Part 2
Jack rubbed his arm trying to calm down. There had to be a reason Mark didn't mention this to him. Already he was thinking of all the reasons why Mark would keep this from him... and none of them made him feel better. A fan in the crowd shouted out to Mark. "What about Jack"? Jack gave a small smile, but it faded when he heard Mark reply. "The reason Jack isn't going on tour with us is because his schedule clashes with the times we want to do that. He's got things he's doing back in Ireland. Don't get me wrong! I love, Jack! He's my best friend". Jack watched Mark's face turn a bit unsettled as he scanned the audience, asking suddenly. "Is Jack here"? Everyone started to look around and Jack thought about backing away... but his heart just couldn't do it. Slipping out from behind the curtain, Jack walked up to the corner of the first row. The minute the fans saw him they began to cheer and point. Jack's eyes however were on Mark... and how Ethan touched Mark's arm to point him out. Mark turned in his direction with a smile... but he had seen that smile before. Mark's heart wasn't in it. He had been hoping he wasn't there.
Mark waved to him and quickly piped out to everyone. "Ya, see? We are good! He even gave up his spot for Ethan and Tyler to join us today". The fans cheered and smiled at Jack. Jack forced himself to smile and wave back. They'd never know the lies Mark was feeding them. How badly Mark had hurt him. Jack couldn't stay here. He made a quick stealthy exit, when just outside a woman was pleading with a security guard desperately. "Please? She just wants to see him. We'll stand in the back. We'll stay quiet. Please"? The guard shook his head, telling them seriously. "Look lady, I feel for you... but if I let you in, then I've got to let them all in. It's at max. I'm sorry. Maybe next year". The woman began to cry as she held a small girl in her arms stating a bit pained. "She doesn't have a 'NEXT YEAR". The man shrugged saying. "Well, try the make a wish foundation". The tears began to fall down the woman's face as she rocked her crying daughter, saying. "We tried. They couldn't fit us in. Please? I'm begging you"! The man shook his head and Jack's heart went out to her. He had some free time. As he approached he asked the woman curiously. "Is she trying to see Markiplier"?
The woman's face lit up and she patted her daughters back, telling her. "Honey, look"! The daughter sniffled and leaned back to look at him. Jack's heart felt like it was going to stop. The girl was wearing a green head band that had Septic Sam's on green springs. The girls eyes were red from crying, but the second she saw him, she grinned brightly. The woman answered him desperately. "We tried to see your panel, but they sold out months ago. We tried to get in here and got turned away". The woman set the girl down and she raced to Jack, taking hold of his rope bracelet and bouncing on her toes. The security guard, tried to politely cough to get Jack's attention as he softly told him. "You shouldn't be out here without an escort". Jack glanced at the crowd that was starting to notice him, and said nicely to the woman. "I don't have a lot of time, before my signing... but let's go in the back. Where we won't be distracted". The guard placed a hand on Jack's chest as he tried to move back behind the curtain, stating boldly. "I can't let you do that. They need V.I.P. passes. It's the buildings policy.
Jack was already having a bad day... He wasn't going to let someone else tell him he couldn't do something. Removing his lanyard, He draped it around the little girls neck, telling her with a smile. "If anyone asks. Your Septic Sam's escort". Jack glanced at the guard again and he lowered his hand to let them pass. Along the way to a private room, Jack patted the woman's arm in comfort. When she sniffled and told him sweetly. "I hope you know that you're never going to get that back". Jack looked down to see the girl clutching his lanyard tightly in one hand and his rope bracelet in the other. Shrugging he told her, people already know who I am. Besides, it's just plastic". Sitting in the room with the girl, Jack distracted himself by coloring Sam's with her and eating handfuls of Lucky Charms that someone gave him. He was having so much fun that when a man walked in and tapped his watch. Jack sighed. He didn't want to go out there... Where Mark was. He wanted to stay here. Where he could pretend and forget all the pain. Hugging her was the hardest part of the goodbye. If her doctors were right... this was the last time he would see her.
By the time he was escorted to the signing, he was a late. He just couldn't pull himself away. He wanted her to know that he cared. As he passed by Mark to take his seat, Mark asked him curiously. "Where have you been"? Jack swallowed past the lump in his throat, stating out. "With someone". Jack could see Mark shoot him a hard glance from his peripheral vision. Let Mark get jealous. Let him know how it felt to be left out. Mark signed a picture and then leaned closer to Jack, whispering. "Who was it? I know Felix isn't here". Jack turned to look at Mark with distant eyes, stating. "Do you"? Mark straightened up defensively and Jack added in sourly. "How does it feel to be left out, Mark"? Jack finished the signing and headed for the break room, when Mark quickly followed him in. Mark slammed the door and began to snap out at him. "Alright, look. What has gotten into you"? Jack's voice creaked with pain when he snapped back. "ME?! You went out there and LIED! You never once mentioned that you were going on tour with them! You claimed there wasn't room on the panel... but BOTH Ethan and Tyler were up there"! Mark pointed to the door as he yelled back. "They are my friends, Jack! I'm allowed to interact with other people"! Jack stepped closer, stating back bitterly. "Oh, sure. Funny how I'm only hearing about them now. Especially since ones channel was in need of a shoutout from the 'popular' Markiplier"!
Jack felt it before he believed it. A loud 'smack' sending the room into silence. Jack's cheek stung and his eyes were beginning to water. Mark hit him? Mark had never hit him before. Sure, Mark had been holding back a lot... but there was still enough force in that hit to sting and burn. Mark's tone became defensive as he snapped back through clenched teeth. "Don't talk about them like that. You know nothing about them"! Jack placed a hand on his burning cheek, feeling the tears roll down his face, when he looked back up at Mark. Mark sighed heavily and shifted uncomfortable as he told him sincerely. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I was going to tell you everything, but I've been distracted lately. With everything going on and planning the tour...". Jack rubbed his cheek, stating out numbly. "You need space. Fine. I'm going home". Mark quickly grabbed his shoulders to stop him, saying tenderly. "No, Jack! Don't. Don't leave like this". Jack swatted his hands off, telling him in a pained voice. "You're the one pushing me away".
As Jack reached the door, Mark told him hopefully. "Jack... Let's fix this. Have dinner with me tonight? Just the two of us. We'll discuss this whole thing. No more secrets. No more lies". Jack pressed his forehead to the cold door with a sigh, but didn't look back as he reluctantly told him. "Fine. I'll meet you back at the house". Jack straightened up and opened the door, taking a step back in surprise as Ethan leapt into view. Smiling, Ethan raised his phone telling them. "Guys, you won't believe this! Look! My subscribers have gone up! My channel might just survive"! Jack didn't care. Pushing passed Ethan, Jack headed out. He was being mean... but he felt more angry at himself than anyone. His jealousy was getting the better of him. Almost out of the building, Jack cursed. He forgot his backpack in the locker of the break room. Turning back, Jack jogged back and skidded to a halt in the doorway. Mark had Ethan's jaw in his hands and was kissing him passionately. Jack was speechless. His heart smashing across the tile floor into tiny particles. To Be Continued...
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