing against the walls. "We have had this conversation."
Ludovic narrowed his eyes as Sharla added, "He is unmated, is all. It's not very wise."
"Ludovic is necessary as most of the mated males in our Clan needs to be with their family, and I don't trust the females if a great threat were to appear. Perhaps when she is turned and officially one of us, it would make more sense." Theran eyed Ludovic, his tone slightly condescending. "Plus our dear cousin has been on so many adventures to protect our borders...let us give him an easy job to nurse his wounds."
Ludovic pursed his lips, holding back a snort.
Sharla glared at Ludovic, quickly looking away when she caught the displeasure in his eyes. "What if he tries to take her? In the meantime? I am sure he has allies who would defend him."
Ludovic clenched his jaw. Sharla always had a penchant for sucking up to Theran, ever since they decided he would become the Alpha at a young age.
Not willing to sit and allow her to make such accusations in front of him, Ludovic said, "You know I am not a lycan to steal and hide my actions, Sharla. So bite your tongue."
Perhaps it was a partial truth, as Ludovic was fine with taking what he saw as necessary, but he would never hide it. If he decided to take the throne, which meant the Omni, Theran would know. Cora and everyone else would know.
One of the Talons, or advisors to the Alpha, leaned their head forward to speak. "It is wise, my liege, to place a female or mated male with her. It's just better politics."
Theran held a hand up. "No. I know you say you hear whispers of unhappiness with me, but they did the same for my grandfather and father. It is nothing but whispers. A part of being the Alpha is taking the burden of others that wrongfully blame you because it is the easiest option. Cora must be protected at all costs, not just for her own safety, but because of what she offers me. A mated male would become distracted with his own family, and the only females of stature that would rival Ludovic or I are not close to the family Clan. No, it needs to be a Reiger that watches over her, to be a reminder to others of who she belongs to. And Ludovic is the one, next to me, that would command such obedience. Any others are too old, or have their own families to tend to."
Ludovic found it interesting that even Theran admitted Ludovic's prowess, despite wanting to put Ludovic down only moments ago. Then again, he doesn't like to make family unhappy, and even though she is the Omni, many would complain to be away from family for so long.
After clearly debating her next move, Sharla finally said, "Fine, I will state it in front of us all. What if she develops an interest in him? We have to be careful with her. If she chooses another male, once she is turned, it could be hard to control her."
Theran took offense. "Do you think so low of me, Sharla, that I'd lose the Omni that easily?" Sharla lowered her gaze as Theran added, "That's why the Seers want to turn them all at once, in case you forgot. They have a method for control but it requires them all."
Another male stepped forward. "Perhaps someone of another Clan—"
"Enough," Theran bellowed, gripping the arms of the seat and nearly cracking them. "For the time being, Ludovic will watch her. I do now need this kind of doubt from inside my own Clan" —he nodded to a lesser lycan of a Borda Clan—"Mead, now."
The lycan obeyed his Alpha, and as the sound of gulping mead echoed against the silence, everyone remained in Alpha's Forum as a sign of respect, until the Alpha released them. Asla only had an exception due to informing Theran beforehand.
It was the fact that no one left that told Ludovic many still respected his cousin's role on the throne. His kin had grown up with Theran, who had been kind and gentle to his own family, although most agreed that he had grown more difficult as he aged. Mostly all were aware of Theran's weaknesses in his vices, but to unseat him would change so much for their world, that many wanted to avoid that.
Theran might hold his Forum well, but he failed when it came to real confrontation. Ludovic had seen it many times in the heat of battle.
Ludovic sneered and looked away at remembering unforgettable tragedies in his life...ones caused by Theran's cowardice when he needed him most.
The Alpha rose and the others followed. Many went to the exit behind the throne to climb the stairs that would take them to their dwellings in the cliff face. Half the Clan wanted to be here when Cora arrived, waiting day and night for her. In a few days they would no doubt return home to tell tales of seeing the Omni.
Theran motioned for Ludovic to come to him, to which he sighed and as he rose, pain shot in his leg. Although, he hid it well as he made for the Alpha.
Right away Ludovic noted the absence of warmth in his eyes. Theran descended the stairs from the throne and stopped only a foot away from Ludovic. "I will have people watching, you should know. If you interact with her in ways that I don't approve, you will be removed. She is to be your Omega, and I your Alpha, the bearer of my children, and of your kin. You can either respect that or ruin it. I leave that decision to you."
Ludovic imagined Theran on the throne with Cora at his side and Grimshaw attacking these lands. For a moment, Ludovic wanted to laugh at Theran. To tell him he was weak and undeserving, and he would absolutely perish if Grimshaw even looked at him. Ludovic then imagined the look on Cora's face as she realized her mate was worthless against such a threat, forced to endure the life that she fought so hard to evade.
Theran's eyes widened just ever so, and Ludovic tempered his expression that no doubt revealed his genuine feelings for his cousin.
My gut instinct wants it. Wants to cull every weakness in the face of a threat.
In that, Ludovic had no trouble lying or deceiving Theran. He would give his cousin a chance, but only a small one. They didn't have the luxury to experiment, not only with the threat of Steigen, but also so Cora could avoid dealing with the drama of an unstable Alpha.
With a false nod of submission, Ludovic said, "Of course, my liege. You know I serve the pack before myself."
Theran liked the answer, as his expression relaxed. "And find out the state of her innocence, so I am aware of how the first few meetings should go."
