11 Weeks - Part 1
AN: Does anyone still reads this? LOL Sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoy it.
The Birds And The Bees
11 Weeks – Part 1
It had been so long since they had been intimate or even made out, that Juvia almost forgot her mission when they arrived at her house and Gray, knowing her place was empty, threw their bags on the floor and pushed her against the closed door and started to kiss her.
Only when his hands found their way from her buttocks to underneath her school skirt, Juvia gently pushed her boyfriend away – as much as she wanted them to continue, that was what got them into trouble in the first place.
"Gray-sama." She panted when she managed to pull her lips from his and he looked at her a bit dazed – he too had lost sight of what they were there to do: to talk. "We can't right now."
"Oh, right." He cleared his throat and took his hand from under her clothes. "Talk. We came here to talk."
"Yes." Juvia nodded, trying to look as if she hadn't been making out with her boyfriend while he pressed her against her door. "Come on in." She told him and pointed to the couch. "Go ahead, Juvia will be right back." Gray nodded and went into the living room – he felt at home in Juvia's apartment with how much time he had spent there.
The blunette went to her kitchen and retrieved two glasses of cold water, took a deep breath and returned to the living room, where Gray was seated at the couch, using his phone, but stopped once he saw her enter the premises.
"Thank you." He said when she gave him one of the glasses of water and proceeded to sit next to him, placing her own glass on the coffee table. Gray took a sip before doing the same and then turning to his girlfriend, curious. "So... For the past month you've been weird and I gave you space. Are you finally telling me what is going on?"
"Yes." Juvia nodded. "Juvia is so very sorry she kept you in the dark for so long, but she had to organize her thoughts, ponder a lot of scenarios before she spoke to you. Thank you for giving her that time." She gave him a peck on the lips.
"It's the least I could do after you've been so patient with my crap." Gray shrugged. "I know if it were something dangerous you would've told me earlier, but I'm glad you want to tell me now."
"Alright." Juvia nodded, nervous.
They stayed in silence for almost a minute before Gray raised his eyebrows. "Anytime you want to tell me, works for me."
Juvia blushed. She was so nervous, that was it: the point of no return. "I'm sorry, this is... this is something huge, Juvia's... scared and she doesn't know how you will react to it."
Gray frowned at that. "How will I react?" He asked and then, carefully, added: "Are you afraid... of me?"
"No." Juvia shook her head and took his hand on hers. "I mean... not like that. You could never hurt Juvia physically but what Juvia needs to tell you... it's a life changer, Gray-sama, and you know how Juvia sometimes exaggerates, but this is not one of those times. Anything could happen once I tell you and it terrifies me."
His frown deepened. "Okay, this is starting to freak me out here, Juvia. Just tell me what's going on."
That was it.
Juvia took a deep breath and, trembling all over, she finally started to talk. "Remember... remember that afternoon the week we started school? Your dad had given you the day off and we were enjoying while we didn't have too much homework or things to study just yet?" Juvia asked. "We went to the pool with the others, ended up here and we..." She blushed adorably. "We had sex."
Gray tilted his head to the side, still frowning with the obvious information. "Yes?"
"Well..." Juvia gulped. "That was the only time we've ever done it without a condom."
He groaned. "I forgot I had a condom in my wallet. I forgot about it completely, we were very into it."
"Yes. So, about that afternoon." She cleared her throat. "We... we... we were reckless. Juvia too, she forgot she keeps condoms in her drawer."
He sighed. "I know. We were always careful, this one time taught us we have to be more responsible, even if happened just once."
Juvia all but groaned in frustration. "Gray-sama... That afternoon, that one time..." She hesitated. "It... it had consequences."
"What do you mean?"
"Juvia is pregnant." She blurted out before she lost courage.
There. She said it. Said it with her heart pounding inside her chest, with her whole body going cold and she was sure she was as pale as she ever been before in her life.
Gray kept looking at her in confusion. "You what?"
"I am pregnant."
He blinked three times before saying: "I... but... how do you...?"
She sighed. "We were reckless."
"But... but..." Gray was clearly trying to wrap his mind around the new information. "We... it... it was... one time."
"I know." Juvia nodded.
"I don't..." He took a few deep breaths and having being there just a couple of weeks before, she knew he would need a moment. Or two. "I don't understand. I always remember..."
"We forgot. It happens."
"Not to me." Gray all but yelled in exasperation but Juvia didn't take it personally.
"It did." Juvia said, calm: it would do neither of them any good to freak out at the same time. That's why she needed to make the decision before talking to him. Gray got up from the couch and started to pace around the living room and she decided to tell him more. "Juvia took three tests, her period is late, her boobs are huge, I'm tired all the time."
Juvia was certain he heard him mutter the words 'boobs' once, but he was talking to himself, muttering and thinking.
Gray finally stopped, he frowned and looked at her. "When did you find out?" He wondered. "You... you've been acting weird for a couple of weeks, now."
The blunette sighed. "Two weeks ago."
"Two wee-" He looked perplexed and angry. "You've known about this for two weeks and you didn't tell me?"
"What good would it do if we both freaked out at the same time?" Juvia asked, also getting up from the couch. "Juvia needed to think before she could talk to you, tell you. She has a plan now."
"You have a p-" He cut himself again. "And once again you didn't think of letting me in into it? I might have something to say about it."
"Juvia's sure you do, once you hear it." Juvia tried to reach for him, but he took a step back. "Gray-sama, I know it's a lot to process right now-"
"Ya think?"
"Sit down, let's talk." Juvia tried. "You'll listen to Juvia's plan and we'll go from there. Whether you stay or not, Lucy-san and Juvia came up with a suitable-"
Gray frowned and got even angrier. "You told Lucy?"
The blunette stopped for a second, wondering why he got so caught up on that little detail. "Juvia needed some advice only a girl could understand-"
"You told Lucy before me." Gray repeated slowly. "For two weeks you didn't say a word, every time I asked if you were alright..." He was spiraling and Juvia didn't like that at all. "You are pregnant and you told Lucy before you told me."
"Gray-sama." Sensing his turmoil getting even bigger, Juvia tried to calm him down. "Please, let's sit down for a moment."
"I..." Gray shook his head. "I need a moment. I... Shit, what am I gonna tell my dad?" He took a few steps back and he looked quite lost when he started to walk towards the door. "I have to go."
"Gray-sa-" Juvia tried but he cut her off.
"I'm sorry. I need to go." Gray grabbed his backpack and left the house.
Juvia gulped and tried to stop the tears from falling when she heard the front door slam shut.
The fancy house always made Gray feel as if he were a beggar, but the Heartfilia mansion wasn't bothering at all at the moment. His mind was running a thousand miles per hour and he was pacing while waiting for his friend.
"Gray?" He heard and turned, seeing his blonde friend come down the stairs and with one look she knew. "She told you, didn't she?"
"Yes." Gray said. "And I need to talk to you."
AN: You guys know I'm a sucker for some Graylu friendship and we're gonna have some. Just like Juvia needed some advice, Gray needs some advice as well to understand his own thoughts before returning to Juvia and talking to his father.
I am so sorry it took me so long to update! I'll do my best to update faster next time, especially since next month I'm on vacation. Amen, HAHA
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