A Blurred Canvas
I woke up in the middle of the night, sweat pouring down the side of my face. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to gain my composure. I could hear the racing of my heart in my ear drums beating loudly. So far every night ended the same way, me having some nightmare and then waking up only to find it was a dream.
I looked over at the circle fish tank, which held a sleeping Nuri. Every nightmare had been about losing Nuri and every time I woke up I silently wished it wasn't true. Feeling the dryness in my throat I decide to grab a glass of water.
Slowly getting out of bed, my pale feet hit the cold floor. I quietly make my way downstairs towards the kitchen. Grabbing a glass, I then pour some water into it before placing it on my lips. I gulped it down desperately as if I hadn't had a glass of water in days.
Setting the glass down, I make my way towards the stairs back to my room when I bump into a maid. "I- I'm sorry m-miss" she stuttered picking up the fallen towels she had been holding.
"Sorry for bumping into you. I thought my mother had let you go for the night" I watched the skittish maid shift her weight. Usually no maids were around at this time of night.
"I-I h-have a f-few things to g-get done" she stuttered. Nodding my head in deep thought I finally dismissed her watching as she ran off quickly in the opposite direction. Have a very off putting feeling I decided to follow her silently tip toeing pass closed doors.
That was the downside of having a mansion of a house. There were so many rooms and doors that you could easily get lost. I listened for the rapid steps of the maid making sure to be as quiet as possible. Following her scent she finally stopped at the end of the hall.
A dark smoke appeared around her as she morphed into a different person.
Is she a shape shifter?
I knew very little about shape shifters, mostly because they were quite rare. It has been said that only a few still exist, but they were quite hard to come by.
She shifted into another person, a pungent scent wafting against my nostrils. An earth filling smell with a tad bit of lavender and zest. I committed it to memory before watching as the women jumped out through the window at the end of the hall.
The next morning I had called Wesley to come over to discuss what I found. "Are you sure that she shifted into something else? They don't usually do it out in the open" Wesley said pacing back and forth in my room.
"I saw it clearly, she's definitely a shape shifter she also had this weird scent to her. I'm not sure what it means though" I relayed all that had happened last night. Even detailing the particular smell.
I could see the wheels turning in his head. Suddenly my vision in my good eye became blurry, I closed them tightly as a burning sensation grew intense. "Adora! Hey are you alright? Can you hear me"?
That was the last thing I heard before the world went dark. When I woke up, it seemed that time had passed making me wonder how long I was out for. I opened my eyes but began to panic when I saw nothing but blur and shadows. Breathing harshly I felt a body sprawled out at the edge of my bed.
I sat up quickly feeling around lightly tapping on the person. My hands grasped on to what felt like a head full of hair. "We- Wesley... is that you"? I whispered desperately, my worse fear was finally happening. I shook the person harder until I heard a gasp.
"Hey I'm here, relax just breathe alright" Wesley whispered softly my hands gripping his face. I tried remembering what he looked like, I had committed it to memory fearing that this would happen someday. Where I would wake up only to see shadows of my loved ones.
I gulped back tears my throat constricting with pain. "Wes... I- I can't see y-you... I-" I was desperate, closing my eyes and then opening them again hoping it would clear things up. I was left disappointed and scared, even with having vision in one eye. It qould something I cherished because I could atleast still be able to see.
"I'll be back, I'm going to grab doctor Warren" he cooed gently before I felt nothing but empty space. Soon my room had been filled with my anxious parents and a restless Wesley. Doctor Warren checked my vital signs and examined my eyes.
" The poison in your system is getting worse. Seems like there might have been a trigger to it. Have you been taking anything lately"? Doctor Warren asked pulling out a clipboard to write something down or what looked like a clipboard. All I could see were fuzzy shadows of people and could only turn my head at the source of sound.
"Taking something like what? I've done nothing out of the ordinary" I say trying to face him wherever he was. I felt the bed dip a bit and was soon embraced into a hug. I could hear slight sniffles which I recognized to be my mother. Her body was lean and short very different from my rather muscular father.
"Seems like something might have triggered the poison. I'm going to run a few test on your blood. In the meantime take these tablets and your eyesight should come back. This is basically a warning that I've been worried about. It can only get worse from here but I will do my best and let you know the results".
After that my father walked doctor Warren and Wesley out leaving me with my worried mother. She combed my hair back making me feel very sleepy. I could only pray the next morning I'd be normal again.
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