I Left Him
I woke up with a blurred vision. Heart racing as if it would burst from out of my chest. I blinked a few times trying to regain sight and after a few seconds, I could see clearly again. I gazed around the room it was dark and reeked of pure death. The smell of blood wafted against my nostrils causing my throat to go dry.
I needed feeding. And soon, or else who knew how long I'd be able to control myself. I looked to see my body tightly wrapped around a chair with some rope. My hands were tied so tight I could see faint red lines starting to appear. It was then that I looked across from me to a see shirtless Wesley. Face bruised and battered, he was shirtless chained to a wall. His head hanged low but I could see the slow rhythmic breathing of his chest.
Tears gathered in my eyes. "W-Wes... W-Wes" I whispered softly trying to get him to wake up. It was no use anyway as we were a slight distance apart in the room. There was no way I would be able to get to him. I felt defeated, there was nothing I could do to save us both.
I was weak
I let my curiosity get the better of me and now Wesley has been dragged into this. I heard footsteps making their way towards us, they were slow as if taunting us. I had no clue just what these hunters were capable of. The creaking sound of the door opening reached my ears making me turn my head.
A tall dark-haired woman with pale skin and black nails walked in. She was dressed in a fancy red dress, her heels padding against the floor. The red-haired hunter girl stood near the wall a prominent frown never leaving her face.
The woman stood in front of me. She started me down as if daring me to look away. "What were you doing spying on us"? She spoke a little too softly, for my liking. She stood folding her lengthy, arms across her chest waiting for me to speak.
What exactly was I supposed to say? That I had been out for a midnight stroll and just so happened to see them. But the reality was that the land they were on was not there's, to begin with. " Why are you on someone else's property"?
She stared me down. It felt like days had passed by. The corner of her lips turned up as she grinned. "Who's property would that be"? She croaked loudly laughter pummeling out of her mouth. She placed a hand underneath my chin daring me to answer. Examining my face she immediately stopped on my blind eye.
I felt my body lightly tremor with fear. I had no clue who this woman was or what she was capable of. But what I did know was that she was obviously working with the hunters. But the reason why was still yet to be discovered.
A deep growl mixed with a groan had my head snapping towards Wesley. He looked around eyes deep golden, teeth bared. He growled deeply at us as thick claws started to emerge from his hands. He looked feral, something I hadn't seen on him.
His wild dark hair stuck to his forehead. He pulled and thrashed against the chains that held him captured. "What did you do to him"?! I gulped deeply my chapped licks stinging and I could taste a bit of my blood.
The woman laughed once more before making her way to Wesley. "It seems to bs working, this a good sign" she spoke excitedly with a large grin. Confused I tried to break free from the rope but it was no use. Wesley bared his teeth and roared so loudly it scared me to think about just what they had given him.
"You may leave but your friend will not. I'd advise you not to speak of what you have seen" the woman warned. She snapped her fingers and the red-headed hunter girl helped to untie me. Her face blank but a frown still there she didn't seem to happy that I was to walk away.
But how could I leave? How could I leave without him? I stood on shaky feet my body hurting, bruised, and red from the tight rope. "I want to speak to him... alone" I pleaded once I had been completely free from the rope.
She contemplated for a few seconds before finally giving in. "You have two minutes and then you will be escorted out, safely of course". She glanced between us before leaving the room the reluctant hunter girl following behind her.
I raced towards Wesley. I gently took his face in my hands getting a closer look at his bruised body. "I'm going to get you out of here," I said tugging at the chains. I had very little strength even with my vampire abilities.
"S-stop... it's no use" he panted out. A sob rested at my throat, I knew there was no option but to leave him here. I rested my forehead against him as silent tears fell down my cheeks. Deep down I blamed myself for all of this, for getting him involved.
"I- I can't leave you" I sobbed lightly. He pressed a gentle kiss against my cheek. My eyes met his golden ones and all I could see was uncertainty. How would he make it out alive? Had they already planned this all out? So many questions yet I felt they would never be answered.
"Go back home. Let my parents know what's going on, inform them that the vampires are teaming up with the hunters. Let them know I've been captured and that I plan to return after I find out more".
I cried lightly shaking my head. "Wesley... they'll kill you... if we just try to loosen up the chains-"
"I need to figure what's going on. I've been injected with something and it's making my wolf go crazy" he said through clenched teeth. The door opened revealing the frowning hunter. Sobs wracked my body as I hugged him tightly.
"You know how to contact me. Remember our bond, our special mindlink" he whispered in my head. With one last glance, I walked out of that room not daring to look back.
I left him
I left him to deal with the uncertainty of being able to make it out alive.
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