The man who I called my Father is dead.
The peaceful and ordinary Saturday began like ever other. A tug on my pony tail from my oldest brother, Lindon, to wake me up. All five of us rushing around the town house, getting ready for the day's events. My ballet recital. Lindon's teacher conference. My youngest brother's, Mayson's, weekly doctor appointment. My Father's work at the Sector. And my Mother's support and planner set mind as she guides us to where we need to be.
I didn't think we would end up in the Superior's personal train cart, but that is exactly where my Mother, brothers, and I ended up.
The light blue cushions are soft and warm under my legs. The fabric threatening to swallow me up with each move I make. The table in front of me is made of a thick glass that has small hair like designs in the surface.
Lindon plays with his one braid that holds the longest parts of his hair. Mayson sits next to our Mother, across from Lindon and me. He looks smaller than usual. He sleeps with a hand holding onto Mother's. The hand that shows off the sliver weaved wedding band that almost glows in the dim train cart.
All four of us were escorted out of my school's gym where I had just performed the Swan Lake. We weren't given many words from the Superior's guards, but the hushed whispers speaking of Father, accident, and death were enough to silence Lindon and I. Mayson was oblivious to the random exclusive treatment we were being handed.
Near the train cart's door is a large bar filled with many different drinks, sandwiches, sweets, and other goods. But none of us dared go near it. I couldn't even stare at it long enough without feeling anxious and sick.
I don't know exactly what Father does at the Sector, but I do know he holds praise and high command in the Superior's honor. He tells my brothers and I that he sometimes works in a big lab and he conducts experiments that can help better the safety of the Sector's people. Sometimes he would speak of the making of new warriors or of new armor technology, but he would never share to much details or would deem us too young to understand.
Now, I fear we will never understand his work or even who he truly was.
My family doesn't speak. I'm scared to be the one to crack the silence, so I stay quiet as well. The window next to me shows the passing buildings, city squares, and parks, but the train is to fast and only leaves a blurred view of grays, greens, and whites.
The train cart's door slides open with a bang, making me jump. At the door stands a tall and muscular man. His shoulders are wide, and his chin is a square. I can't see his hair, if he had any, under the Sector's blue uniform hat. His skin is pale, but his eyes are a very dark blue, contrasting each other.
"Five minutes," he informs us. No emotion behind his words, almost like a rushing river. Forced and unyielding. "We will arrive at the Science Building of the Sector and I will escort you to your quarters until further instructions."
Mother nods at the man before gently waking up Mayson. He yawns and snuggles deeper into Mother's light pink jumper. I can't help but feel jealous at my younger brother. He doesn't understand things like we do and acts half his age. He is a toddler inside an eight-year-old's body. Someone who needs protecting and comfort almost 24/7. Even in the face of ruin and death in the family, Lindon and I receive the dull end of the blade that is meant to comfort us.
Lindon has always been good at hiding his emotions, even when he get's in trouble at school or gets a scolding by our parents he keeps his thoughts to himself. But he has always be there for me. We are the close, in age, mind, and friendship. Only two years older than me, he has always been my protector. He hasn't left my side since I was born.
His hand grips mine as the train starts to slow down with a loud hiss. True to his word, the guard escorts us out of the cart and onto the gravel outside. The train's horn howls behind us as we walk up the path to the big building covered in glass and grey panels. The thick fog swallowing up the rest of the Sector's grounds and buildings.
Two young men in blue suits open the large mirrored doors, letting us into the spacious lobby of the science building. Thin hanging lights dangling the tall ceilings. See-through staircases surround the walls, connecting at least six floors to each other. The concrete flooring faded and cold against the blue walls. A massive white circular desk sits in the middle of the room with a lady with bright red hair sitting behind it.
The guard leads us to the desk and gives her our last name. She smiles politely and starts typing at her high-tech computer.
Lindon's gaze never stays in one place, always moving from one person to the next. Examining everything with concentration. I wonder if he is looking for Father's face?
Mayson stares in wonder as Mother holds him in her arms. I can't help but just stare at my family members. They all seem different now. Like a puzzle missing its outer pieces. Just the inner pieces connected but no outer structure keeping them fully together.
I hope that this isn't where we begin to drift apart. A friend from ballet had parents that separated a couple years ago. She doesn't smile as often as she does, and her Mom doesn't come to our recitals anymore. Only being seen in glimpses when she picks her up from practice. Now that Father is gone, will we slowly separate and smile less?
"The Superior gives his condolences and will see you and your family personally as soon as he can," the red-haired woman tells my mother. Her blue eyes bright and gentle. My mother only nods in understanding. "In the mean while we have set you up in one of the building's guest suites on the top floor. Room 49E. Dane will escort you to the suite and will be on duty outside your door if you need anything. This will only be a temporary stay until your Sector house is move in ready."
