'twas the mission before christmas
On Christmas Eve, the family hung out in the living room. Adam was in the kitchen, Donald was decorating the tree, and Tasha was going through boxes. Leo and Maeve sat on the couch.
"Okay, what about this one?" Maeve generated ice in the shape of a rose.
"Hmm," said Leo, examining it. "7/10. Good, but a little basic."
"Hey, I'd like to see you try."
"Maevey, I'm the judge here! The judge doesn't do; he judges."
Maeve rolled her eyes.
"Donald, I just noticed the holiday card we mailed out," Tasha said. "What happened to the family portrait we took to celebrate our first Christmas together?"
Donald grabbed the card and laughed. "Oh, I shredded those. These are way more festive." The card featured Santa and two reindeer, all with Donald's face plastered over them, big text spelling "Happy Davendays!" at the bottom.
"Who wants a Christmas cookie?" Adam called, holding out a tray of uncooked cookies.
"Adam, those aren't even cooked," Leo said.
"Oh, no problem!" Adam used his heat vision, lighting the cookies on fire. "Careful, they may be hot!" He blew out the flames. Leo waved smoke away.
Bree came into the house. "Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it."
"No, I did that," Adam explained. "I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first."
Bree rolled her eyes. "Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard."
Maeve and Leo nodded.
A loud banging noise sounded from outside the house. Chase hopped through the front door, tied up in a string of blinking Christmas lights.
Bree laughed. "That, however, is spot on."
Maeve laughed a little and went to help untie Chase.
"Hey, get back up on the roof! You're ruining my display!" Adam exclaimed.
"You were lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase said, angry.
Donald's phone blared. "That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab."
The group made their way downstairs as Donald read through the alert. "The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra."
"Hey, hey! I'm the mission specialist. I'll handle this!" Leo turned to his siblings. "The alert is coming from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra.
Maeve gasped excitedly. "I love the tundra!"
"Wait, the tundra's near the North Pole," Adam said. "Santa needs our help! You wrap, you tape, I'll go hang with the elves!"
Chase and Bree rolled their eyes as Donald worked on the computer.
"Dr. Evans, are you there?" He said.
A monitor displayed a glitchy video call with a disgruntled scientist. "Yeah, I'm here! Although there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks. I'm afraid if we don't act fast-"
A rumbling noise came from the background of the call and the screen shook violently before cutting out.
"Oh, Merry Christmas to you, too, Dr. Evans," Adam said sarcastically. "Rude."
Maeve nodded.
"Sorry, guys," Donald frowned. "I know the timing's not ideal."
"It's okay, Mr. Davenport. We know what we have to do," Chase relied.
"Yep," Adam nodded. "Let's crack open some eggnog and hit it hard after the new year!" He ran off.
"He means a mission," Bree exclaimed.
Donald nodded. "You four, get in your capsules and get ready."
"Wait, four?" Maeve echoed. "But- I've never been on a mission with you guys before."
Sure, she had trained with them since moving in, but she had never actually been on one of their missions.
"Well, it's time," Donald said. "You've had tons of training, and you've used your bionics before. You'll do fine."
Maeve looked at Chase, who gave her an encouraging look.
They went into their capsules, transitioning into their mission suits. This was the first time Maeve was wearing hers for a mission.
They stepped out of their capsules and grabbed mission bags.
"I can't believe you guys have to go on a mission on Christmas Eve," Leo frowned, then turned to Donald. "Just to be clear, I don't have to wait for them to open my presents, right?"
Donald rolled his eyes.
"Well, I'm not gonna let this ruin my Christmas spirit," Adam said. "So, I will be wearing my Santa hat."
"Really, Adam?" Chase questioned. "A Santa hat with a mission suit?"
"Hey, if the ladies at the bank can wear them to work, so can I."
"I can't re-establish contact with Dr. Evans. The volcano must have knocked out satellite communications," said Donald, walking back up to a cyberdesk and clicking a button. A 3D display of Facility X arose from the screen. "This giant ash cloud has plunged the area into total darkness. There is no way rescue teams will be able to get through."
