The twigs stabbing Sebastian's palms were starting to draw blood. He could feel the red river seeping into the dirt beneath him.
Imogen and Ajax knelt beside him with their reddened faces pointed toward the forest floor. The ordinaire had her hands clasped behind her head, her sword lying useless on the ground a few feet away. Ajax had his hands behind his back. Three lesser Shades stood with their weapons pointed at his face.
More Shades stood around them, palms raised and vayrirs summoned.
It didn't take them long to find Makaela's shadowtrail.
The dark magicians arrived minutes after their escape from Castle Braexus. Sebastian didn't even know where they were. He heard waves splashing against cliffs to the north and a village sitting atop a hill loomed in the distance. His gut said southern Europe. Spain. Maybe France. He couldn't be sure.
He was sure of one thing, though.
They were in serious trouble.
"Just wait until Father gets here," Amora whispered in his ear. She grabbed his neck, forcing his head down and digging her sharp nails into his skin. He bit back a curse.
He had no quip for her. Nor did he have the energy to reason with her. He had no leverage, no leg to stand on. There wouldn't be any more running. The Order had caught them-actually caught them. There was no way out of this one.
Moments later, Igor and Ulrich entered the thicket they convened in. Branches bent toward them, reaching like the arms of the dead. Their leaves swayed in the night, creating a harrowing symphony as the wind rifled through their gaps. The moon peeked through above, desperately trying to get a glimpse of the action.
Sebastian grabbed two fistfuls of dirt and slammed his eyes shut.
He should've known the Shades would've followed them immediately. Had it been him conducting the jump, his trail wouldn't have been so easy to spot. But Makaela led their journey. She brought them...wherever they were.
His throat tightened at the thought of her.
There was no way to tell if she was nearby. For all he knew, she, Remy, and Olivier could've landed on the other side of the forest. Or somewhere in the town. They hadn't be captured by Shades, though. He knew that much.
A swirl of shadows manifested in the center of the clearing. A ram-faced man rose from the blackness.
Sebastian gulped.
"The dark lord will be joining us shortly." He turned to his former student. Disappointment rolled off his shoulders like a waterfall. "We all expected more from you, little prince."
"Yeah, well..." Sebastian spat at the ground near the man's feet. "We don't always get what we wish for."
Emile huffed.
Moments later, Ulrich and Igor joined them with two unconscious magicians in their clutches. Sebastian's eyes widened. Oh no.
Remy's head hung limply as Igor carried him as if he were a sleeping child. He didn't look harmed, but he had certainly been charmed. The same couldn't be said for Olivier. The lightweaver sported a fresh cut along his forehead. Ulrich dragged his body through the thick grass like a ragdoll.
The pair of Shades dumped their bodies next to their other captives.
Sebastian stared at Remy. It didn't even look like he was breathing. His stomach churned.
Ulrich dragged Olivier behind him like a ragdoll.
"Now to find the girl," Igor said with a grunt.
Sebastian kept his eyes low, his relief masked behind a steely stare. She hadn't been found, nor captured. Not yet. He hoped it stayed that way. She still had the Illumio. As long as she and the artifact were safe, the Order couldn't win. He didn't care what happened to him. A killing curse could've hit him in the back. It wouldn't matter.
As long as the Order didn't win.
Putting a stop to his father's quest was the most important thing.
Still, he couldn't help but yearn for one last moment with Makaela. He thought back to their first kiss in Hodvekt. The image of her in that dress in Nightfall popped into his head. Her smile, her touch, her lips. He could still feel it all.
A smile hit his lips.
Nails dug deeper into his skin.
"What're you smiling about, brother?" Amora hissed into his ear. "Care to share with the group?"
Scowling, he forced his head down.
"I have to admit, I thought you had us back at the castle," she said. "Who knew Makaela could learn to shadowjump so quickly. Maybe your monster is as powerful as Father says."
"Shut up," he said through his teeth.
"Did I hit a nerve?"
"I said shut up, Amora."
"Or what, little prince? You gonna make me?"
The other Shades chuckled. Blood rushed to Sebastian's face. His fists shook against the loose soil. He closed his eyes, forcing himself to take deep, calming breaths. His sister knew how to get to him. She had been doing it for years. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing him explode, though. Not this time.
"That's what I thought," Amora said. She pranced away from him, a wide grin on her makeup-smeared face. The moonlight glinting off her dark eyes made her look insane. "I'm bored."
Emile removed his mask and frowned at her. "This is not a game, Amora."
