Lauren Knows The Truth
P.s. above is how I picture Nuri😊
You bitches have alot of explaining to do" she growls pushing harshly inside Nuri's house. Nuri glances at me nervously before following Lauren and a timid Lila to the living room.
"We need to take this to the basement... the servants can't know she is here" Nuri says before leading us down to the basement.
My heart was thumping loudly I could hear my own heartbeat. We climbed down the stairs each of us taking a seat. Lauren frowned at us as Lila kept her head down. This was definitely not going to end well.
"One of you better start talking" Lauren growls her eyes burning with rage. Nuri eyes me as if expecting me to speak first.
"Um well... it's kind of a long story. You see uh..."
"Just spit it out already"!
Lila jumped in her seat at the loudness of Lauren's voice. I frowned not understanding where this rage was coming from. "Wesley found Lila in a field a couple of miles away from the school. He's been trying to find a way to help her" I explained folding my arms over my chest.
"That doesn't explain why you and Nuri are in on this! And don't you dare try and blame this on Wesley! He'd never betray his pack"! Lauren stands up from her chair her fist balled.
I frown deeper. "It's true Lauren. We're just helping Wesley out plus she needs our help".
"This is exactly why we never tell you anything. You freak out over the littlest things" Nuri chimes in. She wasn't lying either.
"I'm freaking out because you are hiding a rogue! Your lucky I didn't bring her to the alpha! I found her lurking around while I was on guard duty. She told me she got lost and that she was trying to find her way back to Nuri's house"!
Lila fidgeted in her seat and before I knew it Nuri had gotten out of her seat to storm up to Lila. "Why the hell did you leave in the first place! I told you that you were not to leave this basment".
Lila's lips began to tremble as tears began to softly fall down her brown cheeks. "I...I'm sorry" she whispered sniffling slightly. With a sigh I pull Nuri back to sit her down.
"Yelling at her isn't going to fix anything. Right now we just need to get Wesley here. It's his problem to deal with" I say with a wave of my hand. Nuri agrees with me but Lauren still picks a fight.
"Fine we'll call Wesley here then! See what he has to say about all this, he is the future alpha after all" Lauren gloats angrily plopping onto the couch. I tell Nuri to send him a text as we weren't exactly on speaking terms.
After a long hour Nuri comes down to the basement, a towering Wesley following behind her. His eyes glance at me and I look away refusing to meet his gaze. "Wesley thank god you're here! Please tell these girls that you weren't hiding some rogue" Lauren says advancing towards him.
She places a hand on his chest batting her eyes up at him. The frown on his face indicates how irritated he is. "What the hell are you doing here Lauren? And where the hell were you Lila? Who told you to leave the basement?
He shoves Lauren off of him going to stand by me. Suddenly feeling childish I get up to sit beside Nuri who rolls her eyes at me. "Lila I suggest you start talking, my patience is wearing thin" he growls.
She gulps loudly her petite form slightly trembling. Her afro hair is tied back in a large bun as her brown eyes hold fear in them. "I... I only wanted to go for a run... but then I got carried away and... the next thing I know... I couldn't find my way back" she says between sniffles.
"You should have called me if that was the case! Do you know what could have happened had the guards found you? They wouldn't think for one second to spare your life" Wesley growls his voice getting louder by the second.
"We need to keep our voices down. The servants like to talk and we don't need my parents getting involved" Nuri says casting an angry look at Wesley. He sighs deeply before taking a seat on the couch across from us.
"This cannot be happening right now! If the pack finds this out.... you could be banished Wesley..... they could kick me out too"! Lauren begins to panic her face turning white as if she had seen a ghost.
"No one is being banished. I'll figure this out like I normally do. In the meantime Lila needs a new place to stay. Anyone have any ideas"? Wesley glances around the room expectantly.
I don't say anything readying myself to stand up. "Well since I've nothing to contribute I'm gonna go". I bid goodbye to Lauren and Nuri practically running up the basement stairs and out the front door. I'm about to begin walking joke when I hear Wesley's gruff voice.
"So you're just going to run away, like a child"? He asks and I turn facing his towering form. He folds his arms making his muscles bulge with tension.
"This isn't me running away Wesley. I'm simply removing myself from the situation" I say holding my ground. I gulp deeply when he starts to step closer to me causing me to take a fee steps back. It's like a game we are playing but instead the big bad wolf tries to capture the vampire a pure blooded one at that.
I continue taking steps back until my back hits a tree. He slams both hands against the tree blocking me in a cage of his his arms. The look in his eyes is one I've never seen before. The gold in his eyes shiver with an emotion I've yet to come to terms with.
It was as I was seeing him for the very first time. His luscious lips seemed to whisper to me as if begging me to step closer. And I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. The air felt hot and sticky and the more he looked at me with those fierce eyes the more I fidgeted.
He leans his face closer to mine and places his forehead against mine. He closes his eyes taking a deep breath and his minty breath gently caresses my face. "I'm sorry...about earlier... I didn't mean what I said" he cooed softly.
The action made my heart do flips. It was the first time I had ever experienced this feeling. It was strange almost foriegn to me. "I... it's fine" I cursed myself for stammering and the next thing I know I feel a light kiss press against my forehead.
"I'll walk you home" he says finally moving away a bit to grab my hand. He doesn't say anything else to me the whole way and I thank the heavens as my face felt hot and was probably red. I had always seen him as the big brother I never had.
But that was quickly changing and the idea... scared me. I didn't know what these feelings were or how to act upon them so I would ignore them for now.
Maybe they'd go away....eventually
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