Chapter 20- Impailed & Imperfect
I see Teresa and silently thank her. Even though I hate her, she just saved me from loads of emotional scarring. She slowly approaches me and takes some of my blood to make a cure for rat man and a couple other batches just to have. Janson walks over to me again with that glint in his eye. I start to get a bad feeling about this. I don't like it! (Or as Chris Evans would say "I don't wike it" haha sorry I'll let you get back to the story.) He hovers over me as he holds the cure in his hand.
"ahhh thank you love, I'm done with you now. Well, I'm least done with your blood." he says as he smirks at me.
"What are you gonna do, kill me?"
"Oh no, I'm going to take special care of you."
That sounded awfully sexual. NO I don't wanna have ratman's babies! I push that very dark thought into the back of my head. I never want to think of that again. He looks at me in my eyes and says
"You see what this place is y/n? It's a lifeboat, and the whole world might be sinking."
Wow, what a poetic little shank. I lean forward as much as I can, which is quite hard due to the restraints and I spit in his face. He looked shocked for a quick second then he quickly changed his face to a smirk. He turned around to wipe his face off and he started to walk back towards me. Before he reaches me Teresa smacks him upside the head with a glass bottle. Well, that slinthead deserved it. She runs over to me and starts undoing my restraints. She had unbuckled one of my arms when Janson grabbed her from behind and slammed her on the ground. Wow. This man really has some pent up anger. As they are fighting I struggle to undo my other restraints. I turn and see Teresa knocked out on the ground not moving. Oh god did he kill her?! I mean I don't really care but I didn't think Janson would actually do that. He turns to me and I fumble with the buckle on my right leg. It's the last one left. I rip it off moments before he reaches me and I quickly slide away from him. I run out from behind the table and tackle him as we crash through a glass wall. I land on broken glass and groan in pain. We both push away from each other and stand when I lunge forward and punch him square in the jaw as hard as I can. Wow that felt so good. I go in for the second, third, and fourth punches switching from his face to his abdomen every time I strike. He realized the pattern and twists my arm and pushes me to the ground. A small cry escapes my lips as I hit the ground. That hurt. Now he takes his turn and kicks me in the stomach while saying
"I'll never punch a girl."
I respond with "That doesn't stop me from punching you."
I reach up and punch him in the gut while kicking his kneecap making him fall to the ground. I begin to sprint down the hall and I get the moment of realization. I'm finally free. Not even two seconds later I trip and slam into the ground. Great. It's all because my shoes are untied. Janson says
"Alright love, that's enough"
Mr. rat man pulls out his gun and aims right at my head. I hear the gun fire and brace for impact. Nothing happened. Am I sure I didn't get shot? I would feel it right? I look up and see that Teresa knocked the gun out of his hand and is running back into the lab with it. I hear him yell that he will come back for her later as he pulls out a knife and runs to me. I am so in shock that I didn't get shot. Time feels as though it is going in slow motion as he comes close to me. I snap out of it and start to run but it is too late. He grabs me and pushes the long silver blade into my stomach. He rips the blade out of my gut then starts to walk back over to Teresa's lab. I fall to the ground and crawl over to the wall. I lean up against it and try to put as much pressure on the wound as I can. This is it. I'm going to die. I'm so sorry Newt, you deserved better.
A/N well I sure hope you don't die :) see you in the next chapter slintheads -L
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