Part 4
Jack climbed into Felix's car a few minutes later, asking a bit ashamed. "I'm sorry... but I don't think I'm going to be much fun tonight". Felix turned off the soft music playing on the radio, before giving Jack a warm smile. As he pulled the car out onto the main road, he answered casually. "I don't care. I'd enjoy just a quiet night out". Jack plucked his thumb over the edge of the seat belt, staring out the window. It was getting dark and he felt a bit awkward. He hadn't been alone with Felix since before the accident. Mark and Felix had too much eating at them to even really stay in the same room together. Felix finally broke the silence by telling him in a soft regretful voice. "Jack, about that day... I was mad, but I never would have hurt you". Jack turned to look at Felix. He was staring straight head, looking troubled. Jack sighed softly, telling Felix in a barely audible voice. "I get it. I did the same thing to Ethan". Felix's face lit up and he playfully chuckled out. "You chased him into a car"?! Felix shot him a brief smile and Jack chuckled. He couldn't help it. Leaning back against the seat, Jack stared up at the roof, saying with a small smirk. "No. I shoved him. I shouldn't have... but I just couldn't help it. The things he said to me...".
The smile fell from Jack's face and he turned to look back out the window. Beside him, Felix told him in a comforting voice. "Don't ever let them see that they get to you". Jack turned to look back at Felix asking a bit harshly. "And how is that working out for you"? Jack watched Felix grip the steering wheel a bit more tightly, when he answered calmly. "I deal with what comes at me. One fucked up day at a time". Jack shifted in his seat to face Felix more comfortably, before asking. "I heard you got banned from going to Pax. Lost Disney as a sponsor... How are you doing"? Felix sighed heavily, before he coolly said. "Shit happens. I made mistakes and I'm paying for them. I have no one to blame but myself". Jack didn't feel like that was entirely true as he slipped in tenderly. "It was because of me, wasn't it? You were hurt... and weren't thinking". Felix didn't answer. He just stared straight ahead. Jack didn't need to hear him say it. It was written on his face. Hearing him say that he had chosen Mark had hurt him deeply. Unable to look at him anymore, Jack twisted in his seat to look back out the window. They were just now passing the little sushi restaurant that Felix had taken him to before.
Pointing as it passed, Jack asked Felix nervously. "Wait. Aren't we going there"? Felix didn't look at him as he answered with a smirk. "Nope. I've got something else in mind". Jack's eyes widened as Felix pulled into a parking spot. The view was just breathtaking. Quickly climbing out of the car, Jack stood staring out at the large beach. The sun was setting, sending warm pinks and purples across the sky and over the deep blue colored water. Jack rarely every saw a beach, let alone one this beautiful. Felix strolled over to his side, saying happily. "I thought you might want to see Brighton Pier. It's where I come to... forget". Jack chuckled softly, pointing to the huge boardwalk that had some kind of small attraction over the rushing waves. He was going to say something, but Felix beat him to it. "That is where we're going. Won't be much of a 'dinner', but we're grown-ups. We can eat junk food". Felix ruffled his hair and gestured him to follow. Dashing across the road, they headed for the boardwalk. The place was mostly deserted. The only ones there were couples, or friends out to have fun.
Jack stopped on the boardwalk to take in the dim yellow lighting against the sunset. Listening to the soft waves and taking in the smell of fresh food and sea air. It was all so relaxing. Felix smiled back at him, gesturing for him to hurry up as he told him cheerfully. "Well, come on"! Racing after Felix, they rode the few rides that they had. The small roller coasters were a blast and the spinning rides. All leading up to one that Jack REALLY didn't want. The slingshot. Jack dragged his feet, pleading with Felix desperately. "No, Felix... Please, can we just go eat? I'm hungry". Felix bounced up and down, stating aloud. "Come on, you irish pussy! Little girls are riding on this thing! It will be great"! Jack shook his head and began to back away stating aloud. "They aren't afraid of heights, Felix. I am! I'm not going! Call me a pussy all you want. You're not getting me on that"! Felix stopped bouncing, strolling closer to him as he said softly. "What about a bribe? I'll buy you all the ice cream you can eat. Please, Jack? I don't want to go alone".
Felix batted him the biggest puppy eyes that he could and Jack shifted uncomfortably, but forced himself to growl out. "Fine... but if I die, I'm haunting your ass"! Felix laughed, grabbing his wrist to drag him toward the ride, answering back excitedly. "I can live with that". The attendant strapped them in and Jack covered his face muttering loudly. "Why did I do this? Only a crazy person willing puts themselves into a slingshot". Felix throw his hands up into the air and let out a loud cheer of excitement. While Jack felt like he was going to hurl and they weren't even moving yet. The attendant moved away back to the little booth and Jack lifted his head from his hands to snap back. "Alright, I want off"! Felix chuckled a few seconds before the attendant pressed the button. Jack's hands went to cover his face straight away, screaming loudly as he felt like he left his organs on the ground! Felix screamed loudly and yelled at Jack. "Don't cover your face! You're missing it"! Jack peeked out between his fingers and then screamed even louder! When the ride was over Felix hoped off, yelling out. "I wanna do that again"! Jack slide off the seat and dropped to the ground. He just needed a moment, while Felix told him sarcastically. "Why are you so scared? It was completely safe". Jack didn't look up. He just raised a hand to flick Felix off.
Afterward, they bought up a few bags of fresh pretzels and candies, before going on the last ride. The fairest wheel. Climbing in, They sat across from each other eating and staring at the scenery. Jack was surprised how good he felt. It had turned out to be a good day. Pulling a piece of cotton candy from inside a bag, Jack told Felix warmly. "Thanks for this, man. I needed it". Felix pulled a small piece off his pretzel, answering happily. "Glad I could help". Jack looked out at all the lights and listened to the peaceful sound of the waves. He didn't want to say something and wind up ruining everything, but he wanted to. Keeping his eyes locked on everything outside, he told Felix a bit hesitantly. "Felix... I really want to be happy here". There was a long pause, before Felix answered tenderly. "I'm sure you will be". To Be Continued...
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