Ludovic held back rolling his eyes. "I don't think that's the most pressing matter right now. She is tired, stressed, and Steigen will be in our woods soon. We need to make her comfortable so if war comes, she is ready and trained. They will be coming for her, after all."
Theran looked Ludovic up and down before snorting. "She should feel more than comfortable with the luxury she is about to receive. She is lucky that I am not punishing her brother. She doesn't need niceties like that from me to feel comfortable."
He is an idiot. Ludovic furrowed his brows. "Her brother was attacked. Would you really punish a human boy for defending himself?"
Theran took a step closer. "Oren said that the boy instigated the entire thing."
Ludovic let out an incredulous chortle, placing his hands on his hips, shaking his head and trying his best to tolerate this.
Theran clearly didn't appreciate the attitude and said, "Do make sure that you don't spread the hate for other clans to my Omni. I like you, cousin, but you do not mediate well with some families, and you are known for being hotheaded. Make sure to watch that."
It took an immense amount of control for Ludovic to bite back his words. All you can mediate is the mead in your cup.
Ludovic didn't respond, but rather stared Theran in the eye. The Alpha revealed a slight weakness and looked away saying, "Go. Make her comfortable, if that's such a worry."
"As you wish," Ludovic said dryly.
Theran turned to leave, walking past a Seer that bowed to the Alpha as she passed. Ludovic was about to turn around, but the Seer known as Oleva came forward, her sandals gently smacking on the stone floor. She was an older lycan, in her eighties, but appeared in her forties, dressed in red robes with a brown satchel across the waist. She bore a tattoo of a moon flanked by a crescent moon on either side, right in the middle of her neck to symbolize who she was.
There was a distinct clinking of jewelry that preceded a Seer like Oleva, with her decorative bracelets and earrings. She tossed her mop of graying brown hair behind her shoulders.
"What is it," Ludovic said.
Oleva didn't carry her usual smile, which was replaced with a frown and grave eyes. She murmured, "My brothers and sisters with the Vision saw Steigen sending an owl our way. They know."
Ludovic's muscles stiffened and his eyes narrowed. "Did you tell Theran?"
"Walder is doing so now, Magna."
Ludovic pulled on his face, looking around the stone room of the forum and out of the carved windows to the dark, cool lake. Solemnly, he said, "They're going to come for her. Sooner rather than later it looks like."
Oleva took a step closer. "Keep her safe, Ludovic. Please. Trust no one, and keep her close."
He narrowed his eyes on the Seer. "What all did you see?"
She licked her lips which were stained red and straightened her robes before saying, "Our packs and alliances will come to a great reckoning soon, Magna. I don't doubt she will be the heart of it, along with the other Omnis. There is an imbalance in the air, one we all feel. The gods are aligning their pieces as we speak, and her arrival is one of the last, I fear."
Ludovic stared into her green, wizened eyes for a long time. Oleva knew him well, as she was close to him when he was a youngling. But with all his duties once he officially became a Magna, distance placed a barrier between them.
Those eyes he still recognized, however. She trusted him to guard the Omni. He bowed his head. "I will keep her safe."
The Seer looked like she wanted to say more, but closed her mouth, and instead gave him a very deep bow in return. He looked at her with confusion, as a bow that deep was only reserved for those with very high authority like an Alpha, Omega or their younglings.
"May your bite remain strong," she said, giving him a curious look. He only nodded, and turned around to find the Omni.
Controlling his limp to the best of his ability, Ludovic stepped out of the forum and saw Cora near the bridge next to a horse-hitched wagon, a mix of moonlight and torches giving illumination.
Asla stood aside, along with Roman. Cora was in the bed of the wagon, and appeared to be gently touching someone. Based on the pained expression of hers, he felt it fair to assume it was her brother. Ludovic could smell the injury, even from there.
Ludovic took a double glance when he noticed Mina stood next to the entrance of the forum, rather than near Cora. When she noticed him, she straightened her posture and bowed her head towards him. "I apologize, Magna, for standing here rather than seeing to her. She uh, she seemed to be having a moment with her brother. I didn't want to interrupt."
Ludovic didn't smile, but he gentled his eyes. "Your Clan is undervalued, Mina. The Ashmores would have interrupted it and taken her away by now."
She spoke with concern. "The boy is badly injured. Roman seems to have helped, though, but it will take months for him to heal."
"I would like to hear his story from him when he is stable. Oren claims that the boy antagonized Nailan into attack. I believe that as much as I believe that the moon is purple."
She gave a weak smile, which turned back into a frown as she looked down, her large, golden earrings swaying with the movement. "Our Alpha wants her ready to present in two days, but I worry she will need more time."
"I doubt our Alpha will give her more. If you don't mind, I'd prefer if you are the translator for that. The last thing she needs is an Ashmore doing it. I'll do what I can to tell Theran to go gently on her. Perhaps even get one of the other cousins to talk to him, if need be."
"I can do it," Mina said, determination stealing her expression. "No matter what, she is an Omni. She is one of us. I will do what I can to help her become that."
"That's why I chose you." He looked back at Cora and eyed the witch, able to recognize that unique trace of magic from anywhere.
The witch eyed Ludovic as soon as his gaze landed on her and she glared at him with a precarious edge. He took in a deep breath, straightening his shoulders as he suddenly understood.
The witch wasn't complying with the lycans because she felt threatened, or for the sake of the humans, but rather because she was waiting.
Waiting for what? He wasn't certain.
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