"Sector house?" Lindon asks. Mother places her free hand on his shoulder. She keeps a small grateful smile on her face, but I wonder if she is silently scolding him?
The red-haired woman grins at my brother. "Yes, a Sector house. We have neighborhoods inside the large courtyards between the main Sector buildings. We only let specific workers and those who have been approved by the Superior a house in the Sector. Consider yourself lucky, young man."
Lindon frowns before looking down at the floor.
I know what he is thinking. A new house means we are leaving our home. The beginning of new world has started for the Grey family.
The suite is enormous. With the dark carpets and lavish black curtains made of dense fabric, the room looks luxuriant. There is a seating area, a kitchen, a dining room, and two bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. There isn't a single spot of dust or item that does not look shiny and new. The dark colors are almost welcoming since everything under the Sector's name is usually some sort of blue or silver. The Superior's colors of governing.
Lindon hasn't let go of my hand and Mayson hasn't left Mother's arms. Like the loose threads on a sweater we try to hold on to one each other to stay whole. Sooner or later we will have to let go.
Dane didn't say anything after the desk lady excused us. He stands outside the suite's door, tall and forbidding. He may have looked nice on the train or in the lobby, but as he carries out his guarding duty, he looks scary. His eyes were so dark when we entered the suite, the almost friendly dark blue color from the train faded into an almost black abyss. At least he takes his job seriously, but it still doesn't calm my nerves.
The four of us sit in the living room. Lindon and I on the floor with our backs to the couch where Mayson and Mother sit. We could have sat in one of the arm chairs, but I didn't want to let go of Lindon's hand. I don't think he did either.
"What do you think the Superior will do when we meet him?" I ask quietly. My first words since my ballet recital.
Mother let's out a soft sigh, the shadows under her puffy eyes becoming more visible with each minute. "I don't know Shannon. Your Father worked in the higher ranks of the Sector so we should be grateful that the Superior wants to meet with us," her fingers rub Mayson's arm. "Maybe he was close to your Father and he feels he needs to pay his respects to us. No matter what happen, all three of you will be respectful. He is our leader, the city's leader. Be polite and stand up straight."
Her foot nudges Lindon's leg.
"We know, Mother," he mutters, lightly squeezing my fingers.
None of us speak again as the rest of the afternoon goes by. Mayson sleeps soundly on the couch while Lindon and I lay on the carpet. Mother got up about an hour ago and has been making dinner in the foreign kitchen. I didn't bother getting up to help. I was prepared for her to reprimand Lindon and I, but she left us alone.
"Hey Shan," Lindon whispers. I turn my head on my arms, facing away from the kitchen doorway to him. I grunt in question. "Do you think we will have to transfer schools?"
"Maybe," I whisper back.
"If we do, I think Mother will be asked to work in the Sector."
My eyebrows raise up at that. "Why would she have to work here. Father was the one who trained and studied to work here. I don't think Mother ever wanted a job at the Sector."
Lindon thoughtfully nods, folding his hands behind his head as he stares at the ceiling. "The lady at the font desk said only specific workers live in the Sector neighborhoods."
"But she also said that those who have special permission from the Superior can also stay at the Sector," I sit up, gazing down at him.
"The Superior doesn't even know us, Shan," he rolls his eyes. "Father never talked about his work or the Superior. How do we know that the Superior is just doing a this for publicity or something?"
"We don't, Lindon. We will just have to wait."
"And there is that," he mumbles. "How long are we supposed to wait for the guy? I know he must be busy and all, but he must know that it is probably better if he interacts with us the day Father dies, not later."
A cold chill sweeps down my back. Another reminder that we are missing an important family member. I'm surprised I haven't cried yet, but I know once we lay down for bed I will turn into a mess.
"Maybe that's just it," I whisper. "Maybe the Superior is giving us a day to recover. Giving us time."
"Yeah, maybe," Lindon sits up, stretching his back. "Whatever, it doesn't change anything. Father is still gone and whatever words he says won't bring him back."
I don't say anything to that because it is true, but I don't voice my agreement.
The loud bang of a pot hitting a surface catches our attention. "Come on you three," Mother calls. "Let's eat before it's too late."
Lindon helps me to my feet and heads for the dining room. Mayson sits up on the couch. I pause, was he listening to what Lindon and I were talking about? He doesn't say anything as he looks over to me. I shake my head slightly before grabbing his hand and leading him to the table where Mother has set up a dinner of rolls and soup.
After helping Mayson into a chair, I sit beside him, serving us both and placing a roll beside our bowls. We eat silently, only the clatter of silverware being heard. Usually Father would ask us questions about our days. Smiling as Mayson would excitedly talk about his coloring books or would hide his chuckles as Mother would tell of Lindon getting into trouble at school. He truly was the light in the family, now we were nothing but a burnt-out candle. Someone needed to be the lighter. I decided it wouldn't be me for tonight.
