Cole knew his life was going down the drain as soon as he died.
Well, obviously.
Becoming a ghost was probably the worst thing to happen to Cole, ever. Although Kai had told him he'd still be the same person, everyone treated Ghost Cole differently from Real Cole. Even Nya. Especially Nya.
So even before Jay walked through Cole with the crying pillow, his life had kinda sucked. Nya wouldn't go near him. He didn't get hungry anymore and only ate cake because it reminded him of the good times. Whenever he went out in public, people would chase him around with water guns.
But it was much better than being possessed by a demon.
Cole had felt the demon enter him in the cursed realm (which also sucked, by the way), but it wasn't until Nya and Jay arrived to save him that Cole realized how strong the demon was.
He'd wanted to say, "Don't come near me! There's an evil creature trying to control my body! My evil side is fighting for dominance! Also Jay you are an idiot!"
What he'd said (or the demon had said) was "Nya!" And then convinced Nya that all was right.
The few days Cole had spent laying motionless were little indication to the battle that was raging in his head. But the more that Cole tried to fight his evil impulses, the more the demon convinced him that what he was doing was right.
The demon was Cole. It could see into his mind, delve into his deepest emotions, his weaknesses. And his greatest weakness was her.
Cole wanted Nya. Cole was going to get Nya.
Even if it meant getting rid of everyone standing in his way, especially Jay.
Even if it meant taking all that Nya loved until he was the only thing left.
"No," Cole fought. He wouldn't give into the darkness and think those evil thoughts. The demon was trying to take over. He couldn't let it.
"Cole," a harsh voice whispered. "She will never love you if you don't make her see. You have to get rid of the other one."
"I agree," said a different voice, sounding similar to Cole but with more malice. "Let's kill him now."
"NO!" The first voice rasped. "Draw it out. Make them believe they're safe, then attack again. Drive them mad. Each of them has to die, the blue one last. Show Nya you're the only one left."
"I like it!" The other voice said. "What do we do with Nya?"
"We have to convince her any way we can."
"No, I don't want to hurt or kill anyone!" Cole shouted.
"Nobody wants to kill. But sometimes it is- necessary." The second voice explained, almost sympathetically.
"And sometimes it is fun." The first voice said with sick joy in its voice.
"Jay stands in your way. Remember this?" The second voice said, and suddenly Cole found himself inside an all too familiar scene.
"Cole, do you know where the marshmallows are? Jay can't find them." Nya asked Cole. They were all camping out on the way to Ed and Edna's Scrap 'n' Junk. "Kai made a fire and they're pumped about s'mores." "Oh, the ones in my tent?" Cole asked. Nya nodded. "Um, I kinda-ate them." "Cole!" Nya said, exasperated. Then her face softened. "Oh, well. They still have chocolate." She smiled to herself. An awkward silence came over them. For some reason, Cole felt himself blushing. He didn't really know what had happened with Nya but ever since they went to Borg Industries she'd been looking at him differently. Cole wondered and hoped if it was a look of interest in that way. He doubted it and told himself, "she doesn't love you! And you don't love her!" Still, in the fading sunlight, Nya really did look very pretty.
Trying to get those thoughts out of his head, Cole blurted the first thing that came into his head, "How are things with Jay?" and immediately regretted it. "Still broken up..." Nya said, not really finishing the sentence. Clearing his throat, Cole rubbed the back of his neck. "Nya, I know this is kind of weird, but there's something I've been thinking about for a while." He said. "Hm?" "Uh, well spending so much time with you has made me realize that I, um, like you." "Well of course you like me, Cole. We're friends!" Nya said, her cheeks flushing. "No, I think I have a crush on you..." Cole felt his face go hot. "Why did I tell her?" He silently cursed to himself. Cole realized how close Nya was. "You do?" She said, eyes widening. "Yes, and I hope you wouldn't mind if I did this?" And then, without any warning, Cole kissed Nya full on the lips. She seemed surprised for a second and then pulled away. "I like you too." Nya said. Cole felt his heart swell. "But I can't do this. I just can't." Then, she turned away and hurried back towards the campfire.
Cole deflated. "What is wrong with me?" He thought.
"Why do you think she left?" The first evil voice hissed into his ear. "She still loves the blue one. We must dispose of him. As well as her other friends and that pesky overprotective brother."
"Are you sure?" Cole said. He was starting to see the logic.
"I'm never wrong." The demon told Cole. "And you will soon have everything."
A nauseating wave of happiness rolled through Cole. He would have everything.
He always worked better alone anyway.
OMG I did it! I wrote a scene with kissing! 😲
Too much romance? Don't worry, the next chapter has more blood! 😉
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