Amora pressed a hand to her heart. "You're no fun." She strutted over to him. "I know what'll make this more fun." She rolled the sleeve of her robe up and summoned her vayrir. "I'll bring the Nightling to us. If she's near, she'll come running after she smells this."
Sebastian watched as she dragged the blade through her forearm. Blood gushed out the horizontal cut. It dripped down her white skin and onto the grass.
The other Shades bristled, their eyes immediately moving to the trees around them. Sebastian's did the same. As crude as she was, his sister's plan was brilliant. Once a Nightling caught even the smallest whiff of blood, they came running.
Amora raised her bleeding arm to the sky with a wicked smile.
Silence passed over the forest like a shadow. The wind stopped for a brief moment. Sebastian's heartbeat was a deafening roar in his ears. Seconds dragged along like minutes, minutes toiling into what felt like hours.
The wind returned.
Leaves rustled off to the side.
She was here.
Amora held her palm to her wound. "Huh. That worked a lot quicker than I-"
A black silhouette sprung from the foliage, pouncing onto the Shade closest to Amora. They hit the floor with a scream, their hands flying as they tried to force the wild force ripping into their chest. The metallic scent of blood choked the air. Claws tearing into flesh assaulted Sebastian's ears.
Cringing, he stared on in horror.
The Shade's cries ceased.
The figure rose to their feet. Wiping their mouth, they slowly turned around.
They had Makaela's face, but her golden eyes were gone, swallowed by pits of endless, sinister darkness. Claws grew from her nails and fangs protruded from her mouth. Blood smeared across her dark cheeks. It stained the front of her shirt and dripped from her hands like ink from a pen.
"There she is," said Amora with an excited giggle.
A low growl rose from Makaela's throat. "Let them go."
"Make us."
She stepped forward, but Igor was quick to intercept.
"You're outnumbered," Emile said from the middle of the clearing. "I advise you to surrender."
Surrender wasn't an option. The Order couldn't get her ring. They couldn't.
"Makaela, run!" Sebastian yelled. "Go!" Before he could say another word, a Shade stomped forward and drove the hilt of their weapon into the side of his face. He crumpled to the ground, black splotches spreading across his vision. Pain exploded through his skull. Tears blurred his already waning sight.
Everything turned sideways as he laid on the ground.
He watched as Makaela sprung forward.
She tackled the Shade who hit him to the floor. In the blink of an eye, her claws slashed their throat, painting the ground with their blood. Their body dropped right next to Sebastian's. The haunting sound of them choking on their blood assaulted his ears. He couldn't do anything but stare.
Makaela moved to her next target faster than a cheetah. Magic shot from her hands as she jumped through the air. Shield charms lit up the night. She cleared them as if they weren't even there. Her teeth sunk into the shoulder of a Shade while she threw another across the forest with a spell.
Sebastian's eyes widened. His blood ran colder than liquid nitrogen.
She was beautiful.
And dangerous.
The sheer power she possessed roused his deepest dreams and inspired his darkest nightmares.
The other Shades backed away from her, eyes filled to the brim with terror. Even Amora slunk behind Igor for protection. Emile remained center stage, his chin lifted slightly as he gazed upon the Nightling.
"Thorian's going to love her," Igor joked.
"Oh, yes," Emile said.
Makaela stalked forward. Her hands were coated in crimson.
"Let them go."
"I apologize," Emile told her. "But that isn't going to happen." A quick spell left his hands. A whip made from shadows cracked from his palm before coiling around Makaela's neck. Twisting his hand, he tightened the lasso, bringing her to her knees. Her roars echoed through the woods as she struggled against her bind.
Emile stepped forward, pulling her closer to the floor. He twisted his hand again. Makaela's body slumped, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head. The light returned to her eyes as her body shifted back to normal. The claws disappeared, taking the fangs with them.
Sebastian swallowed the dread forming at the base of his throat.
"Stepping back, Emile released his whip.
Makaela writhed on the ground, wheezing as she clutched at her bruised neck.
Another gust of wind blew through the trees.
More shadows pooled in the center of the clearing. Everyone dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Groaning in pain, Sebastian managed to get himself upright again. He glared at the shadows with his head held high.
That man didn't deserve his respect.
He never did.
Thorian Tedorof rose from the black pit, jackal mask equipped and black scythe in hand. His chest billowed as he breathed in the crisp air. Not even regarding his subjects, he walked toward where Makaela laid.
She remained on the floor, hands wrapped around her throat as she struggled to breathe.
He brought his metal face right in front of hers. Even through the mask, Sebastian could see the look in his eyes.
A shiver raced down his spine.
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