Part 3
Jack stood frozen in the doorway. Should he call attention to this? Should he yell? Should he cry? His brain couldn't think what he should do. So instead, Jack took a deep breath and sulked off quietly to his locker. Behind him, Mark asked him surprised. "Jack? I thought you had left"? Jack couldn't answer. His throat was too tight and his vision was blurring. He just wanted to go home. He wanted to be alone. Yanking his backpack from the locker, Jack slammed the locker door closed without really meaning too. His emotions had become sporadic. Out of control. He didn't know what he was really feeling. It was all too mixed up. He mostly just felt betrayed. Turning to leave, Mark called after him pleadingly. "Jack, It's not what it looks like. I was just... I was...". Jack slowed to a stop, but didn't turn around. What excuse was Mark going to make now? What hurtful lie? A part of him told him to keep walking, but he felt like he needed to hear this next lie. This last lie. To remind him why the had to leave. Mark struggled to think of something, until Jack couldn't wait anymore. Glancing a little over his shoulder, Jack told him through a low and pained voice. "You're an asshole... and I'm going home".
Jack didn't want to wait for Mark's reply. So, he just left. Every step a little closer to the doors. He couldn't wait to get away. To go outside where the sun was shining and the air was fresh. He was suffocating in this building. In this state. In this country. He just needed to go home. Halfway to the doors, a voice yelled out to him. "I don't know what he EVER saw in you! You're suppose to be his friend"! Jack stopped just a few feet from the doors. A little voice in his head, screaming at him to just keep walking. However, Jack's emotions were running wild. He couldn't control them anymore. Dropping his backpack, he turned around to face Ethan to snap back. "Really?! The question you should be asking is what did he see of ME in YOU! You fucking wannabe"! Ethan puffed himself up, drawing closer as he yelled back. "A much younger version, you whiny bitch"! Jack clenched his fists tightly, but held his ground as he growled back. "Maybe you should grow a pair before starting youtube, you zit faced pussy"! Ethan stormed closer, replying loudly. "You're just jealous! Everyday you get older, while your young fans want something younger! Mark loves ME because the fans love ME! I'm the new cute one! You're just a sad green haired old man! Who whines like a little irish bitch"!
Jack lost it. Racing up to Ethan and shoving him back hard across the floor. Ethan yelped and tried to crawl away, screaming out terrified. "DON'T HURT ME"! Mark dashed out of the break room to see the chaos and Jack wanted to beat this little shit in front of him! How could he leave him for this kid?! Jack grabbed Ethan's arm with one hand, raising his fist to punch him with the other... only to stop. This wasn't right. What would beating him up solve? Releasing Ethan's arm, Jack forced himself to back away. He was better than this. Backing away a good distance from Ethan, Jack told Mark simply in a numb voice. "I wish you nothing but happiness, Mark". Quickly turning around, Jack speed walked passed his backpack. Snatching it up and exiting the building. Flagging down a taxi, he sat in the back quietly on his way back to Mark's house. He'd get his stuff and leave. Kathrine was left at home to do some editing. He'd get her to let him in. Staring out the window, he saw a man step out off the sidewalk and almost get hit by a car. The horn blared and Jack had a flashback to the car that hit him!
Flinching, Jack wrapped his arms around his ribs. He'd gotten hit by a car for Mark. He had a strained relationship with Felix because of that accident! Tilting his head back against the seat, he realized something. Felix had been right. Mark was a slave to his fans. Always moving to the next fan craze. Sighing heavily, the tears began to roll down his cheeks as he realized. Felix and him weren't so different. Felix wanted to beat him up for taking Mark... and he wanted to beat up Ethan. Felix had been more than just right. He had fucking predicted the outcome. He was alone now and wishing for his innocence back. At the house, Jack avoided Kathrine like the plague. He didn't need Tyler's girlfriend spreading rumors about him to the others. He had to look strong. In control. Gathering up his stuff, Jack was heading for the door when a thought hit him. Glancing down at the rope bracelet on his wrist, he bit his lip. Mark had given it to him. Called it his escape rope. Unclamping it off his wrist, He sent it on the counter for Mark to find later. He probably wouldn't get its meaning... but he was escaping this life. It was time for a change. A BIG change.
The moment Jack got home, he began to plan out his change. The first thing he did was change his phone. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He swamped himself in his work and began to plan a move. He was scared to move anywhere too different, but he had loved the town of Brighton. It was a nice small city that he had fallen in love with during the Cringemas charity livestream. England did things similar to Ireland and he needed a fresh start. A whole new feeling. Finding the perfect house, he became stressed and overwhelmed with the whole moving process. Moving across countries was difficult. Finally, when everything was signed over in his name for the new house and his old apartment was sold. He moved to Brighton. For the first time, he walked into his empty house and relaxed. The movers would arrive in a few days, but he was excited. This was everything he ever wanted... and yet the pain hadn't stayed in Ireland. Dropping his bags, he pulled up his sleeves over his hands to brush away his tears. He told himself that he wasn't running away. He was moving toward something.
The doorbell rang and Jack sniffled. Had to be the neighbors welcoming him to the neighborhood or something. No one else knew he was here. Pulling himself together, he took a deep calming breath. Forced a sweet smile and opened the door. His smile faded a bit and his body began to shake with tremors as he realized who it was. Why did seeing him make him want to cry? Felix gave him a small smile, holding up a goodie bag of coffee supplies as he told him sweetly. "I just wanted to give you something to keep you going". Jack leaned weakly against the doorframe, asking in a strained voice. "How did you know I was here"? Felix chuckled, pulling out his phone and playing a video of a few kids that recognized him at the air port. When he lowered his phone again, he told Jack simply. "Plus, you've been dropping hints in your videos for a while now about moving here. Are you alright? I've been trying to call you for days". Jack sniffled, looking away from Felix as he choked out. "You haven't heard? Mark...". Jack's throat tightened and he couldn't finish. So, he retreated back into the empty house.
Felix carefully pushed the door open to see Jack facing away from him. Crying softly into his hands. Felix set the coffee supplies on the floor inside the door, before telling Jack tenderly. "Ya. I heard about the tour. Did something happen"? The emotion boiled over in his chest and he said the words that he had bottled up and wanted to say that day to Mark's face. "HE CHEATED ON ME! HE LEFT ME FOR SOME ZIT FACED, PUBESSENT KID"! The heat of the moment melted away into grief as Jack told Felix slightly calmer. "I loved him...but I wasn't enough for him". Jack covered his face, gasping for air as he cried into his sleeves. Behind him, Felix gently whispered back. "Jack... I'm sorry. I didn't know". Jack sniffled, shrugging back in response. He couldn't speak. His throat hurt. Felix appeared to understand him though as he said hopefully. "Hey... How about you come have dinner with me? It's got to be better than staying by yourself in this empty house all night. What do you say"? Jack took a look around the empty house, before slowly turning toward Felix. Felix looked so worried about him. Was that why he stopped by? To check on him? Jack moved closer to wrap his arms around Felix's back. He just needed a hug from someone who cared.
Felix wrapped his arms around Jack, holding him close as he told him a bit cheerfully. "You're going to be alright. What you need is a stiff drink and violent video games. Lucky for you, I have plenty of both". Jack still felt drained, but a small smirk spread across his face into a smile. Felix was too good to him. He didn't feel like he deserved such kindness. To Be Continued...
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