"Well, that means Dr. Evans is trapped," said Bree. Donald nodded.
"Eh, he's better off," said Adam. "The airports are packed this time of year."
"There's an automated transport ready to take you up there, but without satellite communications, Leo and I won't be on the comm set," Donald informed them.
"Ah, well, it will be tough navigating through a mission without the constant sound of Leo chomping on carrot sticks," said Chase.
"Hey, you know I'm a stress eater!" Leo exclaimed.
After a long journey, the team finally made it to Facility X.
"SNOW!" Maeve shouted.
"You okay, Maeve?" Bree laughed.
"It doesn't snow in Mission Creek!" Maeve explained excitedly.
"Can't you create snow with your bionics?" Chase asked, smiling.
"Yeah, but it's not the same," Maeve said, rejoining the group. "Okay, let's go."
As they walked to the facility, Maeve generated a bubble of heat around her and her friends so that they would stay warm. When they arrived in the facility, it didn't take long to find the lab.
"Oh, good, you made it!" Dr. Evans called joyously, running up to them. He was wearing a viking hat, metal wire wrapped between the horns.
Bree paused. "Uh, did we really just risk our lives to save a guy in a viking helmet?"
"Oh, this?" Dr. Evans touched his helmet. "This is my TV antenna. When the ash cloud clears, I get great reception. All two arctic channels!"
"Is everything okay here?" Chase asked.
"Well," said Dr. Evans, "the volcano really shook things up. Communications are down, and the pizza guy is four years late. But other than that, I'm good!"
"Oh, great," Bree faked a smile. "Another genius with bad jokes. Merry Christmas to me!"
Maeve patted her on the shoulder.
Dr. Evans shook his head in awe. "Wow. I can't believe I'm finally getting to meet the bionic superhumans I've heard so much about!"
"Wha- you know our secret? Oh, great, we came to save him and now we have to destroy him. Chase, you grab his legs, I'll get the bucket," Adam sighed, starting to walk off.
"Stop. He's Mr. Davenport's chief scientist, he knows everything about us!" Chase smiled.
"That's right!" Dr. Evans nodded. "Well, here, let me show you around!"
Dr. Evans put arms around all four of them, pulling them close and pivoting to examine the whole room. "This is my lab/bedroom/kitchen/that's pretty much it."
"Wait, you live here all alone?" Bree asked. "With no brothers?"
Dr. Evans nodded.
"Does this place have a guest house?" she asked.
Dr. Evans shook his head. "This is it. And I'm sorry about the mess. Things have really gone downhill since my hologram wife left me."
They stared in shock.
"I'm kidding!" Dr. Evans laughed. "We actually get along great. Although she's a hologram, she's not really there for me."
"Hey, guys, look. A giant crystal ball! I'm gonna ask it a question," Adam gasped, looking at a large glass ball containing bright green electricity. "When will Chase start to look like a man?"
Bree laughed. Chase opened his mouth, offended. Maeve jokingly frowned, putting an arm around him.
"Uh, careful, careful," Dr. Evans said, taking off his hat and running over to Adam, pulling him away. "It's a gamma-sphere. It's a containment vessel for the most powerful energy known to man: gamma rays. If we could harness these, we could solve the world's energy problems. Davenport and I have been working on this for years."
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah," Chase raised his hands. "I was trying to develop a gamma-sphere for Mr. Davenport."
"Well, I guess I beat you to it, little guy," Dr. Evans said. "But don't feel bad. Nobody's perfect. In fact, if they gave out medals for trying, you would have a gold!"
Maeve felt a lick of anger in her stomach. The way this guy talked was just so frustrating.
"Are you patronizing me?!" Chase furrowed his eyebrows.
Dr. Evans laughed. "Yes."
Chase glanced at Maeve, who gave him a sympathetic look. He turned back to Dr. Evans, upset. "You do realize I'm the smartest person on the planet?"
Dr. Evans grunted. "And every time you have to say it, it diminishes it just a little bit."
Bree and Adam laughed.
"Are you watching this?" Bree asked Adam.
