Part 5
When the farris wheel stopped, Jack collected the empty food bags and tossed them into the trash bin. Felix then nudged him with his shoulder playfully, heading out toward the beach. Jack smirked, following him out across the soft sand. The beach was completely empty. Not a soul was around. Only the occasional passing car on the road farther back would hint at the existence of anyone else. The sun was completely down and the chill air breezed up passed them as they walked down the beach. For a bit they only listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. When Felix stopped suddenly to stare out at the water, telling him in a soft voice. "I love Brighton at night. It's strangely peaceful". Jack nodded, even though Felix wasn't looking at him. Jack watched Felix bend over to remove his shoes and socks. The moment Felix caught him looking, he smirked and swatted Jack's leg with his shoe, telling him playfully. "Well? Don't just stand there". Jack rubbed his bare arms, hesitantly answering. "Felix, that water is probably freezing". Felix rolled his eyes, setting his phone and keys into one of his shoes as he replied sarcastically. "You sissy. Are you afraid to get your feet wet"?
Jack sighed, removing his shoes and socks. When his bare foot touched the soft sand, Jack chuckled to himself. He had expected the sand to be cold. It wasn't. It was actually quite warm. Setting his valuables in one of his shoes, he curled up his jeans and followed Felix to the water. The wave rushed passed his feet and Jack gasped. The water however WAS cold! Felix chuckled back at him, grabbing his arm to keep him from falling over. Jack quickly leaned down to flick some water at Felix, snapping back playfully. "You son of a bitch! You could have warned me"! Felix gave him a sheepish grin in response. Straightening up, Jack took a deep breath. It had been years since he had touched ocean water. Feeling the waves dislodge the sand from beneath his feet, until he was ankle deep in warm wet sand. He could understand why Felix had brought him here. It felt like the ocean was taking all the worries and cares away. It was genuinely peaceful here. Suddenly, Felix stepped a little farther into the water, asking Jack curiously. "Did you see that"?
Jack shook his head and tried to strain his eyes to look out over the waves. Felix pointed, telling him. "You can't see that"? Jack moved carefully closer, saying. "No. What did it look like"? Felix moved closer to his side, telling him in a low worried voice. "It looked just like...". Jack felt suddenly uneasy as Felix added loudly. "AN IRISH BITCH"! Before Jack had time to process, Felix shoved him into the cold water! Jack lost his footing and went completely into the freezing water. Standing back up, Jack spit sea water and brushed his wet bangs away from his face as he shivered out. "Oh, you are so dead". Felix chuckled, starting to back out of the water as he stated innocently. "You have to admit that was funny". Jack began to make his way toward Felix, telling him casually with only a small hint of evil intent. "Oh, yes. It's about to get even funnier". Felix raised a defensive hand, pleading with Jack as he chuckled out. "Jack. Please. I'm allergic to sea water". Jack removed his heavy wet shirt, throwing it toward their shoes, before he yelled out to Felix. "You're so full of shite"! Jack dashed after Felix and Felix bolted down the beach screaming out in mock terror. "NO! JACK! I'M SORRY! AHH"!
Felix tried to make a tight U-turn, but lost his footing in the sand. Jack took immediate action by tackling into him at full speed. Felix fell back against sand with a yelp, while Jack braced himself over him, panting heavily. Felix eyed him out of the corner of his eye, nervously asking. "Alright... Now what are you doing to do"? Jack shivered as a breeze ran over his cold wet skin, before he panted back. "First, I'm going to catch my breath. Then I'm going to bury your Swedish arse in this sand"! Felix chuckled, chiding out. "That sounds strangely sexual". Jack chuckled, blushing a bright red with embarrassment. He hadn't intended it to come out that way, but now that Felix mentioned it... it did. Felix stared up at him with a strange look and Jack nervously asked a little breathless. "What"? Felix smirked, reaching up to brush a strand of Jack's green wet hair away from his eyes. Jack froze, swallowing down his nerves and closing his eyes. Felix's hand lingered, sliding his knuckles down Jack's chilled cheek. Jack couldn't hear the waves anymore. He could only hear the sound of his own heart softly beating in his ears.
