Finally Home Again
Wesley swung his bag across his shoulder making his way out of his now empty door room. With one last look to make sure he had everything, he made his way to the admissions office to hand over his room key.
The teachers all wished him well as he exited outside. His parents would be driving up any moment now so he sat on the stairs of the entrance. He put his headphones in blocking out the world. His heart raced each time he thought about finally going home.
Finally, he was going home
To her
A year had for sure felt like years to him. He was eager to get home to his own bed. Suddenly an all black car strolled up, it came to a stop and immediately his blonde haired mother jumped out racing towards him.
"MY BABY.... LOOK AT YOU...YOUR SO TALL" his mother screamed squishing his cheeks together. He gently patted her hand attempting to pull them away from his face as other students that walked by looked at them.
"Mother your causing a scene" he grunted as she sobbed loudly in his arms. He watched his father get out of the car joining them for a group hug. As much as he was embarrassed, he had missed his parents more than he had thought.
After an emotional greeting they helped him place his bags in the car. He glanced at the academy one last time before getting into the backseat. He knew he wouldn't miss this place, not even a little bit.
"Sooo are you excited to be going home! I ordered all of your favorite foods too! And I had your room all done up for you" his mother babbled on and he tuned her out.
He glanced out the window as they soon got on the highway. The drive back would take about four hours so he settled back into his seat. The wind blew his dark hair away from his face, relaxing him.
He didn't know when he fell asleep but when he woke up he saw it was dark out. Wiping his eyes he glanced out the window to see his old home. Nothing much had changed about it, as the mansion still appeared to look the same as when he left.
Stepping out the empty car he saw his parents talking to what looked to be fellow pack members. "Welcome back Wesley" they greeted him, he simply bowed his head before walking straight inside.
He knew he would get scolded from his mother for being rude. But he didn't care, a well deserved nap was what he needed. His stomach began to growl ferociously as he hadn't eaten since this morning.
He watched as the maids and servants scattered about the mansion. He was on the hunt for some food, so he made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple from the bowl sitting on the counter before making his way upstairs.
He opened the door to his old room. It had been completely changed, now painted a navy blue with white curtains. A large bed sat smack in the middle of the room calling his name.
A desk sat to the right next to an open window with an all black rolling chair. A slight breeze made it's way through the room.
Examining the room he saw he had his own bathroom as well. He began to unpack his bags when he heard a knock on the door. "Hey just wanted to check in and see how you were holding up" his father said coming in the room.
"I'm just unpacking my things. Mom sure went all out on the room" he said placing his clothes inside his new dresser. It wouldn't be the first time his mother had gone all out on something.
"Hey Wes listen, your mom thought it would be best if we had... ya know a man to man talk" his father said leaning against the wall. He stopped what he was doing to face him.
"Now that your back home... there are a few things we need to... discuss. Like for one you'll be starting school next week. Your mother and I have talked about it and... we think if you can handle it... you'll be going to the same school as Adora".
His heart raced at just the mere mention of her name. There wasn't a second that went by without him thinking about her. He kept his composure putting up a stoic front.
"You have nothing to worry about. I have no intentions of starting anything with her" he lied through his teeth. His father eyed him closely to catch any other emotion, but found none.
"We trust you Wesley. Don't let us down. Dinner will be ready soon, I'll have one of the maids come fetch you" his father said before patting his shoulder a few times. He watched him leave shutting his bedroom door.
Wesley gulped loudly wrapping a hand around the necklace he wore everyday. He opened it up looking at the small picture of Adora's bright smiling face.
"You will be the death of me" he whispered kissing the locket before closing it. He finished unpacking his things before heading to take a quick shower. An hour later a maid has came to fetch him letting him know dinner was ready.
He made his way downstairs dressed in fresh clothes. Making his way to the dining room, he was greeted with tons of smiling faces of his pack. "Wesley honey come sit here" his mother urged patting the seat to her left. He made his way over to her, but felt someone's gaze watching his every move.
The culprit was a brunette haired girl with blue eyes. They sparked with excitement as she followed his every move like a hawk. As he was gathering food on his plate she smiled at him. "I'm Lauren, it's nice to finally meet you" she greeted her voice already irritating him.
She sounded like a chipmunk, he did his best to try to appear polite he greeted her back. "It's nice to meet you as well" was all he said before shoving food in his mouth so he couldn't respond to anymore questions.
The rest of dinner consisted of her chatting his ear off. It seemed she never took a stop for air, as she babbled on about nonsense. He just hoped and prayed he wouldn't ever run into her at school.
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