Night up for a Fight?
Few weeks after Dimond ran away from spirit pack. And today was the day that the female warriors go to
hunt after the males did a few days before. Like normal all the female warriors gather up and get in
groups of two. So everyone was teamed up except for Night... Like always she never gets a partner but
today she finally dose and that wolf and her have allot in common with each other they both have the same problems...
Silver: OK EVERYONE GOT A PARTNER?? all: YES! Night sighs as she once again has no partner even as a teen
she is still disliked... Then another wolfs walks up that she has never heared of but has seen her walk around the pack
a couple of times. Night hears a gentle greeting. Night: huh. Lov: oh sorry night, i am lov i have been in this clan for a while and i didn't have time to introduce myself... Night: oh, but its nice to meet you i hear you have heard my name
Lov: oh ya, dimond had mist spread rumors about you but i knew it wasnt true. she says with a kind smile.
Night: thank you for not believing what they say! Lov: your welcome! and in was wondering if you wanted to be
my partner cause your not the only one that was bullied by dimond. Night: cool, i dont feel so lonely anymore when it comes to group trips. Silver: LOV NIGHT! COME ON. Night: lets go! they both dash of catching up with the group...
Time pasted and they have caught plently of food for the pack. Night and lov are hunting as they have caught the most
prey. Night: wow we caugh allot lov! Lov: ya we make a great team! Silver: LOV REPORT TO BASE! JUST LOV! REPORT TO BASE! Lov: huh weird well sorry i have to leave ya for a sec promise i'll make it quick! she dashes of disappearing into the distant woods. Night: well i am alone in the woods for idk how long...
Night hears a bush shaking and she gets in position to pounce. Night: hmm. Night makes her eyes narrow and her ears perk down and back as she waits for the cause of the bush shaking to come out. Then a stamped of all kinds of animals rush out and around the around night is in. Night: AHHH! WHAT THE HECK ALL THESE ANIMALS!? wait but their must be something chasing it... oh no. the rush of animals finally stop as she hears something bigger coming... Night: ooooh no. that second a
frightening wild dog comes out of the darkness... Wild dog: GRRR! OOOH LOOK WHAT I HAVE HERE... a
wolf from a stupid clan i suppose... HAHAH. Night thinks* oh no what am i going to do?! I CAN'T DIE!!
well he is almost exact same size as me but just full of scars, cuts, wounds, and uuuugh so much blood...
Wild dog: No comment?? HMM FIGHT ME WOLF!!! COME ON YOU SCARED?! GIVE ME THE FIGHT I WANT AND I'LL LEAVE YOUR PRECIOUS FOOD AND PACK ALONE... hehe. Night: Fine. you asked for it stupid wild dog...
Night pounces onto its back and claws it deeply biting its neck (like trained) and pushes the dog down and bites its
neck again. The dog pushes night off and she goes flying onto a tree. Wild dog: I'm impresed, your strong for such a wolf
like you but that dosent mean your off the hook. hehe... Night: grrrr. Night gets up and snarls letting her sharp
teeth show. She jumps and pushes the dog off balance with her head and pins him down bites its neck and night quickly turns her head cracking his bones. Wild dog: YOU LITTLE!!!! GRRRR.... the wild dog throws night to the ground letting
him get on top of her and he bites her chest hardly making night howl desprately... but the howl is more louder and
it echos through the forest and through the pack and scar hears and reconizes the howl and dashes out of the den to find the source of the howl that seems so fimiliar to him. Night: Grrrr. while night is pinned she extends her claws and grip
them deeply like a graplinghook, and she throws him to the nearest tree. Then, Scar continues dashing through the woods... Scar: i wonder who did that loud howl, i hope its not night but even though i gotta save people its my job.
Night: LEAVE MY PACK ALONE!!!!! Night ferociously claws and bites the dog doing even more damage breaking some
of the dogs bones and some how it still stands. Meanwhile Scar still runs which he is so close to the fight that is going on.
scar hears night speak and he hears the dog growl and he runs and finally he sees night in this bloodly and bitten condition scar gose to the back of the dog and with his bravery his wings show but with armor, then scar slashes the dog
almost killing it. Night: SCAR!!! thank you for coming to my aid... Scar: Your welcome i'll always be their just a howl will
get me running. Wild dog: pity on you two i am defeated. the wild dog lays bleeding on the ground trying to get up and
fails but eventually gets up and limps away whimpering. Scar: you faught that dog!? Night: well ya, anything to defend my clan even if there are people that i hate. Scar: thats awesome Night, good job. Scar hugs night getting some of her wounds blood onto him but his wings are still present and while they hug his wings cover them and every wound,cut, and bite, heals... Scar: the, the wounds are gone!? Night: that must be another power... healing what will surely come
in handy. scar: ye-. then lov finally comes back. Lov: Hey Night sorry for being gone for so lo- um, what happened here!? ARE YOU GUYS OK!? THERE IS BLOOD EVERY WHERE!! Night: we are ok... while you where gone i was
stampeded by a bunch of animals and the thing that was chasing them decided he would fight me instead... Lov:
Oh my, i am VERY SORRY FOR LEAVING YOU HERE... one of us got stuck in a slitly deep hole and was caught by a
thick root... Night: Ooh. Lov: and whos that? Night: oh he is my mate scar. Scar: i sure am, and its nice to meet you,
Lov: nice to meet you to, but anyways we have to get going the trip is done and we got LOADS of food for the pack
So lets go! they all run back as they meet up with the group and they all head back to spirit pack safe and sound...
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