Mother was tucking an unconscious Mayson into bed when a loud knock came from the front door. My Mother placed a quick kiss to his forehead before leaving the room to the door. Lindon and I share a glance before tiptoeing in to the hall.
Dane speaks softly to Mother. Her back rigid as they speak. Even from this distance I can't fully understand what they are saying, but Lindon and I don't dare take another step. Dane is stiff and nods his head while speaking in his hush tones. Something about "meeting" and "a professor."
Mother glances at us over her shoulder before nodding at Dane. She opens the door fully so he can wait in the doorway as she comes back over to us. She keeps her emotions hidden and wears a small smile. It doesn't fool me though, she is nervous. Her constant fiddling with her fingers gives it away.
"I'll be heading out with Dane for a little bit. I shouldn't be to long, but I want both of you to go to bed. No wandering around, someone needs to be here with Mayson," she starts to herd us into the bedroom where Mayson softly snores. She hugs us before tucking us into the bed, Mayson between Lindon and me.
"But what if-"
"No questions, Lindon," Mother interrupts him. Keeping her voice down for Mayson's sake. She looks at us three for a moment before turning off the light and closing the door. The noise of the front door closing echoing in the suite.
"I wonder if she is meeting the Superior without us," Lindon snaps. I shush him before turning away from my brothers.
I don't dwell on the questions at my Mother's disappearance and close my eyes. Silent tears fall down my cheeks and onto the pillow. The reality of the events of the day finally pushing to the front of my brain. My hands grip each other as I place them onto my chest, willing myself not to make a noise.
It is always in the dark when the most powerful emotions show.
A muffled shout pulls me from sleep. I pry my puffy eyes open to the still dark bedroom. Lindon is sitting up and Mayson is slowly stirring awake. A loud thud sounds from inside the suite.
Trying to make as little noise as possible I get up from the bed.
"Shannon?" Lindon whispers. A small quiver to his words.
Someone is inside. The thought alone sends my heart into a rapid pace, pounding hard against my chest. My hearing begins to hollow as the panic swallows me whole. We are in an unknown place and without Mother. An intruder is something we are not prepared for.
I shake Mayson, urging him to the side of the bed. I place a finger to his lips before he makes a noise. "Right now we need to be quiet, okay?" He nods slowly at my words. "Think of it as a game. The longer you say quiet the better your prize will be."
His eyes brighten at the idea of a game and smiles up at me. With my lungs heaving for air and my heart in my throat I lead Mayson into the walk-in closet. "Sit down, hide behind the coats so Mother can come find you. She is the seeker, she will bring you your prize." Mayson crawls behind the large coats and hides himself in the dark corner.
I close the door as softly as I can before meeting Lindon at the door. I stop him before he can open the door. Looking around the room my eyes search for something, anything. My eyes narrow on the dark curtains. Tiptoeing to the bed, I crawl on top of the mattress, slowly slidding the fabric off the rod.
Understanding what I'm doing, Lindon reaches for the ends of the fabric. Once the curtains are off and laying on the floor, I unhook the metal rod from its decorative holders. It can't be any longer than my leg, but it still has some weight to it. I grip it tightly before nodding at Lindon.
The distant thudding has picked up it's pace, almost like something is hitting the floor. Lindon edges the door open and we slip out into the shadows of the hallway. My panic is blinding, and my finger shake against the curtain rod.
"Your husband has brought a lot of trouble to us in the lab," a deep voice splits the void of darkness. It's coming from the living room.
Lindon and I sneak into dining room. Moonlight reflects off the glass table surface, making light patterns on the walls and floor. I try to keep my breathing under control as we edge ourselves to the side of the archway into the living room.
A smacking sound makes us jump.
"You wouldn't answer any of our questions downstairs and now - even just the two of us now - you won't talk to me," the voice harshly says. "Dearest husband must have told you about Experiment Nine. I want the latest records, you shrew."
Peeking around the archway's frame, I look into the living room. The only light comes from a lamp in the far corner. Beside the couch, on the floor, is a lanky man with bright white-blonde hair. He is hovering over something as he spits the horrid words.
He is hovering over Mother, who is silently crying and shaking.
My breath lodges itself in my lungs, growing the ever-ending panic inside me. Lindon stills beside me, reaching a hand to the wall to steady himself.
"I know you have kids here. Was hoping you would cave before actually coming inside. Wouldn't want to wake them up from there fatherless nightmares, would we? Unless of course that's what it takes?" the extreme vile in the man's voice shakes my very core.
Lindon begins to edge along the wall toward the front door. I freeze at his movements. One sound and he would be caught. Holding my breath, I look back towards the horrifying scene.
