He Likes To Scare Me
"Put on something scary, I'm feeling in a spooky mood tonight" Nuri commands her body all sprawled out against the couch. I grab the remote searching for scary movies on Netflix.
"I think we should watch something that won't prevent me from sleeping. You know how I feel about scary movies" Lauren whines while painting her nails with yellow nail polish. We were having our annual girl's night that we did every friday.
My phone beeps for the millionth time and I check to see I got a text from Wesley. "Who is that ringing your phone every minute" Nuri says trying to look over at my phone.
"Just Wesley, he wanted to hang out but I told him we were having our girls night". I say waving it off before putting my phone on silent. Nuri and Lauren argue about which movie to watch so I decide to go downstairs to make some popcorn.
The mansion was empty as all the servants were off duty. I grab a bag of popcorn from the pantry placing it in the microwave. The popcorn begins popping when I hear a light knock against the kitchen window.
Clutching my chest, I slowly creep towards the window to see Wesley banging against it. I frown opening the window wide open "What are you doing here? I told you I would hang out with you tomorrow" I whisper.
He grins widely pulling my body through window a little to hug me close. "I know but I just wanted to see you. Why'd you stop answering my texts" he grunted looking deeply in my eyes.
" Well... I...I was busy! Just go before Lauren and Nuri figure out you are here" I say panicking a little inside. I lightly shove his tall body out the window but it was no use as he barely moved at all.
"Alright alright, fine I'll go piggy no need to shove me" he grinned ruffling my hair a little. I slap his hand away as he starts to chuckle loudly. I slap a hand over his mouth.
"Stop being so loud! Go, I'll see you tomorrow" I say before shutting the window. He sends me a small wave before leaving. I shake my head holding back a smile. The popcorn had long stopped and I place it into a bowl.
I grab a couple of sodas from the fridge making my way back into the room. "Took you long enough, I'm starving" Lauren says snatching the bowl of popcorn from my hands. Shrugging my shoulders I plop down on my bed next to Nuri.
"So what are we watching"? I ask grabbing a handful of Popcorn and shoving it in my mouth. Nuri grabs a can of soda before stretching her legs out.
"Some stupid comedy movie. Which by the way has been boring so far" Nuri says casting an annoyed look at Lauren. I hide back a smile shoving popcorn in my mouth. Our friendship had always been this way. Despite Lauren being a strong willed person I admired her honesty.
She had been the first person to be my friend despite her being a werewolf and me a vampire. It was well known in the community that vampire's and werewolves didn't get along for centuries. Until a peace treaty had been made between the two but it did nothing to stop some people from still being hostile.
Nuri had come in the picture a little later. As soon as we met we just clicked and we soon became the three musketeers. I shake my head watching the movie when suddenly the lights flicker in my room.
"What the hell is going on? I thought rich people didn't have electricity problems"! Nuri says pulling her knees into her chest.
"That is the most dumbest shit I've ever heard" Lauren says rolling her eyes. I frown as I watch the lights stop flickering only to flicker once more.
"Welp there's only one solution for this. One of us is going to have to check the electrical box downstairs". I say standing up from the bed, Lauren immediately shakes her head.
"Yeah I'm definitely staying here" Lauren says standing in the corner of my room. Nuri immediately argues back pointing a finger at her.
"Arent you a fucking werewolf?! Yet you're acting like such a wimp"! Nuri screams shaking her head in disappointment. The flickering of lights stops again leaving me confused.
"I guess I'll go. It is my house anyway" l say hesitantly. My heart lept out my chest as the door to my room began to shake. It then stopped and a knocking sound could be heard. My bad eye begins to throb lightly with pain but I ignore it for now.
"Don't you dare open that door! What if you let the intruder in?! Then we all will die and I'm too young to die"! Nuri screams now huddled in the corner with Lauren.
Just then the lights turn completely off leaving us in pitch black darkness. "Fuck this shit I'm out"! Nuri opens the door running down the stairs. I don't think twice before following her downstairs outside. Lauren trails behind after us.
I'm running so fast I don't even see that Nuri has stopped running.
"Why'd you stop running"? I say crashing into her to see her with a pissed off look on her face. She simply points a finger forward and I'm shocked to see Wesley with several boys from school laughing their asses off.
"What the hell Wes! I thought you left"! I say crossing my arms across my chest. He slaps the backs of the other boys a large smile gracing his face as if he won the lottery.
"Yeah well I didn't or else I'd miss out on this opportunity. You should have seen your faces. Cute pajamas by the way" he winks. I all but blush at my cookie monster pajamas that I found on sale at target.
"Leave! That was not cool Wes, you almost gave me a heart attack"! I scream shivering lightly as it was freezing outside. His face immediately turns serious as he grabs me into his arms.
"Your shivering piggy. Come on let's get you inside" he coos pulling me by the hand. Nuri and Lauren follow behind us seeming just as pissed off as I was. I remove my hand from his once we are inside.
"You don't get to do that! Just leave... and take your posse with you"! I shove him back outside slamming the front door. It was a good thing my parents weren't home at the moment neither was Amelia.
"Why didn't you tell us he stopped by? We could have invited him in" Lauren says her blue eyes turning holding a glare. I cock my head to the side confused.
"I didn't invite him inside because it's our night. Since when did we allow outsiders let alone boys in on our girls night"? I frown placing my hands on my hips.
"Yes, but Wesley isn't an outsider. The least you could have done was offer him a drink"! Lauren says defensively. She looks back out the window to see if he's still there.
"Whatever, let's just get some sleep. I'm tired after doing all that running" Nuri butts in causing us to drop the conversation. That night as I layed in bed I kept thinking about what was up with Lauren.
Ever since Wesley had gotten here she had been acting... strange. Not dwelling on it any longer I closed my eyes sleep soon taking over me.
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