you posted what?!, part two
Graham put down his radio and turned to Tasha. "Ma'am, there's been an accident. Your son is hurt."
Maeve and her friends looked at each other in dismay.
"What kind of accident? Is he okay?" Tasha exclaimed.
"I don't know," Graham frowned. "He's at the hospital."
"Well, I need to see him." Tasha headed towards the door and an agent grabbed her.
"You have not been cleared to leave this house," said Graham, eyes blazing.
"I'm seeing my baby!" She exclaimed.
After a moment, Graham nodded. "Alright, I'll allow it. But just you."
Tasha rushed out of the house.
"Agent Graham, you have to let us go to the hospital to see Leo," Chase pleaded.
"We don't even know what happened to him," Maeve frowned.
"Yeah, he's injured. And this isn't funny like all the times I hurt Chase," said Adam.
"You're not going anywhere," Graham said. "Military transport will be here any second. You've seen the last of your friend... and each other."
Donald approached Graham. "Agent Graham, don't take them. Take me. I'm obviously the brilliant mastermind, the brains behind the brawn, the smart behind the heart."
Bree scoffed. "Even when he's begging, he finds a way to gloat."
"Go ahead, ask me anything!" Said Donald. "I bet you're wondering how a 43-year-old continues to defy Father Time."
"This is happening, whether you like it or not," Graham glared. "And for the record, Father Time caught up with you long before we did."
Donald gasped, offended.
Graham's radio beeped and he listened to it for a moment. "Transport's here."
Adam leapt up from the couch. "Shotgun!"
An agent tackled him to the ground.
"You know, every now and then, life just gives you a little gift," said Chase.
"Hurry up and say your goodbyes," said Graham.
Chase, Maeve, and Bree stood up.
"I can't believe this," Bree frowned. "We're never gonna see each other again."
"You guys are gonna be okay," said Donald.
"You don't know that," Chase said, shaking his head.
"I know," he said. "That's just something you say, you know? What do you want me to say? You're doomed? I mean, obviously they're gonna conduct experiments on you with probes and-"
"Okay, okay!" Maeve stopped him. "We got it."
Donald sighed. "Look, I know I didn't give you guys a normal childhood, but I hope I at least gave you a happy one."
"Of course you did," said Chase.
"Yeah, we can't imagine having a better dad," said Bree.
"Oh, I can," said Adam. "Guy who is half Tom Brady, half golden retriever. I'd call him Golden Brady."
"I love you guys," said Donald, wrapping all of them into a hug.
"Alright, that's enough. Get them out of here," exclaimed Graham.
"You know what?" Said Adam. "No. You can't do this. I'm not going."
"You heard me. Move!"
"I said no!" He yelled. An agent grabbed him, but he pushed them off. "Get off of me!"
"Get the tranquilizer guns!" Graham ordered his agents.
An agent stepped forward, raising a silver gun.
"No!" Donald yelled, stepping in front of them.
Chase lifted his arm and used his molecular kinesis to knock the gun out of the agent's hands.
"That's it, take them all down!" Graham yelled.
The agents lunged forward. But before anything happened, Adam stepped forward and used his energy blast ability, sending a huge blue wave that knocked out all of the agents.
"What now?" Bree shouted.
"Run!" Yelled Chase. He grabbed Maeve's hand as they all ran out of the front door, stepping around the unconscious agents as they did.
They immediately made their way to the hospital. There was no way they would all be able to walk in undetected, so Chase, Adam, and Maeve went first, hiding under a blanket on a gurney.
"Aw, poor guy," they could hear a voice that sounded oddly like Principal Perry say. "I wonder if there's any jewelry."
Perry began to lift the blanket, and Adam swatted her hand away.
"Ahh! Stop it!" She screamed, and started to hit them over and over again.
"Stop!" Chase ripped off the blanket. "It's us!"
"Oh," said Perry. "Why did you scare me like that?" She started hitting them again.
"Stop it! We don't have much time! Mr. Davenport and Bree are hiding outside. How's Leo?"
Perry frowned. "Well, we thought he was gonna be okay, but then... we lost him."
"What?!" Adam, Chase, and Maeve exclaimed.
"Oh, sorry! He's not dead, just missing."
They breathed a sigh of relief.
"We think Krane took him, so 50-50," Perry continued.
Maeve frowned. "No. Oh, no."
"Wait, Krane is behind all of this?" Chase asked Perry. "We have to find Leo."