"Oh, I can't look away!" He responded.
"Luckily, the sphere wasn't damaged during the eruption. Even the slightest crack could have had catastrophic consequences," Dr. Evans said, turning back to the gamma-sphere.
"Like what?" Adam asked.
"The gamma rays would have blown a hole in the atmosphere and wiped out 20% of the population."
"And they put you in charge of it?" Maeve laughed, rolling her eyes at Dr. Evans.
"Yeah, well, that is Davenport Industries: risking the fate of mankind since 1992!" Bree smiled. Maeve laughed.
"Come on, Dr. Evans," said Chase. "We gotta get you out of here."
"Woah, I can't leave until I've stabilized a few things," said Dr. Evans, looking around. "If you'll all help me, this won't take very long."
"Oh! Oh, it won't take long. Because I'm smart," Chase said.
"You said it again." Dr. Evans shook his head.
For the next half hour, they all worked on straightening up the lab.
"Hey, thanks for lending a hand, guys!" Dr. Evans said.
"No problem. Glad we could help," replied Chase. "Cause you needed it. Yep, brilliant scientist rescued by a teenager. You, sir, are welcome!" Chase walked off. Maeve smiled and followed him.
When they were out of earshot, Chase turned to Maeve.
"Can you believe that guy?" Chase shook his head.
"Oh my god, he is getting on my last nerve," Maeve said.
"Yeah! He thinks he knows more than me because he built the gamma-sphere? Well, I... saved the world, so!"
Maeve's lips curled up in a half-smile. "I'm sorry you didn't get to design the gamma-sphere, Chase."
"Ah, it's fine," Chase shrugged. "I just wish he wouldn't rub it in my face."
Maeve hugged Chase. He wrapped his arms around her torso, hugging her back.
"Well, you do have one thing on him," Maeve said after a moment, pulling away from the hug.
"What's that?" Chase asked.
"You have the most amazing, beautiful, perfect, funny, kind, strong, caring, humble girlfriend in the whole world!" Maeve smiled and brought her hands up to pose under her chin.
Chase blushed, grinning ear-to-ear, and hugged Maeve once again. She kissed him on the cheek.
Suddenly, a rumbling sound occurred.
"What's that noise?" Bree asked from the opposite side of the room as Maeve and Chase walked back up to them.
"Oh, uh, you remember that questionable meatball sandwich I had at the gas station?" Adam laughed nervously. "Question's been answered."
"No, that sounded like an aftershock," Chase frowned in concern.
Suddenly, some of the lights went out as the rumbling noise returned. The room began to shake.
"Brace yourselves!" Dr. Evans said.
Adam and Bree ducked into a corner as Dr. Evans stood against the wall. Maeve grabbed Chase's arm. He pulled her with him against the wall, putting one arm around her waist and the other on her head to protect it.
Though he didn't need to, and she was probably stronger than him, Maeve felt safe with him. She had never felt that way about anybody before.
After a moment or two, the lights turned back on and the shaking stopped. The facility alarm started blaring and the group slowly made their way back to the center of the room.
Adam shook his head. "Okay, that was not the meatballs."
"Uh, Dr. Evans," Chase said, a hint of panic in his voice. He pointed at the gamma-sphere, which had a large crack running down the side.
Dr. Evans gasped. "Oh, no. There's a crack in the gamma-sphere!" They rushed towards it.
"Oh, man, that looks dangerous!" Adam said. "Well, we're gonna bounce. Merry Christmas!"
Bree grabbed his arm as he tried to run off.
Chase and Maeve walked up to the machine.
"Woah, don't get too close. If that crack opens up, those gamma rays will mix with the ash cloud, and say goodbye, northern hemisphere!" Dr. Evans exclaimed.
"Can we patch the crack?" Chase asked.
"Patch the crack?" Dr. Evans echoed, almost laughing. "Billion-dollar technology, unstable energy source. Sure, let's put a little chewing gum in there and see if that works."
Chase raised his eyebrows. "Starting to see why the hologram wife left."
Maeve and Bree laughed as Dr. Evans' jaw dropped.
