(33) Help
For hours, I sat by my mates side, her painfilled cries from the depths of her consciousness will forever be stuck in my mind. Doctor Rookwood worked his magic off and with careful hands, the blade was safely pulled out without any harm. However, Soleil lies in my bed, pale and almost frail like. A porcelain doll without any life.
It's up to Soleil when she wishes to wake. However, at the back of my mind, something doesn't feel right. Its gnawing on my senses, yet all I can do it wait. Sighing softly, I open the curtains wider, the morning sun shining through. Its soft blaze falling upon my sleeping mate.
On the bedside are numerous bunches of flowers from the pack and her loved ones. A little drawing of Soleil and Clara with the two twins. I smile fondly as Clara leaves little hearts around the drawing. Soleil would be cooing in Clara's adorableness.
Last night, after the long hours of Soleil's surgery, the pack felt the pain through the bond. Together, they all picked up the broken pieces of the pack and without my help, sorted things out. The pack warriors and the Faery warriors took charge of defending the wall and the people in it. That reminds me, I better thank the Spring King and his family for the help.
Sitting by Soleil, I sweep off the hair on her forehead to behind her ear, moving the covers closer to her. "You warm sweetheart? The pillows comfy?" I mutter, wanting to see her pretty eyes again. As if she's spoken, my heart warms in hope. My Soleil is in there, waiting to come out and I'll be waiting.
Humming a tune Soleil would always sing in the shower, I eye the covered wound. Her wolf should be healing her wound however, this isn't a regular wound. The Blade of Stars and Dreams isn't a regular blade. Even though the ancient words weren't spoken, the blade has its own power. The doctor may have said she's fine, may have said that blade hadn't done anything but, a funny feeling has me feeling fuzzy.
"Damira?" a knock at the door ceases my thoughts, Jasmine opening the door with little Clara in tow. I smile softly, watching Clara sniffle softly, hugging her teddy bear.
"Aunty Mira? Is Soul awake yet? I really miss her," I open my arms for her to snuggle into, caressing her hair. Clara buries herself into my chest, watching Soleil.
"Soon, baby. She needs lots of rest, now." she mumbles and decides to lie beside my mate, the teddy bear now lying in Soleils arms. "Why don't you and Soleil lay together while your mother and I do some things, hm?" Clara nods, smiling brightly.
"We'll have a sleep over!" I chuckle at her enthusiasm, petting her fluffy hair.
"Okay, you girls have fun then." I guide a silent Jasmine out into the hall, closing the door. Jasmine hasn't looked me in the eye as we walk down the hall. "Jas," I catch her guilty gaze with a frown. "Why are you feeling guilty?"
She pauses at the top of the stairs. "Why?" she whispers, tears almost ready to break free. "Why?!" she almost shouts. "Because that girl in there, is injured because I just watched. I just watched as she ran forward and protected... protected a goddess. Our goddess? Isn't the Moon Goddess suppose to protect US? Not the other way round?"
I watch Jasmine, my jaw ticking. Of course I understand what she means. The Moon Goddess understands. That's why she hasn't shown her face since last night. She's guilty, she knows that she should have been powerful enough to take on Hecate by herself. And yet, she was saved by a werewolf, one of her creations.
"Jasmine," I start, staring down below the stairs, watching the pack humble around, eating, chatting and fixing up things. "Who is Soleil to this pack?" Jasmine turns to me in shock.
"Our Luna of course!" I smile at her little outburst.
"Yes. And yesterday, Soleil acted on her instincts as a leader," Jasmine freezes, catching herself. I grab her hand, squeezing. "Soleil is... yes an idiot, a gorgeous idiot, but my mate is the bravest I know. And the Moon Goddess goddamn well knows. So, what is there for us to do?" I ask softly, watching the emotions on her face switch.
"We as a pack, work together and prepare for her return. Remember what she said? On the beach?" Jasmine nods.
"We are pack. We are family..."
"That's right. We are in this together so we will wait for Soleil, as a family and pack." Jasmine huffs, puffing her cheeks and slapping them. I laugh at her red face, clapping her on the back. "Come on, lets check on Soleil and Clara." Jasmine pokes her tongue out at me, walking back to the room. I watch her back, shaking my head in amusement.
I snarl softly, turning to the open hall window, eyeing the outside. The unfamiliar voice buzzing in my ear.
Alpha... Forest.
"Damira?" Jasmine calls, waving me over. I shake my head, forgetting the voice and finding Jasmine smiling widely inside the room. I poke my head inside, my smile widening as well. Clara is tugged closely to Soleil's side, her head resting on Soleil's chest, asleep.
"So cute," I murmur, leaning on the door frame.
"They sure are. Clara is so fond of Soleil, you know. It's like, watching mother and daughter." Jasmine mutters, no jealously detected.
"Jas..." she shakes her head, smiling fondly.
"No Damira, I'm not jealous or envious. Honestly, I have to tell Clara that one day, her mother isn't me. And I haven't... I feel like she knows deep down that I'm not her." I punch Jasmine in the arm, a yelp escaping her lips. "What was that for!?" she whisper yells.
"Because your an idiot! Jas, do you know how much Clara freaking talks about you? How much love that child holds for you? That girl takes you for her mother no matter what. So shut the fuck up and go over to that little girl and open your heart wider. You'll find that Clara fits perfectly. No matter whos real or not."
Jasmine splutters, eyeing me. "Your weird now. I'm not sure I like it." I roll my eyes, eyeing my mates still but breathing form.
"She's changed me, and I'm never going back to the way I was. Never. Well I wouldn't make ut there without Soleil kicking my ass." Jasmine laughs.
"I know. Soleil has changed too. I like this Soleil and Damira power couple. You have brought out the best of each other. I love it." I grin at her, happiness warming my heart.
"Okay don't get sappy. I need to check on things," I reply, looking out into the forest. That voice. I need to check it out. "Can you stay and watch Soleil? Mind link me as soon as anything happens." We nod to each other and as we walk into the room, a gasp leaves my mates throat, eyes opened wide.
"Soleil!" I cry, running towards her. However I stop short. My mates usual sea blue eyes are filled with stars. Actual moving stars.
"D-Damira... why are you glowing?"
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