This book Is too fun to write
Z'ev raised her head to the feeling of being moved, the pet carrier door was locked again and the blanket was back over It. She moved her tiny black paws, stretching her front out as she yawned. Emerald green eyes blinking closed then open. Turning her head, she noticed her tan-brown furred brother. She nudged his shoulder blade with her black nose.
"Nix? Nix, wake up." She whispered, nudging him a bit rougher this time. Nix rolled slightly, letting out a groan as he blinked his eyes half open. "I'm awake, gosh.." He yawned, blinking his eyes fully open. His body seemed to sway slightly with the movement of the pet carrier. Z'ev curled up closer to her brother, ears perked up as they moved. She sniffed the air, the smell of cinnamon and oil reached her nose. So their father was the one carrying the carrier. The smell of roses and cherries also reached her nose, Pepper was also there. Honey and pine, Happy's scent. So they were still with the three, but the area outside the carrier smelt new. The air smelled polluted, not as clean and salty as Malibu. Z'ev shuffled around, letting out a whimper to alert their father that they were awake and up. Nix turned his head, nuzzling It Into the neck of his sister. How long had they been asleep? It must have been light outside because the chirp of birds were prominent as their father continued to carry them In the pet carrier.
Soon they were taken Inside a building, Z'ev tensed up, the new smells Invading the pups' senses. Nix's hackles raised, pressing himself closer to his litter sister, ears pinned backwards. Their father had stopped moving, a few buttons seemed to be clicked and the feeling of moving upwards made both pups stiffen even more If possible. The box soon stopped, announcing the floor level and name. "Avengers: Main floor. Access Granted." Spoke the robotic voice as the doors opened and the pet carrier started moving again. Z'ev and Nix exchanged a look at this, Nix's hackles still standing on alert, yet the excitement radiated between the two silently. The pet carrier was soon placed down, footsteps hurriedly coming down the hallway. "Tony!" Exclaimed multiple different voices. "Uh, hey guys." Came the awkward greeting from their father. Footsteps approached the pet carrier, stopping just beside It. "Woah, what's In this? I thought tin man didn't allow pets Into the Tower?" Came a voice full of playfulness and teasing. "Uh, they aren't exactly pets-" Their father tried to defend himself, but another voice, a female Interrupted. "Want to explain, Tony?" Spoke the female voice, full of curiosity yet sternness. Nix's fur bristled even more, he didn't like the saying 'pet'. Their father released a sigh, possibly Internally debating about It. "Alright, Fine. Move It, birdbrain." Their father regained composure, walking over and giving the other person near the carrier a little shove out of the way. Their father's familiar footsteps walked around the carrier, stopping at the front of It. Z'ev pushed herself even closer to her brother Is possible, flicking her ears around. Anticipation radiated from the other bodies In the room. The blanket was taken away, to reveal their father's form In front of the carrier. The click of the lock sounded, his large, calloused hands opening the door carefully. Nix seemed to visibly relax at the sight of their father. "Come on," Their father beckoned gently, as If talking to a small child. Z'ev reached up and licked her brothers ear, making It flicker at ya sensation. Z'ev slowly crawled forwards, on her belly. She looked outside the carrier slightly, ducking her head back In. Their father let out a low, amused chuckle, his hand coming Into the entrance of the carrier and slipping under the small, black furred belly of Z'ev. He gently dragged her out, keeping a firm grip so she didn't slip away. Z'ev yelped as she was suddenly lifted up and tucked Into his chest. Their father repeated the process, having a bit of trouble with getting Nix out. "Nixon, behave." He muttered under his breath as he finally got the tan pup out, his tone low so the others wouldn't hear him. Their father stood up after clicking closed the pet carrier door. He turned to face the Avengers, the rest of his team. "Guys, meet Z'ev and Nixon." He Introduced. Z'ev looked to Nix, her tongue shyly lolling out of her mouth.
A/N Haha! Have a good day everyone!
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