Part 6
Jack finished showering and wrapped a towel around his waist. Stepping out of the bathroom, he entered into the guest bedroom. Finding neatly folded clothes that Felix had left for him on the bed. Jack picked up the shirt and rolled his eyes. Of all the things Felix could spare, he didn't think this was right. Setting it aside, Jack slipped into the grey shorts. Then reluctantly he pulled on the shirt. As he was heading out toward the living room to get himself something to drink, Jack stopped just outside Felix's bedroom. The door was cracked open and Jack could see Felix drying himself off in the reflection of the closet mirror. Felix's grey sweatpants hung off his hips as he rubbed the towel over his hair. The jet black color of his arm tattoos standing out clearly against his pale skin. Felix was much leaner than Mark, but had a defined muscular build for his frame.
Jack wrapped an arm around his stomach a bit self-conscious. He really needed to work out more. He just felt scrawny compared to them. He had muscle, but not like theirs. Felix dropped the towel over one of his shoulders and turned toward the closet. Jack straightened up as Felix caught his reflection in the mirror. When Felix glanced toward the door, Jack quickly bolted from the spot. Grabbing a water bottle from the frig, Jack mentally kicked himself. He shouldn't have been just standing there watching him. Now Felix was going to think he was perverted. Closing the frig door, Jack jumped back against the counter in surprise. Felix was leaning against the wall, staring at him with a weird look. Jack caught his breath, pointing the bottle at Felix as he snapped out. "Don't do that"! Felix moved away from the wall to take the water bottle from his hand, asking him smugly with a grin. "Like the shirt"?
Jack's eyes narrowed as he answered dryly. "Out of all your clothes you had to give me the shirt with the Swedish flag? Really, Felix? Isn't that blasphemous"? Felix chuckled, twisting off the bottle cap as he answered just as smugly. "You didn't have to put it on". Jack blushed and tried to hide it by moving back to the frig to get another bottle. Behind him, Felix added playfully. "Besides, don't you wear a Berlin shirt? Isn't that blasphemous"? Jack rolled his eyes, twisting the cap off his bottle. When his eyes fell on Felix's bare chest, he quickly averted his gaze back to his bottle. Felix took a drink, then asked shamelessly. "So, how long were you watching me"? Jack felt his blush all the way to the tips of his ears as he nervously replied. "I wasn't watching you". Felix rolled his eyes, sarcastically stating aloud. "Ya... and Slippy's not a toad. You're such a terrible liar".
Jack took a sip of his water and licked his dry lips. He was busted and he didn't even know what to tell him. Felix stepped closer and Jack's mind flat lined. He just couldn't think with him so close. Backing away to lean against the opposite counter, Jack mumbled out shyly. "I was just admiring your tattoos". Felix looked over his arms for a moment, before chuckling out. "Is that all"? Jack bit his lip, straightening up to look Felix in the eyes as he added in. "And I was thinking that I should go to the gym". Jack smirked and started to head for the bedroom, when Felix grabbed his arm to stop him. Jack's heart raced as Felix's fingers curled gently around his bicep. Felix leaned in behind him to grab something from an overhead cabinet, telling Jack coolly. "Before you hit the gym. Here. I got you something". Jack couldn't move. So, he just waited. When Felix's arm draped over his shoulder to reveal a red box. Jack took it and chuckled.
The licorice coal candy that Felix gave him during Cringemas. Felix's breath suddenly tickled his ear as he whispered to him. "Since they're a Swedish candy, I guess that makes me your dealer". Jack smirked, turning to face Felix to thank him. Only to hesitant. Felix was only a few inches from him. Jack swallowed, internally fighting against the urge to kiss him. He wasn't sure this is what Felix wanted. Their kiss earlier had been so brief. Yet, was enough to make him crave more. While he was lost in thought, Felix run his knuckles up both of Jack's bare arms to his shoulders and back down to his elbows. Jack closed his eyes and his breath hitched. The tension was overwhelming his heart with emotions. It ached. It burned. It beat slow and then fast. It felt like ages since he was touched like this. Suddenly, Felix's hands stopped moving along his arms and Jack let out a soft whine as Felix's lips met his. Jack felt suddenly light-headed. He felt like he was going to collapse as his legs weakened under his weight.
Leaning back against Felix for support, Jack tried to focus on staying on his feet. Felix pulled away after a long moment to whisper out breathlessly. "I think I should call it a night". Jack nodded, but when Felix started to move away, Jack staggered to regain his balance. No kiss had ever left him weak in the knees before. Felix reached out to place a hand on his lower back to steady him as he asked. "You alright"? Jack nodded, gripping the kitchen counter. When Felix didn't leave, Jack breathlessly got up the energy to ask. "Last year, you would have jumped me by now. What's changed"? Felix blushed, telling Jack sweetly. "Last year I was competing for your attention. This year... I want to do it right". Felix sighed heavily all of a sudden to add in. "Unless you jump me. If you do that, then I'll know you're ready". Jack smirked, pushing away from the counter as he told Felix sweetly. "I'll keep that in mind".
Jack walked off into the guest bedroom and crawled into bed. He felt like he was walking on air! His mind kept telling him to go join Felix in his bed tonight, but Jack just curled himself up tighter in the covers. He didn't want to rush into anything. Today was a good day and he wanted it to end it that way. There was always tomorrow. To Be Continued...
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