(12) Moon Goddess Task
A/N Good evening my little lovelies. I do sincerely, apologize for the late updates. Things have been a little crazy lately and It's taken a toll on me. But I'm taking the days head-on, listening to my Kpop and getting on. Sadly it's put me in a bit of a writer's block. I'm unsure of how this chapter is going to go. Please do let me know how it is and if you have anything you'd like to see happen, like someone's POV or something mysterious happens idk! Let me know, okay? Thanksie!
Motivational Time ~ Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. - Stephen Hawking
I sat in the middle of my tousled bedsheets, the moonlight casting a soft glow around the room. It was slightly chilly, my shawl clutched tightly around my shoulders as I watch the moon in silence. The moon, my only friend on a lonely night. I remember staring up at her, its light comforting me before I faced what was to be the worst night of my life. My window shutters were opened wide, the curtains fluttering softly as the wind blew through the window. I didn't bother shutting them because of the cold, as the presence of the moon seemed to be calming.
Hours before, all I was a lump of tears and self-pity. Now, my mind is silent. My heart calm. But one question seems to bother me. What do I do now?
Sighing softly, I step off the fluffy bed, my feet touching the cold floor. The marbles coolness seeps into my bare feet as I walk closer to the window. The Island is silent as I take in its sereness. Everyone must be sleeping so peacefully. My eyes take in the ocean just beyond the town and its large trees of the forest. If I look West, more homes exist but further in the distance, in a small blur sat a large winding tower. It almost looked like an old abanded temple.
It looked beautiful even. But so lonely it must me. I must ask Jasmine about it. I stare in thought, watching the moonlight shine upon the temple. "It's very beautiful isn't it?" a soft feminine voice whispered beside me. I nod, eyes sparkling.
"Sure is. I'd definitely feel like a princess inside that temple." I whisper back but suddenly freeze. Slowly, I turn to who has spoken and almost fall off my feet. Before me stands the whitest wolf I've ever seen. Blue ocean eyes and snow-white fur, the wolf sits beside my frozen staring at me, almost amused.
"Would you like to be a princess, Soliel?" the wolf asks me, jutting me from my frozen state. Its question confuses me. Wait, wait, I should be focusing on that a wolf is talking to me! Wait, hang on, I take it back. If werewolves exist, why can't talking wolves exist? I turn to the temple and then back at the wolf, smiling.
"I'd like to wish I was. Magnificent clothes, people who respect you and maybe a shining knight in armor waiting for you."
"What if I told you, that is what you can have right now?" My eyes widen slowly in realization.
"I can't be this Luna King! I'm a human!" The white wolf grins at me, mocking me.
"Oh really? Then why are you here, Soliel, not finding a way back to that human home?" She caught me. Sighing, I stare at the wolf.
"I don't know... I really don't know. I was told that this is what the Moon Goddess set out for me. That it's my Fate. That Damira is my soulmate and she is to love me. But she doesn't. She's already rejected me, Miss Wolf. I feel so at loss right now." A moment of silence elapsed throughout the room.
"Do you mind turning away, for a second, Soliel?" Confused at her random question I turn away. The silent sound of bones cracking sent me cringing but the soft giggle from behind me made me swivel back around. Standing in front of me, a woman with the whitest hair and palest skin stood wrapped in my furs. Her soft smiling sending me a mother's warmth. For some reason, I wanted to cry and wrap my arms around this woman.
"Come," she opened her arms wide, inviting me. I nod numbly tears in my ears as I stare at the familiar face. But she's not her...
I take her embrace, wrapping my arms around her. The warmth she emits from me sends me into a calm state. My soft sobs turned into quiet whimpers. Her hand softly caressed my tresses. "You've been so brave, Angel." the familiar nickname sends sparks to my heart.
"Who are you? You're not... mama." I back away slightly, to stare up at the mysterious lady. She smiles sadly at me.
"Unfortunately, when people are to see me, they see the person they desire to meet again. The person you wish to meet is your mother." she paused briefly, to caress my cheek. "However, you are like my own dearest child, Soliel. No, I'm not your mother, but I am Selene, your Moon Goddess." She continued to caress my cheek lovingly, her eyes twinkling like the moonlight.
I blink away tears, staring at her. "Your joking." Selene chuckles softly, shaking her head.
"I'm not, child. Tonight, I have come to give you guidance, and a task."
"A task?" I echo. Selene takes my hands and leads me towards the bed. We sit down together.
"I have sent you here, to Howling Island to follow your Fate. You are Damira Wolfe's soulmate, the one I choose for her. She needs you, this Island needs you. A bigger force is coming to Howling Island, my child. I have tried to conceal the Island as best as I can but, my power is weaking." My eyes widen.
"Your dying?!" Selene smiles sadly, squeezing my hands.
"No, my child. I'm not dying," I sigh in relief. "But, because people are rejecting their fate, it causes an imbalance within my powers. But you, Soliel my child, you can fix everything."
I point towards me, astonished. "Me? How?"
"Become the person who you meant to be. The Luna King and take your soulmate's heart and create a blossom of love. Once you have strengthened your bond, you two will be able to take on the force coming to Howling Island. You both will save the Island. That is my task to you, my child." I frown.
"What big force? What is coming? When?" Selene shakes her head, shushing me. The moonlight starts to dim as the sun is getting ready to rise in a few hours.
"I don't have much time, child. You know what to do. You can do it. If you ever in need of guidance, open the temple and I'll be there. It's not used much as wolves don't look towards me anymore... but I know you do. Thank you sweet child, for looking for me in your loneliest times." Still confused and fazed, Selene kisses me upon the forehead before getting up towards the window.
"Wait..." I reach for her, wanting more answers. She nods at me, a small smile on her beautiful face.
"Until we meet again, Soliel." And with that, she disappeared within the wind, leaving me all alone once again. I run towards the window, staring out rapidly. No such luck but a glow towards the temple gives me what I need.
Taking a shaky intake of air, I nod to myself. This is my Fate and she has taken it upon herself to tell me in person. But also to tell me, this Island is in danger. Biting my lip I look at the temple again. I guess we will start there.
I understand what I must do. I said so before, I said I'll take my Fate head-on. Time to trust me more, Soliel. Trust the Moon Goddess. Smiling, I shut my shutters and head towards the bathing chamber. Might as well get ready for tomorrow.
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