power of love...
It has been a strange day for Night in spirit pack. She has been wandering around thinking about what her
guardian, ivy said to her. Night: ugh this is so weird, power of love? find my destiny? which one i dont even
know how to get my destiny, i guess love is easier since i already like someone. Night walks down a path with her head looking at the ground seeing her paws move step by step with out even looking at her surroudings...
Night: OOF! night and a wolf clash into each other as night lays on the ground, the wolf gets up and it seems to
be scar. Scar: oh! sorry night i wasn't looking where i was going... Night: nah its ok i wasn't either... Scar picks up
night and she shakes off the dirt as scar dose aswell. That second as they stopped thee where no words, just then
to of them looking into each others eyes. Scar thinks* wow her eyes... their beautiful. such a pretty blue.
Night thinks* Oh my gosh, whats going on my heart is pumping and i am getting hot. He is so handsome for a
single wolf, i was expecting he would have a mate already. Still silence as they both dont notice that their mouths are wide open just like their eyes and then... Dimond: EXCUSE YOU NIGHT! get like AWAY from my mate!!
Night: M-mate? Scar...Dimond pushes night into a mub puddle next to them and dimond gasp using scar as a
shield to block the mub splashing. Dimond: Thanks SCARYYYYYY. Scar: DIMOND WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!
Dimond: HUH?? oh just protecting your handsomeness from that UGLY black wolf of course. Night lays in the puddle that seemed to be filled with pointy rocks. Night lays there with wounds and little rock pebbles indented into her skin, she lays their slitely bleeding... but she gets up with mud. Scar: REMEBER WE BROOKE UP YEARS AGO!!! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY YOU EVEN HAVE TO BRING THAT UP NOW!!
Dimond: WHAT!?!? YOU LOVE ME THATS FINAL!!!! WAIT! you love that fillfy wolf DONT YOU!!!!
scar looks at dimond with a firm face and looks at dimond with a ugly glare. Scar: yes... i do love night. AND SHE IS
BETTER THAN YOU'LL EVER BE YOU WORTHLESS BRAT! Night hears scar speak and her eyes widden and
she gasps. Night: oh, scar.... that second night faints in the blood half mud puddle and it hurts even mire since she still has healing wounds from the bear attack, scar looks over with widden eyes.
Scar: NIIIIIGHT!!!!!! scar runs over and tries to pick up night as dimond walks away like nothing happened...
Scar has fear struk in hus eyes, but then scar takes night to the healers den. Flower: oh hello, how can i hel-
flower sees scar in tears and sees night bleeding as it flows off scars fur to the dirt... Flower WHA- WHAT HAPPENED
TO YOU TWO!? scar: dont worry about me i am fine... its night who needs care. Flower: oh not again poor girl... i just let her go for one day and she is hurt already, who did this? Scar: Dimond did... Flower: dimond!? but she is a goody to shoes. Scar: no she isnt she is evil she put pointy rocks in a mud puddle and pushed night into it letting her get hurt on purpose... Flower: oh dear thats horriable.
Flower puts night on the bed of thick leaves. Scar: please tell me she is going to be ok!!!!!! scar says with a worried face.
Flower: Maybe but i know she is going to be better, her wounds may be deep from the bear, but with these rocks, i dont know, but trust me she'll survive, but she is going to heal and back on her feet in a few days. Scar: ok, phew, flower can i have a moment. please... Flower: ok... excuse me. Flower
exits the room as she spends her time getting healing plants. Scar: Oh Night... please be with me... i love you to much to i cant imagine being without you. He thinks that night is passed out when he says these things* Scars tears flow down his face and drops onto Night a small light shines with the tear and the light spreads
through her body and her wounds heal, but the pain is the only thing left to heal. Scar sees night slowly wake up...
Night: s-sc-ar... Night says with a half smiles by the pain she still tries to fight for there was a large sharp rock dimond was expecting to us on someone. Scar: NIGHT!!!! oh i am glad your ok! i-i I LOVE YOU NIGHT AND I ALWAYS WILL!!! Nights eyes widen as she hears scars words loud and clear....
Night: scar. i-i LOVE YOU TOO!! that moment they hug each other tightly, In the few seconds of hugging a beautiful light shines from Nights back and from Scars back as the power of love gave them powers, The power of the great spirits
from the pack spirit pack for others thougth it was a myth for a wolf to have angelic wings and powers. The power formed great wings that can go to the highs of the heavens, and other strong powers... thats the power of love.
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