Role choosing day
Today is the day for all of spirit pack to come together and see the young pups to pick a role for what thier going to be. There are three classes a pup can pick First healer, a healer has to care for wounded warriors and scouters. Next is scouter, a scouter scouts the land and see if there are any sighs of danger. And warrior, they train hard to protect thier clan from enemy clans, the scouters tell the warriors that there is danger the warriors or look for new lands.and they have come to the aid as soon as possiable. There you have it. A few years later because now night can walk and talk like a normal young pup.
starlight: today is training day, now you night can choose what you wanna become. Night: oh yay! i am so happy, i hope i meet some other pups my age to be friends with mommy! starlight: i am glad to heat that night... mother smiles at night glad that she is happy. A few moments after that nights mom was called to get the other mothers. Wolf: starlight, now is the time to get the mothers and the pups.Nights mother is very strong, she killed many deadly beast around their clan. starlight walks out with her pup night and night sees other pups her age, but she feels odd that she is different... When she passes by two girl pups and they make a face at night discusted in her look, that pups name is dinmond and her friend misty. Night sees them make faces at her but she continues walking to get in line to chose.
Not long from that time the pups choose or get choosen to pick their role in the clan. After almost all the pups choose they go in groups with a trainer and train for what they have choosen. After all the other pups where choosen Finally it was nights turn... night already knew what she was going to be. A wolf named silver said. Silver: What would you like to be night? Night: i want to be a warrior! she says with a big smile. Silver: ok you do look strong and energetic to be a warrior to! so come with me night ill take you to your warrior group. A wolf named star is a strong warrior, and she is the strongest female warrior in the clan. Star: oh hi, you must be night? Night: yes i sure am! Star: i sence good energy in you already! now stand there next to scar. Scar is a male pup the same age as night. Night goes and stands next to scar. Night: hi there, my name is night! Scar: oh hi, i am scar i am going to be a warrior! Night: so am I! Scar: cool! Wanna be friends night? Night: sure! I was hoping to find a friend! Scar: so was I! Night: best friend forever! Scar: yea! best friend forever! And till then a new friendship bloomed...
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