(9) Knowledge is the Key
Soleil Cyrus
The slam of ancient books against the desk made me wince. Priceless and ancient books were stored inside the Royal library, I was afraid to even touch them. We were sat up on the second story of the library, slumped over books on Howling Island, the Founders and pretty much everything about my Kingly Duties. Jasmine, excited as ever was bouncing between shelves, gathering as much as she could.
"Do we really need all this?" I ask, looking over the piles, almost having to sit up straighter to look over the towers. She makes a tsk sound and comes to sit beside me.
"We need all this to make you our best king yet. I didn't wait almost 100 years for the King. For you," she pauses to grab a large golden book, opening it up. It took me a lot to not wince. 100 years... Shaking my head, I watched Jasmine turn pages. "First, however, I want to start on how we first inhabited Howling Island and who became our first Founders." To be honest, I was quite excited. Knowing how werewolves came to exist and such is interesting.
Humans have lived centuries without knowing supernatural creatures walked in their shadows. Stories of myths actually true. It's a lot to wrap your head around but worth it in the end. "Okay, I'm listening." Like an enthusiastic scholar, I watch and listen carefully to Jasmine.
"Three thousand years ago, the Moon Goddess or known as Selene, daughter of Titans Hyperion and Theia had multiple lovers. However she only really loved one. And forbidden it was. Selene loved a human, named Endymion." I raise a brow, interrupting her.
"A human? How was it forbidden?" Jasmine skipped over the pages of the book, her lips pursed.
"The humans were never allowed to know of the Gods. Selene would often visit Endymion while he slept, her love internal. However, her feelings were one-sided. Endymion had fallen for Hera and had asked Zeus to grant him to choose to sleep forever instead of dying. To say the least, Selene was furious."
"She felt rejected," I murmur, looking down at the picture in the book. Selene in tears as she bent down beside a sleeping figure. Jasmine nodded and continued telling me the history.
"She was known as the Moon Goddess because of her nightly visits to Endymion but now she had no one to love. No choice but to marry Zeus the man who was chosen for her. In her heart, she decided to create beings that could be connected to ones that share a similar soul. Lovers who are connected in a way soul-mates could only be. So she created Werewolves, the first-ever species to connect to loved ones by soul connection. She created them in hopes that they can find their love as she had found in Endymion." Jasmine looked up at me, eyes wavering.
"Soul mates and werewolves were created out of her loneliness?" Selene wanted others to find their soul mate and fall in love. She wanted to find her dreams in others. Jasmine continued.
"However, the first werewolves she wanted to create needed a home. A place where they could find everything they could ever need. The first werewolf she created, Pallas Sapho was born on within an orphanage in a human village. Unknown to his werewolf genes until the age of 19, Pallas found his soul mate in a human named Elizabeth Kesiah. The Moon Goddess reached Pallas in his dreams, to sway him into turning Elizabeth, to create and grow their bond."
"Did he turn her?" I ask, leaning more towards the book. Two people stood in the picture, a young man, Pallas holding hands with a young woman, Elizabeth.
"He did." Jasmine nodded. "Elizabeth was turned during the full moon and fell more deeply in love with each other. However, their peace was disrupted when the humans of the village found out about their shifting abilities. They were driven out of their home, on the run from humans. At that time, Elizabeth bore Pallas a son, Amos. In fear of Amos being hurt, they hid and took shelter in a Shrine. They hadn't realized anyone inhabited the Shrine until they were found by the Priest of the Shrine. He graciously saught them shelter and they made it their home. The Priest had a daughter, the same aged of Amos. Dinah and Amos grew together and when the time came, they fell in love. Selene granted them a present. They were soul-mates. But it meant that Dinah will have to become a werewolf if they were to complete the bond. Humans cannot withstand the heat of the bond so they are to be turned."
"Wait," I pause Jasmine, really confused. "You said Damira is my mate right?" Jasmine nodded. "Well I'm a human... so wouldn't that mean I have to be turned to complete the mate bond?"
"Not necessarily. You see, you have the mark of a werewolf pup, right behind your ear. It either means you have the genes of a werewolf, a werewolf yourself or were adopted into a werewolf family." I don't think my adoptive parents were werewolves. They would have said so before they died, or Haylee would have mentioned it. And I don't know much about my biological parents. Sighing, I lean against the palm of my hand. If only someone could unravel all my memories and find the answers I'm looking for. Jasmine finding my mood dropping, clasped my hand worried. "Do you want to stop?" I shake my head.
"No, I'm fine. Let's continue." Jasmine nods and turns back to the book. I push aside the lingering thoughts and focus on the now.
