Part 13
Felix slipped his phone back into his pocket. Crouching down, he asked Jack in a soft soothing voice. "Hey buddy? You really scared us. Why did you wonder off? Why didn't you come find me"? Felix peeked around the large metal garage bin to see Jack had his arms wrapped around his knees. His face was hidden from view and his voice quivered, when he answered. "I put myself where I belong". Felix lowered his eyes to the empty Jack Daniel's bottle in Jack's hand, before he told him seriously. "Jack, You don't belong here. You're better than this". Jack released his grip on the bottle, letting it clink against the ground. Jack sniffled, but it was muffled by his arms. Felix sighed silently. It was like looking into a mirror. He remembered a day like this after Mark chased Ken off. Shaking his head, he reached out to gently take one of Jack's cold wrists.
Jack didn't even appear to feel his touch. Scooting closer, Felix carefully uncoiled Jack's arm, telling him tenderly. "Come with me, Jack. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself". Jack yanked his hand back, sobbing out sharply. "Why not?! You don't need me. No one does". Felix leaned in closer to tell him a little firmly. "I'm not going to let you turn into me, Jack! I won't allow it! You're the one the doesn't need HIM or ME! Now get up"! Jack lifted his head to look at him with emotionless watery eyes. Felix rose up onto his feet, reaching out for his hand as he told Jack a little softer. "You have to make a choice, Jack. You can sit there and drown in whiskey and tears. Or you can take my hand, pull yourself up and turn this night around". Jack's eyes dropped to the ground. So, Felix added in sternly. "I'm not going to pick you up this time. You have to decide this for yourself".
Jack shook his head, mumbling out in between sobs. "I can't". Felix stood his ground as he told him. "Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself. I know you're stronger than this. Tap into that Irish pride of yours and show the world what you're made of. No one is going to save you if you don't try first". Jack glanced up at him and Felix smiled. He could see the spark coming back in Jack's eyes. Jack let out a heavily sigh and grabbed his wrist tightly. Felix gripped his wrist, but didn't help him up. Jack began to shift up onto his feet. When his feet were under him, Felix pulled him up against him. Jack wrapped his arms around Felix's neck, holding him close. Felix rubbed his back comfortingly as he told him lovingly. "I knew you could do it". Jack stepped away from him and bent over to hurl up whiskey. Felix stood beside him to keep Jack steady, rubbing his back as he added gently. "I told you that oreos and whiskey don't mix well".
Jack groaned loudly and leaned his hips against Felix weakly for support. When he finally straightened back up, Felix wrapped an arm around his waist, asking him. "You alright? Let's get you back to the hotel". Jack put his cold hand to his burning forehead and nodded. Felix lead him all the way back to the hotel and into his room. Jack pulled away from Felix, quickly pulling off his dirty clothes, before dropping across the large fluffy bed. Behind him, Felix chuckled to himself. Jack rolled onto his side, watching Felix cross the room to the small desk. Standing in front of it, Felix booted up his laptop and checked his phone. Jack playfully frowned, falling back to look up at the plain white ceiling. He thought Felix would climb up onto the bed with him. He had hoped to snuggle into his warm body, until he drifted off. Suddenly, the bed dipped as Felix climbed up onto the bed, sweetly asking him. "Can you focus enough to play"?
Jack chuckled, mumbling back. "I don't know. Maybe. Why? Are you in the mood"? Felix nudged his arm, telling him with a soft chuckle. "No. I was talking about a real game. Look". Jack turned his head as Felix showed him the game on his laptop. He had booted up Jack rolled onto his stomach, laughing as he happily replied. "Well, this shouldn't take long". Felix started the game and Jack sat up to watch him play over his shoulder. Smiling, Jack rested his head against Felix's shoulder. He was feeling tired, but he forced himself to stay awake and watch. Felix kept his eyes on the screen, but told him playfully. "You're making me nervous. I feel like you're going to try and mess me up on purpose". Jack grinned, telling him innocently. "I would never". Felix shot him a quick glance, mumbling with a chuckle. "I don't trust you".
Jack giggled, lifting his head to flash Felix an evil smirk. The next time Felix glanced at him, he did a double take and Jack's smirk widened into a bright evil grin. Felix leaned away slightly, still trying to focus on the game and Jack as he nervously chuckled out. "What are you going to do, man? What's with the look"? Jack didn't move. He just kept staring at Felix, until Felix cursed loudly in Swedish. Jack laughed loudly, turning the laptop toward himself as he chimed out. "My turn"! Felix groaned in frustration, playfully snapping out. "You irish bitch! I was doing so well"! Jack shrugged, keeping his eyes on the screen. As buzzed as he was, Jack tried to play it as safe as he could. No risks. He didn't trust his slowed reaction time. Felix leaned against his shoulder to watch, but Jack just smiled. Felix wasn't going to mess him up!
A shiver ran through Jack when Felix's warm body touched his cold arm. Jack hoped Felix hadn't noticed, but he did. Felix placed his warm hand on his shoulder, asking him sweetly. "Are you cold? You feel cold". Jack shook his head, keeping his eyes on the screen as he answered stubbornly. "You're not going to distract me, Felix". For a moment, Felix was quiet and then something draped over his shoulders. Jack risked a glance and smiled. Felix had draped a blanket around them and snuggled closer. When Jack turned back to the game, Felix leaned in to press his warm lips to his ear. Jack felt the warmth down to his toes and blushed. Jack forced himself to keep playing. Felix wasn't going to distract him! After the light kiss, Felix whispered to him sincerely. "I love seeing you like this. So focused. Concentrating so hard".
Jack felt himself slipping. Felix was taking his attention away with just his words. Felix chuckled softly, adding in suddenly playful. "And you fucked up". Jack's focus snapped back just in time to realize he had slithered into a bigger snakes circular trap! The large serpent kept shrinking the circle until he died. Jack wanted to be mad, but he wasn't. Felix chuckled, turning the laptop toward himself and chiming out. "My turn! Now let a pro show you how it's done"! Jack rolled his eyes, leaning into Felix as he answered innocently. "Ya? When you see one let me know". Felix's shoulders dropped and he shot Jack a playful scolding look, mumbling out. "You bitch". Jack flashed him a bright smile and rested his head against his shoulder again. Felix shook his head with a smile of his own, grabbing something off the edge of the bed and dropping it in front of Jack.
Jack's eyes widened and his hand shot out to snatch the candy bag! Felix pulled the laptop closer, telling him happily. "Snack on those for awhile. I need to concentrate to beat your high score"! Jack picked out a licorice candy from the bag, sweetly telling Felix. "You sure do know the way to my heart". Slipping the candy into his mouth, Jack rested his head back against Felix's shoulder. The blanket was making him feel cozy and Felix... Felix made him feel happy. To Be Continued...
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