(40) Stronger than ever
The two of us sat quietly in the Tree House, nibbles of food being passed over to munch on while we wait for Dia and Selene to arrive. I smile as Damira squeezes my hand, caressing her thumb over the skin.
She hasn't stopped touching me since I've come back. Her words of undying love chanting over and over. It warms my heart, almost singing a soothing harmony as I watch my mate delectably hold the strawberries, its sweet redness almost the color of blood. Eyeing me with so much love and want. Too bad we were in a place filled with strangers. [i/09
"Say 'ahh'," Damira says softly, holding a very sweet looking strawberry to my lips.
"Ahh..." She pops the strawberry between my teeth, it's sweetness coating my tongue. However before I could savor it's taste, Damira leans forward and captures my lips.
Hmm she tastes better. Ignoring the plate of fruit in my lap, I curl my hands around her neck, cupping the base as I lean into her. Her hands softly caressing my cheek, giving extra attention to my bottom lip. I groan in protest as she leans away, pressing her brow against mine.
"You..." she whispers, smiling softly as she keeps gazing down at me. "Are fucking amazing." My body flushes hot as her hands graze over my side affectionately, suggestively. I giggle quietly,biting bottom lip.
"We can't. Not here." Damira wiggles her brows, growling quietly into my neck. "Damira..." I whine, feeling the sharpness of her teeth. "There are people just outside."
"Fine." She huffs, pulling away however her arm still lingers around my waist. Her long and strong fingertips caressing small circles over the fabric of my hit. The silver dress I still wore loosely that hung around my shoulders, now sliding for Damira to see the view of my bosom.
Silence coats the strange room, Damira falling into her mind. The world tumbling about in side her own head, worry slipping in. I smile sadly, knowing exactly what she feels now, understanding that she needs time to grow into her feelings. Grow into her confidence. It's not fair of me to push her when she isn't ready.
"Soleil," she starts, playing with the ends of her blouse.
"Will... Will you wait for me?" Wait for answers. I smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek, lingering a little.
"Of course, beautiful. That's what mates are for." Instead of replying, she claims my lips once again, cupping my cheeks. Kissing me with so much force, her heart might pop out.
I sooth out her hair, letting her fight her own feelings. Kissing her with paitence. Loving her with time.
Our world's were different at first but out hearts are one. And together we are stronger. When we arrive back home, things are going to chance and in the end, we will have what we've always wanted.
I lean away, watching her cheeks stain pink, eyeing the door behind us. "ahem," she clears her throat and we turn to the slim figure by the door. Dia watches us with raised brows, a sly smirk playing at the corner of her lips.
The ancient eyes of hers searching us. "Well, I knew dogs were horny quite often but, you two are especially different."
"Like you'd know about being horny, Dia." I mumble, clasping my hand tightly in Damiras. Dia ignores my comment, flattening out the skirt of her red dress.
I eye the High Queen, finding that her powerful aura isn't as intense as it was the first time round. The magic is calm and so is mine. It finds no threat in Dia.
"Soleil, how do you feel?" The question isn't really a question when she uses her damandind queen tone.
"Normal and ready to kick ass with my mate." Damira huffs in pride beside me, the comment ruffling her ego.
"When you fight Hecate, you will be doing it on your own. That is why you'll train for 5 days." I grin, cocking my head to the side slightly.
"Didn't you know, Dia? I learnt something while in the river." I turn to Damira winking. "Because I am half goddess, I will be needing link to the earth while I take hold a soul. And that link is my mate. No matter what fight I may be in, Damira will be beside me as my anchor. So with this training, Damira will train beside me."
The room was coated in tense silence, Dia staring at me with confusion and interest. Then, a slow smirk rises. The grin showing off the pearly whites behind.
"Well then, you must be ready then. Your training has just intensified, little goddess. Be ready, unless you wish to give up now?"
I turn to Damira and her large smile and her gaze tells me everything. Her support is the one thing I will look for and maybe, with us training together, to find that link we can create together, our bond will grow.
Standing up with my mate beside me, I grin widely at Dia, her own mirroring mine. "Then bring it, High Queen of Faerie. Because we are only stronger together."
"Being it on," Damira circles her arm around me, fisting her other hand out towards Dia. "We will show you and the world."
We are stronger than ever. Tomorrow or perhaps the next day, the world will rumble at the strength we gain by being together. Hecate will never see what is coming. Because Soleil and Damira, the power couple is ready.
I really hope your ready.
THE END of Book 1
Hiya guys! So this is the end of book 1. But don't be too sad! Book 2, Live Wolfe will be out in the next couple of days. Please follow for more information on it's release date!!
Tell me what you think of the ending 😊 I will be going through the story, doing real editing and perhaps maybe self publishing Cry Wolfe.
Thank you for reading Cry Wolfe and hope you enjoy Live Wolfe too.
Until next time ~
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