"Search that corridor," a voice called from the adjacent hallway.
It was Agent Graham.
"Five-o! Five-o!" Perry whisper-shouted. Adam, Maeve, and Chase dove back under the blanket just as they heard footsteps approaching.
"Hi!" Perry said.
"Ma'am," they could hear Agent Graham speak. "Have you see a pasty, middle-aged man traveling with four kids?"
"Can't say that I have, but I'll help you look."
"Oh, excuse me," he said, walking off.
"Yes!" Perry exclaimed. "Works every time!"
Chase poked his head out from under the sheet.
"Get down!" She said, hitting him again.
After heading back outside and informing Bree and Donald of what had happened, they discussed their next steps.
"Alright, well, if it is Krane, he'll probably be at his warehouse," Donald said. "We'll outnumber him, but we have to hurry. We don't know how long he's had Leo for."
Donald walked off towards the car, followed by Adam and Bree. Maeve stood firmly, feet planted.
Chase noticed this and turned towards her. "Maeve, what are you doing? We have to go."
She shook her head. "I... I can't."
"What do you mean?"
"I can't do this, Chase. It's terrifying," she frowned, voice breaking.
Chase looked at her, gaze soft. "Because of your dad?"
"He's gonna kill me. I know he is," she cried, tears beginning to spill out of the corners of her eyes.
"Maeve," he said, wrapping her in a warm hug. "You're not alone. We're all gonna be with you."
She pulled away, trying to steady herself.
"I know it's scary, but we have to do this. For Leo," said Chase. He raised a hand to her cheek and gently wiped her tears away.
Maeve took a deep, shuddering breath, nodding. "You're right. For Leo."
They burst into the warehouse. Leo and Douglas were sitting against the wall, cornered by two people.
Maeve's father - Krane - as well as the girl who had filmed them earlier.
"Leo!" Donald exclaimed.
"And Douglas," said Douglas, raising his arm. He was clutching his ribs, which were bandaged.
Donald ignored him. "Leo, are you okay?"
"I'm alright," he answered.
"Doing fine here, too," said Douglas. "Thanks."
Chase looked up. "That's the girl that filmed us."
The girl stared at them confidently.
"Let them go," Donald demanded.
"Oh, I'm not letting any of you go," Maeve's dad rasped. He took a fighting stance, and so did everyone else.
"Wait!" Adam exclaimed, and approached the girl. "I don't think we've met. I'm Adam."
The girl glared, then punched him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. Adam groaned in pain.
"She's bionic," Chase said.
"And has super strength," Bree added.
"Hey, uh," Adam said, getting up and looking at Krane. "You wouldn't be interested in making a trade, would you?" He pointed between Chase and the girl.
"You sure you wanna do this?" Chase asked them. "Five against two hardly seems fair."
Maeve's dad laughed evilly. Leo stood up and joined his friends.
"You mean six against two."
"Oh, come on, what am I, invisible here?" Douglas exclaimed.
Maeve's dad suddenly yelled, sending out a huge energy blast that knocked down Maeve and her friends. They rolled on the ground, groaning in pain.
"What do you say, I start with you?" Maeve's dad lifted his hand, magically lifting Donald off his feet and choking him before sending him flying backwards. At this point, Maeve and her friends had already stood up and mostly recovered from the initial blast.
The girl who had filmed them stepped up, ready to fight.
"Bree, you got this? Good, thanks," Adam said, shoving his sister forward.
Bree lunged towards the girl, and they were locked in a fist fight. Chase and Adam ran to fight Maeve's dad, while Maeve went over to help Leo and Donald up.
Hearing a yell, Maeve whipped around to see Chase and Adam on the floor. She ran forward to help them too, and they looked over to Bree.
The girl had grabbed Bree by the hair. "Too bad this is the last time I see you guys. Your brother's kind of cute."
Bree slipped out of her grip and pushed the girl backwards. "Adam?"
The girl kicked Bree, sending her crashing back into a bunch of barrels. "No, the other one." She turned to Chase and smirked.
"Hey," Chase exclaimed. "I have a girlfriend."
The girl scoffed. "Who?"
"Turn around, bitch," Maeve spoke.
The girl turned to face her. Maeve raised her arms, sending a heat blast towards the girl and pushing her backwards. Angrily, the girl stood back up and generated an energy blast that knocked Maeve down.
