Chapter 13- False Hope
We escorted Teresa to the elevators while trying to blend in with the other guards. The large steel doors of the elevator started to close and I am relieved to say that we were in the clear. I silently thank... God? Who do I even thank in this situation? As I am deep in thought Janson ran up and stuck his hand in the elevator.
"Hold it"
No I would rather not hold it. I want the doors to close and chop off your arm. That would be nice. Ugh, I hate him. Ratty tatty tat man starts to talk to Teresa. He is all
"We are friends you can trust me with your problems. You can tell me anything."
I hold back a scoff, yeah right.
"And one more thing, Thomas is here. If he comes to you, I'd like to think I would be the first person you'd tell."
Newt, Thomas, and I all look at one another as he says this. Does he know we are in the building or just in the general area? My thoughts were cut off yet again by Janson asking Teresa if it would be a problem if he killed Thomas. Man, this rat is full of hatred. Just like the sewage rats in New York. As soon as the elevator doors open we leave. I might have walked out of there a little too quickly and I hope Janson didn't notice how eager I was to get away. Thomas is the last one out of the elevator, and when he walks out he bumps into Janson's shoulder then walks off and looks over his shoulder when he rounds the corner. That's not suspicious at all. We head up a small flight of stairs that leads into a hallway that contains the fire escape tunnels that we are going to use to navigate through the building. We are at the head of the tunnels when Teresa stops us and says that she can help Newt. I listen closely but Thomas thinks she is lying, of course and yells at her to shut up. She keeps prying and he finally snapped. He rips off his mask and yells in her face that there is no cure.
"Thomas! Let's hear her out." I whisper shout.
We don't need to draw anymore attention to ourselves.
"Mate, put your bloody mask back on!"
I start to get a bad feeling and I grab Thomas's arm and start to drag him away from Teresa.
"We need to get out of here. Now!"
My senses are overwhelmed as I hear loads of heavy footsteps coming towards us. Shit. I look up and see Janson. Could this get any worse?
"Don't waste your breath Teresa"
We all look around. We greatly outnumbered and we have no chance. Newt grabs my hand knowing that we can't fight our way out of this one. Thomas pulls Teresa closer to himself and puts a gun to her head. Well, I was not expecting that one. He yells
"Stay back, stay back or I'll shoot her!"
Janson mocks him by yelling "Shoot her! Do it Thomas!"
I kinda wanted him to shoot her because she got me tortured but at the same time, if we were able to get out of this (which we aren't) she might be able to save Newt. I vote to kill her because let's face it. We are not getting out of here. Without warning Teresa pushes us into the fire escape and slams the door shut. I stood there shocked and Janson was trying to shoot through the doors. I laughed. He was unsuccessful. I pulled off my mask and smiled at him while flipping him off. The look on his face made this all worth it. I grab Newt and Thomas by the arm and start sprinting down the hallway. We keep running as fast as we possibly can around the twists and turns of the hallway. Honestly, It's kinda peaceful. It reminds me of the maze back when things were simpler. We frantically run around until we see Ava Paige. We all skid to a halt and hesitate wondering if we should approach her or not. Janson turns the corner and starts shooting at us. I guess this means we can't talk to Ava. Not now anyway. We immediately start running again, once again mindlessly barreling around turns in a building we don't know. As we run we scream Minho's name. I hope he can hear us. As we sprint around the corner on the right we are met with a wall of guards. Shit! Again? I quickly turn around but they are behind us too. We are surrounded. These slintheads. Can't we get a freaking happy reunion already? Ugh.
A/N oooooo what gonna happen?? I don't know about you but I felt very happy when you flipped off Janson. Excellent move by the way. See you in the next chapter slintheads -L :)
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