"Hey, how about I shoot my heat vision at it?" Adam suggested.
"How would that help?" Bree asked him.
"I don't know, it's what I do!"
The gamma-sphere made a crackling noise.
Dr. Evans backed away a few steps, ushering Maeve and her friends back as well. "Woah. The more oxygen that gets in that crack, the worse this is gonna get!"
"Wait, maybe I can temporarily contain it with my force field!" Chase said.
"Great! And I'll come up with a more permanent solution," Dr. Evans nodded and jogged over to his cyberdesk.
Chase stepped up to the gamma-sphere. He lifted his arms, generating a blue force field and placing it around the machine.
"Well, uh, you seem busy, so I'm gonna go watch TV," Adam said to Dr. Evans, who was typing in his computer. He put on the viking hat. "What do you recommend, arctic one or two?"
Bree rolled her eyes. For the next few minutes, Maeve sat with Chase, who was still containing the gamma-sphere.
"The gamma rays are melting a hole in my force field," Chase suddenly exclaimed. "I don't know how much longer I'll be able to contain it!"
"Uh, you have to! I don't have a fix yet," Dr. Evans said, still typing furiously.
"Shocking," Maeve said sarcastically, exchanging glances with Chase.
"Wait, so when these gamma rays hit, we're pretty much goners," Adam said.
"Well, we'll be, but you should be fine since your head is full of lead," Chase replied. Maeve giggled.
Dr. Evans' eyes widened and he stood up and stared at Adam. "Ha! Yes! Lead!"
"Hey, Dr. Smarty, we just met," Adam frowned. "You don't have that privilege yet."
"No! Lead can contain the gamma rays!" Chase explained.
"Exactly!" Dr. Evans nodded. "And Davenport made this building out of lead to keep everybody from spying on his secret technology! All we have to do is rig enough explosives to implode on the gamma-sphere!"
"Great idea!" Bree said.
Adam cheered. "Blowing stuff up on Christmas! It is the most wonderful time of the year."
"Deck the halls with large explosives, boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom," Adam sang as they rigged the lab.
"Okay," Bree stopped him. "Charges are set, so now all we have to do is light this fuse to start the implosion."
"We'll only have fifteen seconds to get out of the blast zone once the fuse is lit," said Chase. "Maeve, go over to Bree."
Maeve walked over to the door, hesitant to be away from Chase.
Adam grimaced. "Think we'll make it out in time?"
"I know I will," Bree replied.
"Okay," Dr. Evans said. "Adam, light the fuse."
"Right!" Adam activated his heat vision, lighting the fuse. Chase stopped his force field and ran across the room. Green rays began to leak from the gamma-sphere.
"Let's go!" Bree exclaimed. The group ran out, except for Dr. Evans, who trailed behind.
"Oh, these rays, they're so beautiful! Although, I really thought they'd be a lot more blinding," he said in awe. "Ah, there's the burn!"
"Come on!" Bree dragged him out with the rest of the group. They ran out of the facility just in time before it exploded.
"Did it work?" Dr. Evans asked. "I still can't see anything."
"Don't worry," said Chase. "It'll wear off. We gotta get you out of here. Adam, where did you park the transport?"
"In the garage under Facility X," Adam replied.
They looked at the smoking ruins of the facility and groaned.
"Alright," Bree sighed. "Dr. Evans, hop on, you're first."
Dr. Evans, who still could barely see, jumped onto Chase's back. "Ready when you are, Missy!"
Chase protested and shook him off. "Get off me!"
"She's a feisty little thing, isn't she?" Dr. Evans laughed.
Once Bree had super-sped everyone back, they dropped Dr. Evans at Davenport Industries before heading home.
They walked into the lab. Donald, Tasha, and Leo were watching a movie on the computer.
"You're back!" Leo grinned.
"It's so good to see you guys!" Tasha smiled. "Merry Christmas!"
They all took turns hugging.
"So, how'd the mission go?" Donald asked.
Chase nodded awkwardly and flashed a smile. "Yes!"
"Well, how's my research facility?" Donald frowned, confused.