"I bet Chris killed himself before the Experiment could be complete. It's a shame really. Maybe the ninth try would finally be the successful weapon the Sector would need," the man leans down into Mother's face. Spitting each word at he and unknowingly at us. "I bet my life that the experiment was another fail. Rather take your own life instead of having someone else do it, huh?"
Mother violently shakes her head, the tears shinning down her cheeks. The man smacks her again, the sound going straight to my heart. He grabs ahold of her throat with both hands. Shaking her and knocking her head against the floor.
"No one needs a worthless hag in the Sector. You and your family will die by morning anyway if the Superior doesn't get Chris' lab records."
Mother belts out a strangled cry as her head smacks the carpet again and again and again.
My vision blurs as I run out behind the archway. Raising the curtain rod high above my head I scream at the man before bringing it down on his head. Startled, the man let's go of my head, but I hit him again before he can turn around. I lose track of my breathing, of where I am, of all my surroundings as I repeatedly smash the metal rod on the stranger's head. Each swing making my arms numb to the movements.
"Enough!" I rough hand pulls the rod out of my hands and shoves me back. Through thick hot tears I see Dane throw the rod onto the couch. Lindon stands off the side, breathing heavily and eyes wide as he stares at what I've done.
Slowly I look down at Dane trying to find the man's pulse. His head is bruised, split, and bloody. The blood streams out of his head and shoulders onto the carpet. The heavy flow a give away of how much damage I did.
My hands violently shake as I wipe at my face. The bright color on my arms stills my movements. Blood. His blood is everywhere. On my arms, hands, shirt, pants, and even on the furniture nearest us. Bile rises in my throat as I aggressively try to wipe it off me.
"Hey now. Hey!" Dane pins my arms down as he kneels to my level. "You are okay. You are okay." He continues to murmur words as he cradles me to his chest, his hands ghosting over my hair. Lindon soon holds me from behind. His body shaking against my back.
My sobs are ugly and loud even though they are partly muffled by Dane's uniform. I don't know how long we hold each other but thundering footsteps begin to echo in the hallway outside the suite.
Dane lets me go, standing up straight as he faces the front door. Lindon doesn't let me go as he holds me tighter. A few more guards file into the living room, all wearing the blue Sector uniform and hat set. Each with a gun in their hand.
My eyes slowly wander back to the man. His slumped body next to Mother's. Blood is on her tan skin. He sweater ripped at the collar and dark finger shaped bruises frame her neck.
Her eyes wide open and glassy.
"What happened, Dane?" A powerful voice shouts over the thudding footsteps and shuffling guards. I look up to a very tall man that stands in the front doorway. His angular features sharp and stern. His dark eyes piercing as he scans the room. He wears black pants and a dreary suit jacket. His boots are long against his legs and he wears a blue emblem on the right side of his jacket.
The Superior.
Everyone, including myself, holds their breath. Waiting for Dane's answer.
"Professor Mikans invaded the Grey's suite, Superior." He firmly states. "Professor Mikans had asked to meet with Mrs. Grey. Saying he wished to help his collogues' family in the time of his death."
"Where were you when this all happened may I ask?" the Superior asks. His eyes narrowing slightly as he glances down at the two dead bodies.
"I was asked by Mrs. Grey to stand guard outside the suite. She left her three children and wished for me to guard them. I put my trust in Professor Mikans and Mrs. Grey wrongly, Superior. Forgive me, but when they returned, she did not show signs of distress. She had her head down and he was holding her closely, as if they were friends. It wasn't until the screaming began and the boy opened the door for me."
At his explanation, the Superior's eyes shift to Lindon and I. His cold stare cutting into me like a knife. Lindon holds me tighter.
"I understand the situation now, thank you Dane," his eyes not leaving my brother and I. "A terrible night indeed for the Grey family. I should have disposed Professor Mikans earlier, this is my fault and not yours, Dane."
He slowly walks into the room, his guards all putting their weapons away as he passes them. The Superior stops a few paces away from us. He looks down at Lindon and I, his cold eyes calculating but softening at the sight.
"It is the boy who ran out and got Dane, but it must have been you, young miss, that caused the impairment of Professor Mikans. Am I incorrect?"
I shake my head. "No, sir," I whisper. "I am the one who killed him. And he is the one who killed my Mother." My voice is breathless, but my thoughts and actions feel numb.
"Hm," he thoughtfully hums. "You fought with brave courage, young miss."
As he looks toward Dane in deep thought, the urge to be sick becomes more apparent to me. The adrenaline slowly leaving my system.
"This should not have happened in the first place, but it has, and I am truly sorry for the event that have must truly scarred you both," he softly tells us. He slowly gets to one knee, so he is eye level with us. "You will be safe now, under my care. Do you understand?"
I nod robotically.
This day will forever be engrained into my thoughts and nightmares but would soon become a detached memory in the many foreboding terrors to come.
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