(26) Bitten
The loud groans of metal slamming together woke me up with a start. Dark and musty, I shivered violently. The pain in my shoulder reminded me of what was happening, fear sinking in, and turning into reality. Davis, or should I say Homer has killed numerous of weres tonight. Maybe even my mate. Her defending cry the last thing I remember before being kicked in the head. I whimper silently, tears brimming, almost ready to fall.
Sniffling, I shuffle around, my muscles screaming with protest. The ground I'm lying upon is hard against my side, scraping against the wound on my shoulder. How hard did that wolf bite me? And they didn't bother cleaning the wound. Wait. Nevermind. They're the enemy, they won't do such a thing. Sighing softly, I finally get myself into a sitting position against the wall.
"Are you okay, human?" a voice pops up beside me, their voice almost childlike. I squeal as I find a tiny little flying figure. "Woah! Are you okay?" It asks me, cradling my nose. I stare wide-eyed at the small little human-like thing, heart thumping with surprise.
"I-I..." my words stutter over each other, mind numb. "Fairy..." I manage to get out, watching the little figure flutter away slightly. She grins (well looks female) widely before grabbing one of my fingers and shook it with all her might.
"Nice to meet you!! I'm Princess Flora Flounder of the Spring Court!" her tiny voice squeaking out. I smile softly, still unsure how to interact. I knew about werewolves and some vampires existing but, fairies...
"Soleil... of Howling Island." I greet back, pulling my hand away from her tiny ones. "Why is... why is a fairy in a prison cell?"
"Hmm well because Mr. Horrible Homer decided to use us for our magic. He's hurt my father... and my sister is hurt really bad. Miss Soleil... will you help us? You look like Miss Selene." I frown, letting the fairy fall softly into my palm, her sobs shaking her small frame.
"Oh Flora, I-I'm not sure what to do either. My mate... I just... My pack is injured, possibly already been taken over," I pause, watching the fairy, the little glow she emits lighting the cell just only a little bit.
"Then you must be our savor then!" Flora immediately beams, her sadness washed away. "Miss Selene said so!"
"Miss Selene?" I question out loud. Hmm no, It couldn't be Moon Goddess Selene, right? Actually, if it was, where the heck is she? She could actually help a girl out about now.
"Yeah! Anyways, are you okay? You look really pale." Shaking out of my thoughts, I turn to my injured shoulder. My star dress covered in dirt and blood, my shoulder covered in blood. Flora takes notice and gasps loudly. "Miss Soleil! What happened! Did you get bitten!?" I swallow deeply, sweat dripping down my temple. My body feel really hot, boiling even.
"What's happening?" I rasp out, grasping the wall as the vison on Flora starts to fade out.
"You got bitten didn't you?!" She asks out, panic lacing her tone. I nodded slowly, rubbing my eyes, trying to clear them but to no avail. "No! How deep?" Flora leans close, finding the bite. Her eyes widen. "When? How long has this been there?"
"I-I don't know. Just after sunset, I think... Why... whats going on?" I ask, frowning. My body feels heavy, my breathing harsh. Flora flutters about nervously.
"This is bad. Really bad. If you're bitten by a werewolf, you can turn into one. And it's a full moon, meaning your shift can be immediate. Miss Soleil, you're going to turn into a werewolf," her voice echoes through my ringing ears. I stare at her with disbelief before crying out as my shoulder cracks harshly. My cry must have caused a ruckus as the creaking of metal is shoved open. The large familiar figure standing in the doorway.
"Ah finally!" the blurry figure enters, the cell lighting up slightly from the outside. I cringe as the harsh light stings my eyes. "Its happening, sweetheart!" Homer/Davis struts inside, grinning wickedly down at me. I squint up at him, Flora whimpering in my hair.
"Wh-what..." I barely manage to reply gasping as a sweeping hot wave of pain lashed at my chest.
"Hmm, you don't know? Considering you live with werewolves," Get on with it you bastard. "Oh don't look at me like that sweetheart. It's not my fault that you were bitten... wait oops, nevermind it was my fault." he cackles, kneeling beside me, moving a strand of my hair off my sweaty forehead. I cringe in disgust, wanting to slap his hand away but I couldn't move.
I cry out as the feeling of cracking bones lock against my arms, causing me to lie curled on the ground. Davis chuckles loudly before moving away. "Well sweetheart, take your time. I'll be outside watching you transform. I don't want you to attack me now do we," I roared with pain as he slammed the cell door shut, Flora standing off to the side with tears in her eyes.
"Miss Soleil..." I heard her whisper. I smile softly, turning away from her.
Tears fell from my eyes, "Damira..." I cry. "Damira!!" Then that's when my whole body shuttered, my brain shut off the rest of the world. My heart-stopping. Was this truly the end for me?
"Don't give up!!!" A voice shouts, clanging against my skull. "Please, Soleil! Don't give up, just trust me,"
"Shh just relax... trust me. Just close your eyes and I'll take care of the rest." I whimper, nodding slowly.
For some reason, I feel I could trust this person. My heart telling me its fine. Nodding slowly, biting my lip to hold my scream, I close my eyes. Leaning against the cool surface. "Okay..." I whisper. "Okay..."
"Good girl." her voice was the last thing I heard as I dropped into unconsiousness.
So I'm not sure how to feel about this one. But it had to happen. You know, the drama is the key to a good book ahaha
What did you think? Will Soleil be okay?
Feedback is well appreciated!
Love you all xoxo
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