Part 15
Jack stepped out of the hot steamy shower and started to hum softly to the song playing in his ear bubs. Rubbing his wet hair with a towel, Jack scrolled through his phone. Felix sure was taking his sweet ass time. He didn't want to put on his dirty clothes, but he just might have to at this rate. The soft beat was helping to distract him from his pounding headache. He wasn't feeling as bad now. Although, he was still trying to recover from his hangover. He hadn't drank that much in a long time. He normally tried to avoid hangovers at all cost. Pulling the small towel off his head, Jack scrolled throw a few messages from Mark. Mark wanted to talk to him about Ethan. Jack's heart felt like it had turned to sludge as it sank to his feet. He didn't want to talk him... but a question was eating away at him. Why. Why had Mark done this to him?
Jack swallowed passed the lump forming in his throat. What had he done so wrong that Mark would throw their relationship away over it? Jack dropped the towel to the bed and gently pulled out his ear bubs. Should he go talk to Mark? Give him the chance to explain? Not for Mark's sake... but his own. He just wanted to know. Jack's thumb drifted over the text button hesitantly. He didn't know what to do. A hand skimmed over his bare shoulder and Jack jumped away, yelling out at the top of his lungs. "JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST"! Jack moved around the corner of the bed and leaned against the mattress. His heart was racing like a race horse and he had forgotten how to breathe. Felix giggled and set Jack's clothes across the bed with a shit eating grin.
Jack gritted his teeth and in between deep breaths yelled out. "You fuckin son of a bitch"! Felix didn't answer, he just turned affectionate eyes on him. Jack sank to his knees, resting his head against his arms on the bed as he added in a soft shaky voice. "Oh, my poor heart". Jack listened to Felix move closer to him, but he didn't have the ability to look up yet. His body was still trying to calm down. Felix's hands slid comforting along his shoulders and out along his arms to his elbows, while he whispered into his ear sweetly. "I'm sorry, man. I thought you had heard me come in". Jack tilted his head to look over his shoulder at Felix, who gave him an honest smile. As Felix stood back up, he squeezed Jack's shoulders and happily said. "I got your clothes and coffee". Jack let himself smirk, but told Felix a lot calmer. "You're an asshole". Felix huffed with a chuckle as he replied. "Don't be salty. Just get your irish ass over here".
When Jack finally managed to walk over toward the dresser, Felix picked up his coffee to hand it to him. Jack carefully took it from him feeling their fingers brush against each other. Jack wanted the touch to linger for a bit. Felix's hands were always so soft. The moment didn't go unnoticed either. As Felix released the warm cup, he let an evil smirk cross his face as he asked. "Jack? Are you blushing"? Jack took a step back, shaking his head and took a quick cautious sip from his cup. Averting his eyes, Jack tried to think of something to change the subject. His mind was drawing a blank though as Felix crept closer. Jack didn't want to look, but his eyes darted back to Felix nervously. Felix grinned, reaching out with a hand to curl his fingers around the elastic of Jack's black underwear. His eyes never leaving Jack's as he purred out playfully. "Why are you so shy all of a sudden? Were you thinking about me in the shower"?
Jack grabbed Felix's wrist in an attempt to pry his fingers off his underwear. If he wasn't blushing before, he was now. His cheeks were burning from Felix's smug grin. He honestly hadn't been thinking about anything but the solo panel and his hangover. Now that Felix mentioned it though... He kind of wished he had. Then this kind of talk wouldn't be getting a raise out of him that only encouraged Felix on. Felix let Jack remove his hand, but backed him up against the bed as he continued to purr out. "You know I didn't hear a 'Thank You' from you? I had to risk my life to get you that coffee and those clothes". Jack rolled his eyes and tried to fend off Felix's hands as they tried to grab his underwear again. Giggling nervously, Jack told Felix with a coy smile. "Felix... I've got to get dressed".
Felix's eyes finally broke from his to look down at Jack's underwear. Jack's heart skipped when he watched Felix bite his lower lip lustfully. The gesture made Jack a little too aware of how dry his own lips were. So, he nervously slid his tongue out over his own in a one quick fluid movement. Then bit his own lower lip as Felix's hand brushed over his crotch, telling him in a husky voice. "I'd love to see these with a septic hazard sign and words reading 'Choking Hazard". Jack cringed, slipping around Felix as he softly groaned out. "I wouldn't". Felix spun around and dropped down on the edge of the bed with a bright smile. Jack took another sip of his coffee, watching Felix beckon him with a single long finger. Jack lowered his coffee cup and slowly approached him. When he was close enough, Felix reached up with the same hand to coax Jack to lean down a bit. Leaning in a bit, Felix moved in himself to kiss him.
Felix's tongue tasted like coffee and his lips coaxed him into an aching hunger. He didn't have time to feed that hunger. So, he just let the kiss be stimulating enough. Jack lost himself in the kiss. It made him desire more. He needed more. Jack had just started to give in, sliding his free hand up Felix's chest and slipping his fingers under the collar of his shirt... When his phone began to chime loudly from somewhere on the bed. Jack broke the kiss, muttering out in a reluctant and distracted tone of voice. "That's my alarm. I got to get ready. They'll start looking for me soon". Felix let out a soft growl and wrapped his arms around Jack's waist to pull him closer. Jack took another sip from his coffee as Felix kissed his belly button and huskily whispered against his flesh. "Let them try. They won't find you". Jack carefully uncoiled one of Felix's arms from around him, answering innocently. "Come on, Felix. Let me go".
Felix smacked Jack's ass with his hand, before dropping his arms and pouting up at Jack. Jack quickly moved out of Felix's reach to set down his coffee and get dressed. When Felix stated aloud kind of uncertain. "I ran into Mark earlier". Jack's hands slowed down a bit as he fastened up his jeans, asking anxiously. "Really? Did he say anything"? Felix shifted around on the bed to look at him as he answered seriously. "He was looking for you. He wanted to apologize for Ethan's behavior". Jack's eyes narrowed suspiciously on Felix as he asked apprehensively. "And what did you say"? Felix kept his unwavering eyes on him as he told him truthfully. "I told him that you needed some space". Jack picked up his shirt and began to slip his arms in as he asked a little worried. "Did you now? And how did he respond to that"? Jack pulled the shirt over his head as Felix shrugged, answering casually. "I don't know. I'll guess we will find out at the signing later". To Be Continued...
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