Jack was amazed he even still had a heart. This was the first time in months that he felt it without feeling sorrow or pain. Jack almost wanted to cry from relief. Opening his eyes, he watched Felix sit up slowly. Felix leaned in closer to his lips and Jack's heart skipped a beat, only to sped up. Was he ready for this emotionally? Felix's lips only lightly brushed over his, before he pulled away, telling Jack a bit regretful. "I should take you home. It's getting late". Jack nervously licked his lips and nodded. Climbing off Felix they walked silently back to their shoes. Jack rubbed his collarbone nervously as he pondered over his own feelings. It had been a month or two since he had broken up with Mark. So, it was alright for him to feel things for Felix, right? Although, what if he was only falling for Felix because he needed to feel loved again? Was that really fair to him? Jack picked up his shoes and cursed when he picked up his shirt. It was covered in sand... and so were his wet jeans. Felix ruffled his hair, telling him sweetly. "I got a towel in the trunk. It won't save your clothes, but we won't be able to shake them off, until it all dries out anyway".
Felix opened the passenger door for Jack, whispering softly. "I'll keep you hidden. Slip out of your jeans". Jack blushed a deep red and glanced around, muttering out. "No way! What if someone sees me"? Felix rolled his eyes, answering simply. "Look. You either loose the pants, or you're riding in the trunk. Your choice, Jack". Jack mumbled to himself sourly as Felix held up a towel to discreetly protect him where the door couldn't. Jack slipped out of his jeans and quickly dropped into the front seat. Felix then closed the door, taking Jack's shirt and jeans to wrap them in the towel. Jack felt so exposed. Wrapping and arm around his chest, he tried to sink farther down into the seat and away from view. Felix climbed into the driver seat a few minutes later, telling him casually. "Hey. Don't look at me like that. Sand is a bitch to get out of a car. You'd know that if you had one". Jack flicked Felix off and Felix chuckled, driving out. Jack couldn't see, but he was a bit disappointed to be going home. He didn't want to sit alone in the dark... on the floor.
Felix reached up to press a button on his visor and Jack risked sitting up out of curiosity. The only reason Felix would push that was if... he went home. Felix caught his shocked look and told him sweetly. "Jack, you don't even have furniture at your house right now. I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor. I've got a guest room. I want you to use it". Jack smiled, but felt uneasy. Did Felix expect something to happen? Was that why he stopped on the beach? To finish at home? Felix parked the car and began to shrug off his hoodie. Jack leaned away, feeling like this was a sign, or a hint. Felix pulled the black hoodie free and headed it off to Jack, saying tenderly. "Here. You can put this around your waist or something. The fence maybe high, but I've still got nosy neighbors". Felix got the front door open and Jack quickly dashed out to enter. Felix flicked on a few kitchen lights, telling him. "You can shower if you want to wash off the sea salt. I've got some clothes that should fit you for tonight.
Jack started to head down the hall, he already knew where everything was. Only to stop and turn to ask Felix curiously. "Felix? Why didn't you kiss me on the beach"? Felix leaned his hips back against his kitchen counter, turning his gaze to the tile floor, when he answered. "I didn't want to ruin anything". Jack felt torn in two different directions. Part of him wanted to smile and head for the shower... but the other part. Jack bit his lip hard and walked back to Felix. Lifting Felix's chin, Jack gave him a quick kiss on the lips, before backing away with a blush as he told him embarrassed. "That was for what you did today. Thank you". Felix bit his lip and Jack quickly jogged toward the shower. Closing the bathroom door, Jack fell back against it, biting his own lip. He wasn't sure he should have done that, but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't explain it. He just... needed it. To Be Continued...
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