Part 14
After a few minutes of playing, Felix glanced over at Jack. He had been too quiet for awhile. Finding Jack was sleeping against his shoulder, Felix smirked. Trying not to move too much. Felix moved the candy bag to the bedside table. Then closed his laptop and gently lowered it to the floor. Slightly turning to wrap his arms around Jack, he carefully laid him back across the bed. Felix stayed still as Jack rolled into him. Draping an arm over his chest and snuggling closer. Felix adjusted to lay across his back, allowing Jack to sleepy move in even closer. Brushing the green bangs from his eyes, Felix rubbed his back soothingly and whispered softly. "Sweet dreams, Jack". Removing his phone from his pocket with his free hand, Felix stayed up a bit longer.
The sound of a roaring vacuum banging into the wall next door made Jack groan loudly. It felt like the stupid thing was banging into his skull! Grabbing a pillow, Jack put it sleepy over his head and moaned out pleadingly. "Ugh...Please stop...". From somewhere in the room, someone chuckled. Jack quickly removed the pillow to look around and immediately regretted it! The light from the windows was blinding and added to his pounding headache! Quickly putting the pillow back, Jack buried himself in them as he yelled out. "AH! MY HEAD! GET OUT"! The chuckle returned, followed by Felix telling him innocently. "I can't. You're in MY room, Jack. Besides, you've got to get up. We got a signing and you've got a solo panel". Jack groaned, telling Felix weakly. "Go in my place. You can say I'm you or something... My head hurts too much".
Felix touched his exposed back, playfully answering. "As much as I would LOVE that... I can't. I'm going to meet with a few game developers and I've got interviews. Guest appearances. Plus, this is your solo panel. Come on. Get up"! Jack slowly tried to sit up, but stopped and laid back down, telling Felix. "I'll get up when the room stops spinning out of control". Felix stroked his smooth back, before saying sweetly. "I'll get you some coffee. I'll even go to your room and get you some new clothes". Jack just sleepily gave him the thumbs up, before burying himself back into the pillows and blankets. Felix picked up Jack's pants and removed his wallet to fish out his room key. Giving Jack one last look, he reluctantly exited the room. Felix picked up their coffee, before heading for Jack's room. Slowing down to a stop, when he noticed that Mark was leaning back against the wall by the door.
Felix thought about turning around and coming back later, when Mark dryly asked him. "Have you seen, Jack"? Felix flicked his tongue over his dry lips, then answered a bit defensively. "I'm not going to answer that". Mark moved away from the wall to look at him, replying tenderly. "I just wanted to apologize to him about Ethan's behavior last night". Felix bit his lip hard, but the words just wouldn't stay in as he snapped back. "Oh, I see. You want to apologize for Ethan... Not for the fact that YOU were fucking that boy on his birthday? I see. Tell you what. I'll tell him for you. It will have the same meaning. Nothing". Mark's eyes narrowed in on Felix as he shot back defensively. "It's none of YOUR business, Felix. This is between Jack and myself". Felix let a fake smirk pull at his lips as he told Mark calmly. "You're right. What do I know? He just comes to me every time YOU hurt him".
Mark's jaw clenched and he turned away. Felix sighed, moving closer to the door to run the key card. Jack would need his clean clothes. When he opened the door, Felix tried to quickly close the door behind him... but Mark pushed his way in. Felix rolled his eyes and set down their coffee on the desk. Mark looked around the room for Jack, then stopped as realization hit him. Turning to Felix, he bitterly snipped out. "He's in your room isn't he". Felix picked up Jack's suitcase and set it across the bed, answering Mark bluntly. "If you care about him at all Mark... You'll give him some space right now. He's hungover and hurting". Mark shot him soft eyes, asking softly. "You think I'm a terrible person, don't you"? Felix pulled out a black t-shirt, sighing as he replied honestly. "No, Mark. You're a good person. I just think when it comes to relationships... You let your fears get the better of you. You let your fans dictate your life and you keep those that care about you at a distance".
Mark shook his head, muttering softly. "That's not true". Felix shot him a sarcastic look, telling him bluntly. "Mark... Every time Jack kissed you, or showed you affection out in public... You'd pull away. You don't like when he touches me, but you fear when he touches you. You fear what your fans will think of you". Mark opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just turned away to lean against a wall. So, Felix added as nicely as he could. "You don't have to loose him... but you can't keep him in a cage. He's your friend. Not a dog. Give him room to breathe and sort yourself out. Otherwise... You're going to destroy him. This isn't healthy for both of you". Mark scoffed loudly, growling out in an undertone. "You just want me out of the picture. You can't win him over if I'm still around". Felix removed a pair of black jeans, slamming the suitcase as he snapped back. "Jesus, Mark. I'm his friend. I care about him just as much as you do".
Mark turned stony eyes on Felix, muttering back bitterly. "Did you care about him when you chased him into that car? Where were you when he was in the hospital for all that time"? Felix draped the clothes over his arm, dryly telling Mark. "First of all, I was just trying to scare you more than him. I was never going to hurt him. Second, YOU were the reason I couldn't go to the hospital. You and your insane jealousy. Notice any connection yet, Mark"? Mark didn't answer. He just stormed out of the room. Felix picked up their coffee, before he left back for his room. Heading back into his room, he walked in to find Jack exciting the steamy bathroom. Jack was rubbing a towel over his head and hadn't noticed him yet. Felix smirked to himself. He was worried about what Mark would do... but his thoughts were quickly turning to how he was going to make Jack feel better. Mark just didn't understand. He wanted to be anything Jack needed him to be and right now Jack needed a good friend. To Be Continued...
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