Bree laughed nervously. "Oh, you wouldn't even recognize it."
"Hey, why are we down here when the presents are upstairs?" Adam asked. He, Chase, Bree, and Maeve started to head towards the elevator.
"Hey, wait, wait, not so fast. Um..." Leo said. "Principal Perry is upstairs. I repeat, Perry is in the house."
After a moment, Chase spoke. "You know, I am very tired."
"Yeah, I could use some sleep," Adam nodded. The bionic teens headed back to their capsules.
"Freeze!" Tasha exclaimed. "Look, the poor woman is all alone, and it's Christmas! At least we're all together. So, let's make the best of it, right?"
"Right!" Maeve agreed.
"Absolutely not!" Donald said. "Enough is enough. We are going to march up there right now and tell this woman, 'Vamoose, lady. This is our Christmas!'"
Leo, Adam, and Bree cheered.
"Wait, she can't see us in our mission suits," Chase reminded.
"Well, hurry up and change, I'm not telling her without backup!" Donald said.
After they changed, the family headed up to the kitchen.
"Principal Perry, we, uh- smell food...?" Donald slowed down.
Perry was in the kitchen wearing a chef hat and cooking a feast.
"What are you doing?" Leo asked.
"What's it look like? I'm making dinner," she answered.
"We've had enough of this. Get out!" Adam exclaimed. Leo elbowed him.
"Principal Perry, this is amazing," Tasha said.
"Well, I didn't see you cooking anything," Perry said.
"Wow," Bree said. "I can't believe you actually did something nice."
Chase nodded. "It's a Christmas miracle."
Perry shrugged. "It's nothing. I figured I crashed your holiday. It's the least I could do!"
Tasha peeked into the oven. "Oh, look how fancy! She made a Christmas goose!"
"It's actually a swan from the pond down the street," Perry corrected. "You know, you can walk right up to them!"
Maeve frowned.
A meow came from somewhere in the room.
"Kitty!" Maeve exclaimed. Chase smiled at her.
"Please tell me that's not coming from the oven," Donald said, looking around.
"I got it. The Christmas tree is one big scratching post for those cats!" Perry ran up to the tree, which was shaking. She crouched down. "Ooh, come on, Dingle! Come on, boy! Oh, he's usually very, very good."
They watched as Perry wrestled with the tree, trying to get her cat out. She backed up and then tackled the tree down to the ground, taking out a window in the process.
After the Christmas tree fiasco, they sat down to eat dinner. It was surprisingly good, mashed potatoes and salad. Maeve had made vegan dino nuggets as a replacement for the swan meat.
"Principal Perry, thank you again for this meal," said Tasha, as Perry circled the table filling their glasses.
"Oh, you're welcome," smiled Perry. She then reached into her apron and pulled out a bill, placing it by Donald's side. "I'll take that whenever you're ready."
"What's this?" Donald asked.
"Uh, your bill," she replied.
Tasha looked at the paper. "I see you included tax, tip, and the cost of a new tire!"
"Sorry. Gratuity is included for parties of six or more," Perry shrugged. "I had no say in that."
"You're actually gonna charge us for dinner?" Donald asked her.
"Well, I didn't make this meal with love," she said. "I made it with skill, sweat, and whatever came off the tip of my pinky when I was chopping the veggies."
They all dropped their forks in disgust and stood up.
"Oh my God," Leo exclaimed.
"Yeah, I'm done," Maeve said, heading into the elevator to go to the lab. Chase followed her down.
"I am so tired," Maeve said once they got down to the lab.
"Me too," nodded Chase. "I'm just glad we never have to see Dr. Evans again."
Maeve smiled. "Yeah, why was he so annoying?"
Chase shrugged.
"I'm sorry he made you feel bad," Maeve continued, stepping closer to Chase and wrapping her arms loosely around his torso.
Chase looked at her, a smile creeping onto his face. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."
"Well, for what it's worth, you're still the smartest guy I know," said Maeve, giving him a quick, light kiss.
Chase waited a moment after the kiss to speak. "That means a lot."
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