Hey there
Oh Gods do we really have to do this?
Yes we do.
As you can see, this week Jon's embarrassed because-
Nahhh. I quit. This is now the blog of one average boy.
You can't back out now! We're in this together!!!
Not in this stupid frilly costume we're not!
As you may have guessed from the title, this week Jon and I are cosplaying!
*insert clapping*
But Nate couldn't just stick to cosplaying normally, oh no...
We had to cosplay as GIRLS
not just any girls! We're Rem and Ram from Re:Zero!
(That's anime btw.)
Who's who again?
You expect me to remember? Anyway, we're both in costume and let me tell you, I feel fabulous.
I feel stupid
You look stupid
Hey! You can't say that, we're literally wearing the exact same thing!
Not quite...
The ONLY difference is our hair
Yes, but red is much classier
Isn't it meant to be pink tho?
hush, child.
It is. At least I'M following canon
It's called artistic license. I do what I want.
But seriously, who knew dresses were so comfortable?
Speak for yourself. My legs are freezing and the lace itches like Tartarus
Have you shown "the squad" yet?
XD it sounds like a girl band.
It pretty much IS a girl band, and no way. If any of them saw me like this, my life would be over.
I'm IMing Angela right now
Noooooo! You can't do that!
How do you even know who Angela is?
Huh? Oh, I've planned an interview with her for a couple of weeks, because her hair is awesome
Angie says she's busy, but she's texted Clary.
I thought we were friends! How could you betray me like this?
wuv <3
Lord Thanatos, please grant me a swift and relatively painless death.
Actually forget painless, just kill me now before I have to endure the humiliation of being seen in a frilly maid's outfit and padded bra
OMGs I'm dying rn XD
Same way it went on? idk
ur not being very helpful, considering this is ALL YOUR FAULT!
Why should I be?
If you don't help NOW, I'm telling Genevieve where to find you.
Trust me, I would.
Um, okay. Where are u?
in my cabin
Okay I think the best thing to do is to rub glitter through your hair then get into bed and pretend ur sick. I only told Angie you had something to show her, so Clary shouldn't be suspicious.
Is the glitter really necessary?
It's the most essential part.
I hate glitter, but I like my dignity even more, so I'm going to trust you even though you've used up all of my trust reserves for ALL of my friends.
Wise choice
Oh gods here she comes
Bro it's been five minutes
Are you okay?
Did Thanatos take your prayer literally?
Chill Nathaniel im back
what happened? Did it work?
A little toooo well
she believed I was sick and kept trying to get me to drink nectar, then she refused to leave until I said I was feeling better
I had to stop her from getting an Apollo kid to check me out
oh that came out wrong
ur acting like this is a bad thing
It's weird! Clary is the type to revel in the suffering of others! She would never willingly help anyone, especially me! The only reason she would stay is if she thought she could make me more miserable!
Maybe she's been possessed
I think you may be overreacting.
I think that we haven't explained who Genevieve is
Ohhhh no. that will not be necessary.
Ohhhh yes.
Nates crush is called Geneviève the third of the boy band rocky monsters that is her full title
If ur reading genevieve we love you
*kissing face*
yep. u know its true!
You have been exiled
He just cut the connection ;-;
Well I guess we'll see you next time?
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