"Now I got her," Leo said from the side of the room. They turned to look at him.
Leo raised his hand as if he were throwing something, and a ball of energy flew from his fingertips. It soared straight past the girl and to Maeve's dad, hitting him in the head. He fell to the ground.
Maeve and her friends looked at Leo in awe.
"Okay, I'll take it," Leo grinned.
"Mr. Krane!" The girl exclaimed.
In her split second of concern, Bree leaped up and kicked the girl down.
"Did you see that?" Chase breathed.
"Yeah," said Adam. "When did Leo learn how to throw?"
"I can't believe you gave bionics to Leo," Donald yelled at his brother.
"Yeah, well, it saved your life," said Douglas.
"No it didn't! Tasha is gonna kill me!"
Suddenly, they heard yelling from the hallway. They backed up to see Graham and his agents.
"Okay, guys, round them up! Use your tranquilizer guns if you have to!" Graham shouted.
"Wait!" Douglas exclaimed. "You're arresting the wrong people. This is the man you want, Victor Krane. He's a sociopath who's been implanting himself with bionics, and now, he's turned this girl into a bionic soldier. If you don't stop him now, he could create more and have an entire army."
Graham furrowed his brow. "And... you are?"
He smirked. "Douglas Davenport. There's no official record of me because I faked my own death."
Donald glared at him.
"But I'm very credible," Douglas continued.
"Alright!" Graham yelled. "Take these two into custody."
"I don't think so!" Maeve's dad leapt up, sending a blast of energy towards Graham.
Before it could hit him, Bree super-sped up to Graham and tackled him to the ground, and the blast hit the wall. Adam used his heat vision to knock Maeve's father out once more. Bree helped Graham up again.
"You..." he panted, "saved me. Thanks."
"You're welcome," said Bree. "Like we keep telling you, we help people."
Graham turned towards his agents and pointed to the girl and Maeve's dad. "Restrain these two before they wake up."
"Here, use these to cuff him," said Douglas, handing them glowing handcuffs. "They've got a bionic signal interrupter."
Graham took them. "Why would you have these?"
"Uh..." Douglas said. "I help people, too."
The following day, Graham organized a press conference with the bionic teens.
Adam, Bree, Chase, Maeve, and Donald stood behind Graham, who spoke into the microphones at the podium.
"The rumors you've been hearing are true," he said. "There are bionic humans living among us. But after a thorough investigation, I, Agent Graham - that's with an 'h' - have determined they are not to be feared. They are just like us."
He stepped aside and gestured to Chase, who nodded.
Chase stepped up to the podium. "Hi, I'm Chase. This is my brother Adam, my sister Bree, and our friend Maeve. And yes, we are bionic superhumans. For years, we've been going on top-secret missions."
"Yeah, remember that runaway train full of nuclonium that almost blew up Welkerville?" Adam said into the microphone. "That was us."
The crowd gasped.
"No, no, uh," Chase said, shoving Adam aside. "We didn't cause it, we stopped it."
Bree stepped up to the podium. "You didn't know about these missions because we weren't sure if the world was ready for us, but now that our secret's out-"
"Let's get to know me," said Adam, shoving Bree aside. "I enjoy long walks on the beach, eating stuff, and punching this guy." He hit Chase in the chest.
"Why do you always do that?" Chase hit Adam in the shoulder.
"Were you not listening? It's what I like to do."
Adam and Chase started hitting each other. Graham stepped forward to try to stop them, but only got himself involved in the altercation.
Maeve pushed her way up to the podium. "So, any questions?" She exclaimed, trying to ignore the chaos behind her.
After the press conference, the crowd had cleared out. The stage was littered with plants that had been knocked over in Chase and Adam's fight.
"Well, that went well," said Donald sarcastically. "Alright guys, get ready. As soon as you walk out that door, your lives are gonna change forever. It's about time you guys got credit for all the good that you do."
"Thank you, Mr. Davenport," Chase smiled. "But we'll always be a five-person team."
Donald grinned as Graham approached. "Oh, Agent Graham, I just want to thank you for letting the kids come home and hearing us out."
"Actually, I'm the one who should be thanking you," said Graham. "Without you, we wouldn't be in control of the ultimate weapon."
"We?" Donald echoed. "What do you mean 'we'?"
"You're not in charge of these four anymore," he responded. "This is my show now. From this point forward, they work for me."
a/n sorry this chapter is so rushed i just wanted to get something published!!
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