"Dinah became hesitant in the decision. She didn't want to become a werewolf. Amos decides to support her but once a werewolf finds their loved one and doesn't complete the bond in a number of years, the male or more dominant wolf can lose control. And Amos did. In his rampage, he had turned Dinah. Dinah had completed the shift but she grew to hate Amos for what he did. Amos guilty as ever pleaded for her forgiveness. Dinah enraged gave him a deal. She can kill him and she'll die with him or he can kill her himself. She never truly wanted to be a werewolf and deep inside she still loved Amos. Amos decided to die with her, loving her to the ends of the Earth. Selene sympathizing with the couple accepted their fate and graced them with a peaceful gift. When they are to die, they will reincarnate into humans, their souls still connected as lovers."
"That's beautiful," I mutter.
"Yeah, but what happens after is pretty gruesome. Pallas and Elizabeth had two more children just before they died, Homer and Leonidas. Homer and Leonidas were lost without their older brother and soon later Pallas and Elizabeth past. Homer soon after couldn't control their grief and went on a killing spree, turning innocent humans into werewolves. Leonidas feeling guilty of his brother's wrongdoing decided to gather the newly turned and flee. Selene angered by what Homer had done, helped Leonidas flee by giving them all a new home. Leonidas and his fellow werewolves took a ship and found themselves upon an Island. Upon that island was a young woman, Minerva, who was lost at sea and washed ashore the island. She meets Leonidas and the werewolves, unafraid. That, therefore, how Leonidas fell in love with her. Leonidas and Minerva became the leaders of the small group and grew the small group into a large community. Minera turned into a wolf and bore Leonidas five children. Enos, Phebe, Lyman, Samuel, and Electa."
"Geez her vagina would be sore after all that," Jasmine laughs, staring at me with wide eyes.
"Girl, back then, fifty children were the max."
"Ouch..." We share a fit of giggles before turning back to the book.
"The youngest of five, Electa became lonely. All her siblings finding their passion and love among the island and she the only one without one. Selene felt bad she hadn't chosen a soul mate for her but no one among the island felt right for the bubbly and headstrong young wolf." Jasmine turns the pages, the rustling sound of old pages the only sound in the large quiet library. "So Selene decided to create the one Electa wished to be paired with. Electa one morning found a man washed ashore, saving him. She realizes this man is her soul-mate however he was a human. The human who came upon the Island asked where he was. Before she could answer him, the howls of wolves came from the forest beyond. There was no true name to the island and Electa had just found one. She smiled at the young man and said, 'welcome to Howling Island, my love.' The young man Jacob Wolfe came to know about the werewolves upon Howling Island. He too grew to love Electa and consummated. Jacob came to be the first human to survive the mating heat but after a violent sickness hit, the only way to save him was to turn him into a werewolf. Years later, Electa and Jacob married and bore 3 children. Arthur, Annis, and Andrew. They are Damira, Jack and Badens great great great great grandparents."
"Wow. So that's pretty much how you all came to be, huh?" Jasmine nodded and closed the book.
"Yep pretty much. Who are your great-great-grandparents in all this story?" Jasmine hummed, thinking.
"Well, my great-great-grandmother was best friends with Anni's child, Blaise. But she found her soul mate, Henry Burn. Thus creating a line of Burns and me being born year and years later."
"And how ironic you fall in love with a Wolfe, ha?" Jasmine laughs, her head tipping back. I follow but more quietly, cautious of the Librarian downstairs.
"So Ironic... oh shit look at the time! I need to go and prepare the dining hall!" I watch in confusion as she quickly stands, grabbing her stuff. "I'm sorry, Soul I need to go. Did you want to stay here or what? But I have to hurry."
"I'll stay here, you go do whatever it is you need to do." She nods and gives me a hug before leaving, almost running. I shake my head in amusement as I watch her curse under her breath and leave in a hurry. Jasmine is an interesting woman. Smiling to myself, I look down and across at the books.
I guess I'll read a bit more.
Oh.. Mah... God. Was that long or what????
So pretty much, this chapter was about explaining how and who got to the island. The past and creation of werewolves. I'm not a scholar on Gods and Goddesses and such but I haven't stayed in the lines of them. Yes, I've used some knowledge of Selenes lovers and past however I've put my own twist to it.
Its a story and its imagination. If you want to have a go at me if you think I've ruined the truth, please don't. This is a creative and FANTASY read. Meaning, it's fake. Made up.
I really hoped this chapter was informative on how my werewolves were created. More information on history will be said further into the next chapter and throughout the story. Soul hasn't finished up her studies yet.
Anyways, your girl here just turned 19 on Thursday! Wooooh! Happy bday me!
Well, it's late and I have work tomorrow. Thanks so much for reading and I can't wait till the next chapter!
Good night xo
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