He Protects Me
I read the letters from the wall while covering my blind eye. I sat patiently waiting for doctor Warren to finish writing something down. He drags the pen across the pad of paper.
"Hmm your eyesight seems to be getting stronger in your left eye. How are the new eye drops working for you"?
"They've been working fine... although I'm still experiencing pain". I lightly tap my fingers against my leg as he writes something down. Wesley stands in the corner with his arms folded. He had demanded we spend the the day together even though I told him I had an appointment with doctor Warren. He was all too eager to come, providing me with emotional support.
"Well, I'm going to recommend an eye cream that should also help with the pain. You just rub it onto your eyelid before you sleep at night". I nod my head after he hands me a paper with the name and details of the cream.
After we are done I walk along side Wesley who instantly tugs on my hand. "So where are we off to next"? I ask with a small smile. A lock of his dark hair ruffles against the cold winter air and I stop the urge to push it away.
"There's a small cafe near here. Let's go warm up a bit". He tugs my glove covered hand, almost dragging me alongside him. With his tall frame I look like a toddler compared to him. We immediately stop in front of small cafe named Cafe Bene we grab a table towards the back near the window.
The cafe has homey vibe to it. With white benches and the walls decorated with painted palm trees. A large dream catcher dangles from the entrance door. The smell of lemon and ocean cast throughout the cafe making me feel as if I am on the beach.
Wesley gets up to order us something as I peel off my coat. I glance out the large window as people past by. This winter had been the coldest so far and I couldn't wait for summer to come again. I was in desperate need of some hot weather and no vampires don't melt under the hot sun.
Wesley comes to the table holding two steaming styrofoam cups and an plate filled with cookies. "I wasn't sure which one you'd like so I just bought them all" he says sliding into the seat next to me. I gasp at the large array of cookies on the plate.
I pick a chocolate cookie moaning with delight. "Wow these are delicious"! I say nibbling away on the cookie.
"Let me try" he grabs the half bitten cookie from my hand eating it all in one mouthful. I frown swatting at his head.
"Wes you could have gotten your own instead of stealing mine" I snapped playfully grabbing a different cookie off the plate. He sends me a large grin and I hold back a smile of my own. We chat away sipping on our warm hot chocolates. Soon he drags me out of the cafe and into town.
"Where exactly are you taking me"? I say as he drags me deeper into a hidden forest behind the town. I swat at the annoying amount of bugs that fly in my face.
"My wolf wants to meet you. He's been anxious ever since I came back". We walk into a clear field that seems so far away from the town. Beautiful roses surrounded the area creating a certain aesthetic.
Wesley drops my hand turning to smile at me. He peels off his coat and shirt making me squeal. "What the hell Wes a warning would have been nice"! I turn my back to him my cheeks growing hot.
I hear him chuckle until the cracking of bones starts to make me cringe. I felt a slight nudge against my legs causing me to turn around. I gasp at how large his wolf is, his bright red eyes contrasted against his all white fur.
"Wow... you're so beautiful" I whisper raking my hands inside his deep fur. He purrs in delight at my touch, I sit on the cold ground and he instantly tries to fit into my lap. I giggle as he tries to get comfortable but his large legs flop about.
"Your like a dog" I tease causing him to lick my face repeatedly. I gently swat his face away as he gives me wet kisses. He nuzzles his large wolf face to mine and I could feel his intense body heat.
It had been a year since I had seen his wolf. When we were younger, his wolf was so small in size as he was still a pup. We'd play together for hours as he would chase me around. Now he looked radiant and I couldn't help admiring his beauty. It made me wish I could transform into a wolf myself.
Just then he pushed me to stand up. I stand up placing my gloved hands on my hips. "What is it"? I ask as he continues to nudge me forward trying to tell me something. "You want to play chase"? I ask and he nods his head his pink tongue hanging out.
I giggle before setting off into a run. I run so fast the cold air slaps against my face pushing my long blonde locks of hair back. I laugh as I check behind me to see him gaining speed. The sight warms my heart bringing me back to our childhood days.
I'm running so fast I don't even see the figure standing before me with a huge arrow pointed at me. "Stop right there and don't even think about moving an inch" the man sneers now pointing the arrow behind me.
I stand still shocked my body freezing. I turn only my head to see Wesley baring his large canines. His eyes look to me as if telling me to stay calm and to trust him. I gulp deeply keeping my eyes on the strange man that walks towards Wesley.
"Aren't you a nice looking wolf. You'd make a great experiment" the man laughs his hands still clenching the arrow. He walks earnestly around Wesley circulating him as if daring him to make a move.
But Wesley paces himself. And he makes a discreet head movement towards the opposite direction. I nod my head understanding what he wants me to do. And at the exact moment when the man's back is to me I take off not even daring to look back.
Two arrows are shot in my direction and I dodge them by a few meters. I thank the heavens for my vampiric speed but curse myself for not training harder. When the town comes into vision I stop immediately as my chest heaves up and down.
I wait for what seems like forever until I spot Wesley coming out from the deep trees. He had changed back out of his wolf and his face adorns a slight scratch.
"Oh my god Wes are you alright"?! I pull his large frame to me my hands cupping his face gently. He places his hand on mine resting it on his cheek and gently closing his eyes.
"I'm fine. But we need to get you out of here, it's not safe here". He says gruffly now tugging my gloved hand in his. We walk out of the deep forest hand in hand I glance back still in shock of what took place.
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